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Walking the Thin Blue Line is a peek into the life of a young black man who grew up in the hostile streets of South-Central Los Angeles. He chose to spend 15 years as a Los Angeles Police Officer in an effort to change the perception of police officers in his community. His career was cut short when he was faced with the decision - stand with the department in a corrupt Officer Involved Shooting Cover-up or stand with the victim and tell the truth regarding the shooting. Despite paying a heavy price for his decision. Former Sergeant Larry Tate believes the police profession is a noble profession badly in need of reform. He is both pro-police and pro-community. He believes there can be reconciliation between police and communities of color if both are willing to admit their faults and look for ways to improve their relationship. The events you read about in this book are true. Hopefully, after reading this book you will have a better understanding of the many dangers and challenges police officers face daily. Unfortunately, police officers find themselves in a position where if they step off the thin blue line, they are killed or injured, or face the possibility of being fired and in some cases sent to prison. The Thin Blue Line has become a "Tightrope"
Melissa McFadden always wanted to be an officer when she grew up--to help people. As she left the disciplined, rule driven, world of the Air Force Security Services and landed her dream job in the Columbus, Ohio Division of Police, she learned that policing was something very different than what she had always dreamed it would be. As a Black woman from the coal country of West Virginia she found herself confronting a big city racist police culture that was born in the slave patrols of Reconstruction, emboldened through the Jim Crow era, challenged in the Civil Rights era and still gaining momentum in the Black Lives Matter era. She walked a thin Black line each day that divided her ability to defend her community against police brutality from her ability to defend herself against discrimination on the job. Her memoir is about her journey through the thicket of racist union contracts, unfair assignment practices, and discriminatory disciplinary decisions. She shares how racism hides within police culture, because the purpose of policing has never shed its original focus-a war on Black people. She never imagined the day that she would be standing in solidarity with young Black activists and their white allies, holding a sign saying Police Reform Now, while shouting BLACK LIVES MATTER! Her voice was silenced for over twenty years of her career through threats of retaliation that included taking her entire pension from her. She has fought, cried, sued, mentored, and demanded justice for her Black colleagues and the Black people of Columbus. And now she can show you her efforts and her failures in hopes that the more you know the more you can be part of the solution that is so long overdue.
Robert D. Garcia recalls his adventures as an undercover narcotics officer in this memoir. Prior to working undercover, he worked in patrol, in crime scene investigation, as a fingerprint examiner, police instructor, firearms instructor, and even as an international police officer with the United Nations. While he enjoyed those jobs, it wasn’t until he became an undercover agent that he felt at home. Working along the southern border in New Mexico and Texas, his decades in law enforcement taught him that the majority of crime in the United States is the result of the illegal narcotics trade—and taking drugs off the streets makes an impact. He highlights a number of topics, including misconceptions about undercover agents, preparing for an undercover role, operations, and how technology has become so critical to law enforcement. He also shares accounts from other law enforcement agents, detailing the good and bad side of humanity. Whether you’re in law enforcement, interested in entering the field, or curious about what it takes to be an undercover agent, you’ll enjoy The Thin Blue Line.
Detective Leo Junker thought he’d crossed his last line. But he’s never learned to say no. So when an escaped criminal he knows all too well hands him a photo of a murdered prostitute, he reopens the cold case as a favour. Everyone’s busy and everyone’s got better things to do, but is there a darker reason that Angelica Reyes’ death has languished unsolved for five years? As Leo’s investigation pushes further into the past — Sweden’s, Angelica’s, his own — he’ll come face to face with the corruption at the heart of things. Yet the reckoning may come too late — not only for Angelica Reyes, but for everyone.
Claire Keegan’s brilliant debut collection, Antarctica, was a Los Angeles Times Book of the Year, and earned her resounding accolades on both sides of the Atlantic. Now she has delivered her next, much-anticipated book, Walk the Blue Fields, an unforgettable array of quietly wrenching stories about despair and desire in the timeless world of modern-day Ireland. In the never-before-published story “The Long and Painful Death,” a writer awarded a stay to work in Heinrich Böll’s old cottage has her peace interrupted by an unwelcome intruder, whose ulterior motives only emerge as the night progresses. In the title story, a priest waits at the altar to perform a marriage and, during the ceremony and the festivities that follow, battles his memories of a love affair with the bride that led him to question all to which he has dedicated his life; later that night, he finds an unlikely answer in the magical healing powers of a seer. A masterful portrait of a country wrestling with its past and of individuals eking out their futures, Walk the Blue Fields is a breathtaking collection from one of Ireland’s greatest talents, and a resounding articulation of all the yearnings of the human heart.
I wrote this book for my family and friends, because I wanted them to see there are other sides in Law Enforcement. When its time to work, officers give all they have to protect life and property. Sometimes they give their lives, so you may live. Sometimes officers have to relieve stress in their own way. They have to find a way to relieve stress, so they dont bring it home. The less stress an officer keeps within him/herself, the better chance he/she has to do their job and will also have a better chance to survive until retirement. Have you ever looked down the barrel of a loaded gun, in the hands of a crazy person? I have.
When youre a surgeon, the smallest mistake could result in someone losing their life. Gregory Fried, M.D., who became NYPDs executive chief surgeon in November 1996, after years of serving as deputy chief surgeon, knows this all too well. Responding to police officers being shot or seriously injured in the line of duty, however, brings the pressure to an even higher levelespecially in the middle of one of the worst crime waves in New York Citys history. Looking back at a career that began in the 1970s and continued beyond the September 11 terrorist attacks, Fried shares numerous stories of brave patients that battled life-threatening illnesses and injuries. He also recalls the out-of-control violence that spread throughout New York during his years of service. It was open season on police officers, and he gives readers an intimate look at the life of a police surgeon and what really happens when a police officer is shot in the line of duty. Fried also relives the nightmare of surviving the collapse of the South Tower on Sept. 11, 2001. Broken ribs, herniated disks, fractured bones in his spine, and a massive internal bleed would effectively end his surgical career, but it did nothing to dampen his spirit.
More than six hundred years ago, the Archbishop of Canterbury was murdered by King Henry II’s knights. Before the Archbishop’s blood dried on the Cathedral floor, the miracles began. The number of pilgrims visiting his shrine in the Middle Ages was so massive that the stone floor wore thin where they knelt to pray. They came seeking healing, penance, or a sign from God. Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, one of the greatest, most enduring works of English literature, is a bigger-than-life drama based on the experience of the medieval pilgrim. Power, politics, friendship, betrayal, martyrdom, miracles, and stories all had a place on the sixty mile path from London to Canterbury, known as the Pilgrim’s Way. Walking to Canterbury is Jerry Ellis’s moving and fascinating account of his own modern pilgrimage along that famous path. Filled with incredible details about medieval life, Ellis’s tale strikingly juxtaposes the contemporary world he passes through on his long hike with the history that peeks out from behind an ancient stone wall or a church. Carrying everything he needs on his back, Ellis stops at pubs and taverns for food and shelter and trades tales with the truly captivating people he meets along the way, just as the pilgrims from the twelfth century would have done. Embarking on a journey that is spiritual and historical, Ellis reveals the wonders of an ancient trek through modern England toward the ultimate goal: enlightenment.
The most successful public sector leaders today are ones that have the capacity to lead internally and externally. They are able to see and understand the inherent contradictions in their multiple roles. For instance, appeasing the community with a more humanistic approach to policing, while getting tough on crime; giving the community a greater role in police affairs, but maintaining the autonomy to make unilateral decisions; supporting tough actions against bad cops to appease the community while steadfastly defending the rank and file. These are scenarios that are difficult for police chiefs to reconcile. This book examines how chiefs of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) have attempted to reconcile contradictory objectives. It explores the history of leadership in this famed police department, analyzing the leadership styles of its contemporary chiefs. This book explores the leader's capacity to walk the public leadership tightrope. This exercise is the most important task of any public sector leader. As one of the most highly profiled public agencies in the U.S., the LAPD has embraced many contradictions. The department has been a model of professionalism and misconduct. The LAPD has been at the center of many of the nation's most racially explosive experiences: the 1965 Watts riots, the Rodney King beating and subsequent 1992 riots, and the O.J. Simpson case. Additionally, the Rampart Scandal was one of the biggest police corruption scandals in the nation. Because of its proximity to Hollywood, the contradictory culture of the LAPD has been exposed in television and film. Indeed, America has become familiar with the LAPD through its periodic scandals and by its media and popular culture profile. Specifically written for students of criminal justice and public administration, this book examines the ways in which the LAPD's leaders have attempted to navigate crisis after crisis. The author uses interviews with thirty LAPD officers of various rankings and several Los Angeles residents to tell the LAPD story.
Holding the 10 cc vial marked "testosterona" carefully in my hand, I stuck my needle into the soft rubber stopper, flipped the vial upside-down, and drew out 2 cc of oil. I pulled the needle out and tapped the side of the syringe to bring most of the air bubbles to the top. I decided to stick it in my thigh. Off came my belt and down went my pants. This one hurt like a bitch on the way in. I slowly aspirated to see if I had landed the tip of the needle into a vein. No blood. Great. The plunger went in smoothly. I pulled the needle out, popped an alcohol swab on the site, and massaged the area. I pulled my pants up, picked up my gun belt, and hooked it back on. It seemed to not fit me as well as it did a few weeks ago. I guess that would make sense because according to the scale, I had already gained fourteen pounds. I left the house and got back in my patrol car. I picked up the radio and advised dispatch I was 10-8.