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Will we survive into the next age? If so, what will it look like and what will it take for us to get there? For the first time since the planet cooled 5 billion years ago, humanity is capable of influencing-for better or worse-the trajectory of evolution. This requires a tremendous responsibility and maturity of the heart. Only through a rite of passage will humanity shift from the love of power to the power of love. No mere sentimentality, this initiation is an urgent and wrenching shift that will uproot and transform every aspect of human civilization. This paradigm saves energy, reduces disease, is ecologically sustainable, and spiritually uplifting. It focuses on networks rather than markets, favours cooperation over competition, sustainability over exploitation, co-creation of our future over procreation.
Positing that modern society is an adolescent culture, driven by greed and power and lying on the cusp of an era of spiritual growth and shifting values, this book explores mythic themes in various historical eras to explain the past, present, and future of the human experience. It suggests that the world is facing a rite of passage into adulthood and that a time of cooperation, stabilization, and sharing is approaching. With an original theory of history based on developmental psychology, including an analysis of masculine and feminine archetypes, this thoughtful guide weaves the narratives of human history and individuals' experiences into a path of enlightenment and a way to catalyze social change.
Waking the Dead—newly revised and updated for these trying times—reveals the secret of finding a full life, identifying the fierce battle over our hearts, and embracing all that God has in store. Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” That’s the offer of Christianity, from God himself. Jesus touched people, and they changed: the blind had sight, the lame walked, the deaf heard, the dead were raised. To be touched by God, in other words, is to be restored, to be made into all God means us to be. That is what Christianity promises to do—make us whole, set us free, bring us fully alive.
This book contains recent research about love and the hearts connection to the spiritual journey and healing; specific strategies that focus your creativity and spirituality to increase your healing capacities; proven methods to align your life with your soul purpose and to empower you to move beyond ego into the essence of who you truly are; activities to help you consciously access your intuition and receive specific guidance to empower your goals; information about past life times, karma, and the akashic records to empower you to deepen into your multidimensional nature and experience increased emotional, mental, and spiritual freedom; exercises to help you experience more depth, intimacy, connection with your soul and joy.
Winner of three 2020 International Photography Awards and named Photographer of the Year from the Tokyo International Awards, explorer Sebastian Copeland's stunning photography delivers unparalleled access to the least explored continent on Earth and galvanizes our awareness of the threats of global warming. Winner of three 2020 International Photography Awards and named Photographer of the Year from the Tokyo International Awards, explorer Sebastian Copeland's stunning photography delivers unparalleled access to the least explored continent on Earth and galvanizes our awareness of the threats of global warming. Antarctica's ice sheet is a powerful entity, alive and dynamic. It is up to three million years old; its mass is constantly and imperceptibly moving, finally calving to the sea. Deep in the heart of the continent is a barren desert of snow, while the coast teems with life: the dominion of whales, birds, penguins, and seals, which had previously evolved outside of human contact. Until recently, scientists thought Antarctica had remained mostly untouched by climate change. But now they have warned that the ice is indeed melting-- and quickly. "My research there gave me a deeper perspective of the subtle variations taking place at the hands of climate change," says Copeland. "The images I bring back tell the story of a changing envi- ronment that spells the oncoming redrawing of the world's map, and all that it implicates."
Historian Anna Bennett has a book to write. She also has an insomniac toddler, a precocious, death-obsessed seven-year-old, and a frequently absent ecologist husband who has brought them all to Colsay, a desolate island in the Hebrides, so he can count the puffins. Ferociously sleep-deprived, torn between mothering and her desire for the pleasures of work and solitude, Anna becomes haunted by the discovery of a baby's skeleton in the garden of their house. Her narrative is punctuated by letters home, written 200 years before, by May, a young, middle-class midwife desperately trying to introduce modern medicine to the suspicious, insular islanders. The lives of these two characters intersect unexpectedly in this deeply moving but also at times blackly funny story about maternal ambivalence, the way we try to control children, and about women's vexed and passionate relationship with work. Moss's second novel displays an exciting expansion of her range - showing her to be both an excellent comic writer and a novelist of great emotional depth.
A unique offering of a book and CD recorded by Neil Sedaka, one of the most popular songs in music history becomes one of the most delightful children's books ever. Rise and shine! It's morning time. The alarm clock's ringing, the birds are singing. Everything's saying: get up, get going! Breakfast is warming, school is calling. The street's are bustling, all the world is stirring. It's sure to be a happy day with this bright and sunny picture book and CD, with new lyrics based on the hit song by Neil Sedaka and Howard Greenfield. Daniel Miyares's delightful art opens the eyes with its vivid colors, playful details, and adorable collection of animal characters. And to make waking up just a little easier, there’s a CD with Neil Sedaka singing this happy song, plus two new songs with lyrics and music by Neil written especially for this CD: LIGHTNIN' JIM and SING. Warm and friendly and full of fun, this is a musical and visual celebration of the everyday joys of home, family, and neighborhood.
A step-by-by guide, a book of poetry, a memoir, a life's work all blended together to form an alive manuscript for how we can support one another in Heart Awakening and co-creating a Culture of Connection. Heart Awakening is about a radical change of perception. Instead of feeling separated in life, we awaken into feeling connected to everything and everyone. It's an evolutionary leap that gives us amplified access to reciprocal love and collaborative wisdom. In the past, only a handful of people awakened during any given era. Today, there are millions of people awakening all at once. This is new. Something else is new. You and I are included in the millions of people awakening. The timing for our collective bloom couldn't be better. More than anything else, our planet has a rising fever and requires unprecedented cooperation to bring her temperature down. Our survival depends upon our awakening together. This book is about Heart Awakening, but not in the way you might expect. Instead of presenting some new or old way to awaken individually, I'm sharing specific, reliable ways we can change our existing friendships, families and organizations so that they support us in Heart Awakening rather than hinder us. This book is a guide or blueprint showing one way in which we can do this.
Offers guidance in achieving spiritual fulfillment and abundant life by allowing our hearts to be awakened and restored by God.
A remarkable change is taking place that will profoundly influence the way we see ourselves and our world. The dominant materialistic, separatist worldview-a perspective that leads individuals to value their own needs over the good of the whole-is giving way to a humanitarian-spiritual orientation. This shift will revolutionize both the way humanity interacts on a global scale and how we live on a day-to-day basis. Global Shift, co-published with the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), explores the roots of such current planetary crises as climate change, diminishing resources, poverty, and disease, and explains how a new convergence of scientific research and spiritual insight is propelling us toward a more enlightened future. It also presents a call to actions we can implement now, such as voluntary simplicity, nonviolent communication, caring for our bodies, and inclusive global thinking, that can foster personal healing and bring our lives into alignment with the needs of the planet and a conscious universe.