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These Five Insidious Spirits Have Marked You for Destruction Does it feel as if the host of hell is aimed at preventing you from advancing, from stepping into God's destiny for your life? They are—and their attacks are planned, plotted, and targeted by five insidious spirits hell-bent on destroying the body of Christ: Leviathan, Jezebel, Religious Spirit, Depression, and Vanity. Deployed to war against the five-fold ministry offices—apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors, and evangelists—these demonic agents coordinate their attacks not just against leaders, but also against every believer who occupies these functions in any sphere of influence. With passion and piercing insights, international prophet and bestselling author Jeremiah Johnson exposes these demonic forces and their tactics, empowering you with courage to prevail against any attack by operating as Jesus' end-time church–the Warrior Bride. This landmark book will equip you to become spiritually armed and dangerous, giving you the tools, strategies, and weapons to: Identify which evil spirit specifically wars against your unique operation in the body of Christ Discern the enemy's influence and ancient strategies at work in your life Overthrow every demonic attack against you Advance into your divine destiny Now it’s your turn to live on the offense, crushing the enemy's assaults every time they come against you!
The Dancing Warrior Bride! is a book on spiritual alignment for those who desire to minister in the arts. It is not for the faint or weakhearted, but for those who dare to be sharpened and challenged by the Word of God so one can operate in a spirit of excellence that takes you beyond the dance. Special training emphasis on how to minister in the anointing by applying spiritual disciplines, walking in purity, holiness and the fear of the Lord are all included in this life changing arts course. You will quickly discover that the dance is the very last thing God requires of the movement artist. Some of the training topics that will be covered are: -Preparing for War, Introduction to Dance -Building Team Unity -Spiritual Requirements for the Dancer -The Ministry of Dance and the Prophetic -Priestly Garments -Weapons of War! (Dance, Tambourines, Flags, Streamers etc) -Pantomime/Mime -Evangelism and the Arts -Conditioning the Temple of God through Fitness and Nutrition and much more! God is raising up and calling forth a worship warrior Bride to make an impact in this generation. Its time to enlistHE WANTS YOU! But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise. 1 Corinthians 1:27
A practical testament to help expose spiritual identity theft for victims of Incest, Rape, Child Molestation and Domestic Violence. Your cries dont have to be silent any longer. Rebecca Cherrie Martin is an Evangelist who has touched the hearts and souls of many hurting men, women and children with her message of faith. Rebecca Cherrie Martin is the founder of all five divisions of Teleo International LLC, an arts management and consulting company that assists in developing and empowering individuals as they become established entrepreneurs, writers and artists. Rebecca also ministers the Gospel to men and women Prisons, Drug Rehabilitation centers and Domestic Violence Shelters across America and shares her intimate story of her private life and testimony. Also known as the Passionate Playwright, Rebecca has taken Midwest audiences to a place where they visually see Gods glory, passion, power and His love through her live theater performances. Her approach is characterized by touching on the social, political, religious and historical issues within the community and family. Her live performances utilize the visual and performing arts to depict healing and restoration. Rebecca has written seven other stage plays: Th e City of Our God; Love is Blind, Deaf, Dumb and Off the Hook; Matzo Balls; Jenny Fair & Tall; Th e Principality Split; Selenas Rose; and Blind Men Cry. Four of these plays were also produced and directed by Rebecca. Originally from New York City and raised in East Cleveland, Ohio, Rebecca now lives in Phoenix, Arizona. She is the proud mother of two lovely sons, Edward and Seth. She has a daughter-in-Law, Maya, and two beautiful grandchildren Ahonora and Amier who reside in Cincinnati, Ohio. Rebecca received her Bachelor of Fine Art Degree in Art and Design from Arizona State University. Her passion for God and true worship is demonstrated through her life-long commitment of giving back to the community through the visual and performing arts.
This personal collection of journals will be a call for the church to awaken and arise. Arise to the new day dawning of Isaiah 60:1 "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee." The church has been in the shadows far too long-the shadows caused by sin and selfishness, which has dimmed our brightness. The Lord's intentions for the penning of these journals were for the purposes of them not only becoming just reading information, but for light and truth that prayerfully will lead to a transformation of change. Though the journey has been long, it's time for the church to remove the veils that cover her eyes and focus on Christ. The Lord has plans for His Bride and wants to make her ready, but there is a process of returning and refining that will be needed to make us a church without spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing. If you are ready for the dawning of a new day; if you are prepared to prepare to meet the King, this book of journals is for you. Preparation is practical and a daily journey. We have entered into the end times. Thank you for coming with me on this journey as it's going to change your life for eternity. May Awaken Oh Bride rekindle your love for God, your passion, and cause the warrior within to arise and fight as we race toward the finish line of Jesus Christ. My hope is that somewhere along the way you were encountered by Christ. I pray that some of the tools in this toolbox became useful for you.
The call came down from Command, and your warrior husband is out the door, leaving you behind to handle whatever he has left undone. Whether it’s the day-to-day monotony, the inevitable appliance that breaks, or the months without his presence beside you, being a military spouse brings challenges few appreciate. Yet God sees you and longs for you to boldly step into His plan. He purposely chose you for this moment—for your man. He wants to give you abundantly more than what you have right now and desires you to thrive as your warrior’s bride.
MAN ON A MISSION Robert MacAulay, heir to the influential Baron of Ardincaple, will risk everything to help his father and his clan. But when Rob becomes involved in a legal tempest stirred by an irresistibly maddening lady, his mission is threatened before it begins . . . RECKLESS LADY Lady Muriella MacFarlan is impulsive, mercurial, and sometimes illogical. She is a spinner, not just of yarns and threads but also of stories. She can gild the lily or tell a half-truth. When her active imagination lands her in the suds, she's forced to turn to the ever truthful and blunt-spoken Rob for help. Their destinies now entwined, Rob and Muriella may discover that love is one truth that cannot be denied . . .
Fergus the First was the oldest Aasguard warrior and is presumed dead. Only he’s very much alive and has met his mate, Lucy the Lucky. The only problem with finding his mate now is after a vicious attack, his legs are paralyzed. A warrior who cannot walk or stand to fight… are they even a warrior? Lucy the Lucky had not counted on the stubbornness of her mate. His focus on his inabilities have blinded him to the endless possibilities of their future. If he cannot see that his experience and knowledge are far more valuable than his legs she wonders if they can even have a lasting relationship. He has a choice. He can overcome this obstacle or allow his paralysis to end their union before it even begins. Will his stubbornness be their end?
Lachlan MacGown has been long suspicious of the mysterious warrior "Hunter" and when he discovers that "he" is a she, Lachlan couldn't be more stunned...or delighted! But no matter how lovely the lass is, he's seen her conferring with an enemy of his clan, and he doesn't trust her an inch. Especially when she takes a job as nursemaid to that enemy's young children. So Lachlan appoints himself her escort, refusing to leave her side—which makes for very interesting days...and nights!
In "The Emerging Warrior Bride", Judi Valencia uses the "paradigm" of the Bride to prophetically unfold the revelation of the Church as God's emerging end-time Bride of Christ. Discover in the pages of this book who your true identity in Christ is. Be transformed in the way you see yourself and receive new purpose. Begin to fall in love with Jesus, your Bridegroom King.