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Le présent ouvrage tente la mise en oeuvre de l'analyse structurelle pour vingt psaumes, soit les Pss. 52, 54-60, 108, 62, 64-66, 78-80, 91-92, et le grand Ps. 119. Son ambition est de montrer à quel point l'architecture de ces textes en conditionne et en ouvre l'interprétation. Les considérer comme des ensembles structurés, faisant jouer entre les diverses unités des rapports multiples et ordonnés, est nécessaire à leur compréhension. A l'occasion on montre comment l'analyse structurelle permet de mieux saisir l'enchaînement des psaumes consécutifs dans le Psautier, ou encore les rapports entre psaumes opérant entre eux d'importants emprunts (57, 60, 108). Ici sera donc pris en compte en priorité le texte lui-même tel qu'il se présente à nous, afin de saisir ces clefs d'interprétation qui y sont inscrites. L'ouvrage devrait retenir l'attention non seulement des spécialistes des Psaumes, mais encore de quiconque entend les connaître de près. Les études qu'il contient ont été à cette fin basées sur une traduction littérale de chaque psaume, sans renoncer pour autant à recourir, chaque fois que cela s'est avéré nécessaire, au texte hébreu.
This volume deals with the rhetoric, the formal and thematic framework, of Psalms 90-150 (the Fourth and Fifth Book of the Psalter). It is the conclusion of the Psalms Project started with Psalms 1-41, OTS 53 (2006) , and continued with Psalms 42-89, OTS 57 (2010). Formal and thematic devices demonstrate that the psalms are composed of a consistent pattern of cantos (stanzas) and strophes. The formal devices especially include quantitative balance on the level of the cantos in terms of verselines, verbal repetitions, and (on the level of the strophes) transition markers. The quantitative approach to a psalm in terms of verselines, cola and/or words in most cases clearly discloses a focal message. This massive study is rounded off by an updated introduction to the canto design of biblical poetry (including the book of Job, Lamentations, the Songs of Songs, Deutero-Isaiah and other major poems of the Hebrew Bible).
Revision of the author's thesis (doctoral)--University of Michigan, 1986.
Formal and thematic devices demonstrate that Hebrew poetry is composed of a consistent pattern of cantos (stanzas) and strophes. The formal devices include quantitative balance on the level of cantos in terms of the number of verselines, verbal repetitions and transition markers.
This study analyses the book of Ezekiel as a tool of communication, arguing that the book was designed to shape the self-understanding of the exilic community. A discussion of the historical context precedes a chapter that deals with the basic thrust and literary arrangement of Ezekiel. A detailed examination of individual rhetorical techniques (use of the watchman motif, legal traditions, emotional language, and others) and of crucial passages (especially 24:15-27 and 37:1-14) follows. The final chapter explores the book's suitability for the situation for which it was designed. This work gives readers the opportunity to study the book of Ezekiel as a whole and to explore some of its intricacies. Its methodology is an example of the fruitful integration of traditional critical methods and more recent literary and sociological approaches. This publication has also been published in paperback, please click here for details.
This volume represents an inductive, literary/rhetorical analysis of the book of Judges in which possible rhetorical links connecting the book's three major sections are examined in detail to show that the book may have been a unified composition rather than a composite work as many assume.
This volume contains thirty-eight studies devoted to the Septuagint written by an internationally recognised expert on that version and its relation the Hebrew Bible. The author's experience on these topics is based on more that three decades of work within the Hebrew University Bible Project, the Computer Assisted Tools for Septuagint Studies project, and annual courses on the Septuagint given at the Hebrew University. These studies, originally published between 1971 and 1997, deal with the following subjects: general topics, lexicography, translation technique and exegesis, the Septuagint and textual and literary criticism of the Hebrew Bible, and the revisions of the Septuagint. All the studies included in this monograph have been revised, expanded, or shortened, in some cases considerably, and they integrate studies which appeared subsequent to the original monographs.
This volume sheds new light on an old and somehow puzzling text, Isaiah 18. Even though the majority of scholars over the years has regarded this chapter difficult to fully understand, the author of this volume demonstrates how Isa 18 can be seen as a coherent whole by showing itself to be an example of Hebrew rhetoric.
This volume is a collection of essays on prophecy and apocalyptic, and is compiled in honour of Anthony Gelston. The theme has been chosen to coincide with the dawn of the new millennium in the year 2000. The essays examine the following: Balaam's oracles in Numbers, Philo and the Aramaic Targums; the future in the Books of Chronicles; Job 19:25; the shape of the Psalter; Isaiah 11:6-9; Isaiah 51:6; the value of human life in Ezekiel; Calvin, Pusey and Robertson Smith's commentaries on Hosea; Qoheleth, Hosea and attribution in biblical literature; the social background of Malachi; apocalyptic and early Jewish wisdom literature; Judith, Tobit, Ahiqar and History; 1 Corinthians 15:54; Revelation 4-5; the writings of Aphrahat, ubh almaran, George Stanley Faber and Cotton Mather.
International experts offer fresh insights into: (1) Review of Scholarship and Context; (2) Near Eastern Milieu; (3) Interpretation of Specific Passages; (4) Social Setting; (5) Literary Context, Including Qumran; (6) Reception in Judaism and Christianity; (7) Textual History; and (8) Theology of Daniel.