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In the late seventeenth century Wala emerged as a small state in what is now northwestern Ghana. Its creation involved on the one hand warrior groups of Mande, Dagomba and Mamprusi origins, and on the other hand scholars from the centres of Muslim learning on the Middle Niger. Ivor Wilks traces the history of Wala from its beginnings to the present, paying particular attention to relations between the Muslim and non-Muslim elements in its population. He also examines the impact of Zabarima, Samorian, British and French intrusions into Wala affairs. By the use of orally transmitted traditions and recensions of these in Arabic and Hausa, he is able to show how the Wala themselves view their past. Wala is periodically convulsed by crises often resulting in communal violence. He suggests that the policy maker involved in the region's political problems needs a sound knowledge of Wala history and an understanding of the deeper structures of Wala society, especially in the context of official support for decentralization.
This volume examines the place of Islam in Ghanaian society, with particular attention to the role of the dominant orthodox' Tijyniyya tradition, and its relation to newer groups which have become increasingly prominent since 1950. These are characterized as part of a Muslim resurgence'. The two groups given particular attention are the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission (Amm) and the Ahlus Sunna wal-Jama'a. Nathan Samwini holds a doctoral degree in philosophy from the University of Birmingham (UK) and is ordained minister of the Methodist Church in Ghana.
This collection of works many by Native American scholars introduces selected topics in federal Indian law. Readings in American Indian Law covers contemporary issues of identity and tribal recognition; reparations for historic harms; the valuation of land in land claims; the return to tribal owners of human remains, sacred items, and cultural property; tribal governance and issues of gender, democracy informed by cultural awareness, and religious freedom. Courses in federal Indian law are often aimed at understanding rules, not cultural conflicts. This book expands doctrinal discussions into understandings of culture, strategy, history, identity, and hopes for the future. Contributions from law, history, anthropology, ethnohistory, biography, sociology, socio-legal studies, and fiction offer an array of alternative paradigms as strong antidotes to our usual conceptions of federal Indian law. Each selection reveals an aspect of how federal Indian law is made, interpreted, implemented, or experienced. Throughout, the book centers on the ever present and contentious issue of identity. At the point where identity and law intersect lies an important new way to contextualize the legal concerns of Native Americans. Author note: Jo Carrillo is Visiting Professor of Law at Stanford Law School, where she is on leave from the University of California, Hastings College of Law.
Three decades ago-years after most tribes had filed land claims-the Zuni initiated legal battles related to aboriginal claims, rights, and use that few experts thought they could win. Yet by 1991 they had achieved three major victories. In the first case, the Zuni sued the United States seeking payment for aboriginal territorial lands taken without adequate compensation. In the second, also against the United States, the tribe sought compensation for environmental damages to Zuni trust lands caused by the U.S. Government and by private industry where the federal government should have provided protection. And in the third, the U.S. government sued a private rancher on the Zuni's behalf to establish an easement protecting an ancient religious trail. Providing a new overview of these cases and Zuni history, Richard Hart has gathered together essays written by many of those who testified for the Zuni-historians, archaeologists, anthropologists, and scientist-as well as commentary from the tribe's lawyers. The authors simplify the complex nature of the testimony, making it accessible to a wide audience. They cover such diverse but significant issues as Spanish law and land grants, tribal aboriginal title, the Navajo Wars, U.S. territorial policy, deforestation, erosion, geomorphology, dendrochronology, environmental history, anthropology, archaeology, education, folklore, oral history, and religion. Tying together current events with cultural and legal history, Zuni and the Courts provides not only expert observations on how and why the Zuni succeeded but offers insight into how similar cases can be fought and won.
Concise introduction to salafi-jihadism from its origins in the Hindu Kush to insurgencies in the 1990s and beyond