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This book focuses on particulate matter emissions produced by vehicles with combustion engines. It describes the physicochemical properties of the particulate matter, the mechanisms of its formation and its environmental impacts (including those on human beings). It discusses methods for measuring particulate mass and number, including the state-of-the-art in Portable Emission Measurement System (PEMS) equipment for measuring the exhaust emissions of both light and heavy-duty vehicles and buses under actual operating conditions. The book presents the authors’ latest investigations into the relations between particulate emission (mass and number) and engine operating parameters, as well as their new findings obtained through road tests performed on various types of vehicles, including those using diesel particulate filter regeneration. The book, which addresses the needs of academics and professionals alike, also discusses relevant European regulations on particulate emissions and highlights selected methods aimed at the reduction of particulate emissions from automobiles.
This book provides a comparative analysis of both diesel and gasoline engine particulates, and also of the emissions resulting from the use of alternative fuels. Written by respected experts, it offers comprehensive insights into motor vehicle particulates, their formation, composition, location, measurement, characterisation and toxicology. It also addresses exhaust-gas treatment and legal, measurement-related and technological advancements concerning emissions. The book will serve as a valuable resource for academic researchers and professional automotive engineers alike.
This book explores the use of nanomaterials as diesel fuel additives. It extensively reviews the diesel engine characteristics and the most frequently used nanomaterials and nanofuels and discusses the practical issues regarding the viability of nanomaterials as fuel additives from technical, environmental, and human health viewpoints. Special attention is focused on questions related to the short-term use of nanomaterials in diesel engines, such as: · What are the most important nanomaterial activities in diesel engines? · What happens to nanomaterials at various stages, from the fuel tank to exhaust? · What are the effects of nanofuel usage on diesel engine characteristics? and · What are the effects of nanomaterials on diesel engine parts and systems? Given its scope, this book is a valuable resource for researchers and engineers in environmental science, mechanical engineering, and chemical engineering fields, as well as for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students.
This thesis discusses experimental investigations to reduce particle number emissions from gasoline engines with direct injection. Measures on a single cylinder research engine with combined usage of a particle number measurement system, a particle size distribution measurement system as well as optical diagnostics and thermodynamic analysis enable an in-depth assessment of particle formation and oxidation. Therefore, numerous optical diagnostic techniques for spray visualisation (Mie-scattering, High-Speed PIV) and soot detection (High-Speed-Imaging, Fiber optical diagnostics) are deployed. Two injectors with different hydraulic flows but identical spray-targeting are characterised and compared by measurements in a pressurised chamber. The operation at higher engine load and low engine speed is in the focus of the experimental work at the engine test bench. Thereby, the low flow velocities in the combustion chamber, caused by the low engine speed, as well as the large amount of fuel injected are major challenges for the mixture formation process. A substantial part of the thesis thus focusses on the detailed analysis of the mixture formation process, which is consisting of fuel injection, interaction of the in-cylinder charge motion with the fuel injected and the fuel properties. Measures for the optimisation of the mixture formation process and the minimisation of the particle number emissions are analysed and evaluated. The charge motion is manipulated by the impression of a directed flow, the variation of the valve timings and valve open curve. The injection process is influenced by a reduction of the hydraulic flow of the injector and an increase of the injection pressure up to 50 MPa. The investigations show fundamental effects and potentials of different variation parameters concerning their emissions reduction potential at the exemplary operation at high engine load. Due to the simultaneous analysis of the in-cylinder charge motion and a thermodynamic analysis, the results can be transferred to different engines.
Erstmals eine umfassende und einheitliche Wissensbasis und Grundlage für weiterführende Studien und Forschung im Bereich der Automobiltechnik. Die Encyclopedia of Automotive Engineering ist die erste umfassende und einheitliche Wissensbasis dieses Fachgebiets und legt den Grundstein für weitere Studien und tiefgreifende Forschung. Weitreichende Querverweise und Suchfunktionen ermöglichen erstmals den zentralen Zugriff auf Detailinformationen zu bewährten Branchenstandards und -verfahren. Zusammenhängende Konzepte und Techniken aus Spezialbereichen lassen sich so einfacher verstehen. Neben traditionellen Themen des Fachgebiets beschäftigt sich diese Enzyklopädie auch mit "grünen" Technologien, dem Übergang von der Mechanik zur Elektronik und den Möglichkeiten zur Herstellung sicherer, effizienterer Fahrzeuge unter weltweit unterschiedlichen wirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen. Das Referenzwerk behandelt neun Hauptbereiche: (1) Motoren: Grundlagen; (2) Motoren: Design; (3) Hybrid- und Elektroantriebe; (4) Getriebe- und Antriebssysteme; (5) Chassis-Systeme; (6) Elektrische und elektronische Systeme; (7) Karosserie-Design; (8) Materialien und Fertigung; (9) Telematik. - Zuverlässige Darstellung einer Vielzahl von Spezialthemen aus dem Bereich der Automobiltechnik. - Zugängliches Nachschlagewerk für Jungingenieure und Studenten, die die technologischen Grundlagen besser verstehen und ihre Kenntnisse erweitern möchten. - Wertvolle Verweise auf Detailinformationen und Forschungsergebnisse aus der technischen Literatur. - Entwickelt in Zusammenarbeit mit der FISITA, der Dachorganisation nationaler Automobil-Ingenieur-Verbände aus 37 Ländern und Vertretung von über 185.000 Ingenieuren aus der Branche. - Erhältlich als stets aktuelle Online-Ressource mit umfassenden Suchfunktionen oder als Print-Ausgabe in sechs Bänden mit über 4.000 Seiten. Ein wichtiges Nachschlagewerk für Bibliotheken und Informationszentren in der Industrie, bei Forschungs- und Schulungseinrichtungen, Fachgesellschaften, Regierungsbehörden und allen Ingenieurstudiengängen. Richtet sich an Fachingenieure und Techniker aus der Industrie, Studenten höherer Semester und Studienabsolventen, Forscher, Dozenten und Ausbilder, Branchenanalysen und Forscher.
Most people think of Alzheimer’s disease as a condition which predominately affects elderly people, but an increasing amount of evidence indicates that in populations exposed to high concentration of air pollutants, Alzheimer’s disease development and progression can be identified in pediatric and young adulthood ages. Cognitive, olfactory, gait, equilibrium and auditory alterations are seen early, thus the concept of decades-long asymptomatic period prior to clinical cognitive impairment does not apply to the millions of people exposed day in and day out to polluted environments. This book Alzheimer's Disease and Air Pollution – The Development and Progression of a Fatal Disease from Childhood and the Opportunities for Early Prevention is a compilation of work by researchers intent on revealing the links between air pollution and neurodegeneration. The book is divided into 6 sections. It includes a section describing the ways in which air pollution from traffic and tobacco smoke can damage the brain; epidemiological studies establishing a strong link between dementia and particulate matter and ozone; papers explaining the properties of pollution; and works describing the intricate pathways which transform normal neurons into ghost tangles surrounded by a devastated brain. Air pollution is complex; different pollutants, different sizes and shapes and different portals of entry, play different roles, but their capacity to damage neural tissue is abundantly illustrated in this book, which highlights the need for preventive measures to protect the millions of people currently exposed to air pollutants, and the need to ameliorate their harmful effects.
Our work explores the volatility of particles produced from two diesel low temperature combustion (LTC) modes proposed for high-efficiency compression ignition engines. It also explores mechanisms of particulate formation and growth upon dilution in the near-tailpipe environment. Moreover, the number distribution of exhaust particles from low- and mid-load dual-fuel reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI) and single-fuel premixed charge compression ignition (PPCI) modes were experimentally studied over a gradient of dilution temperature. Particle volatility of select particle diameters was investigated using volatility tandem differential mobility analysis (V-TDMA). Evaporation rates for exhaust particles were compared with V-TDMA results for candidate pure n-alkanes to identify species with similar volatility characteristics. The results show that LTC particles are mostly comprised of material with volatility similar to engine oil alkanes. V-TDMA results were used as inputs to an aerosol condensation and evaporation model to support the finding that smaller particles in the distribution are comprised of lower volatility material than large particles under primary dilution conditions. Although the results show that saturation levels are high enough to drive condensation of alkanes onto existing particles under the dilution conditions investigated, they are not high We conclude that observed particles from LTC operation must grow from low concentrations of highly non-volatile compounds present in the exhaust.
Among the various factors greatly influencing the development process of future powertrain technologies, the trends in climate change and digitalization are of huge public interest. To handle these trends, new disruptive technologies are integrated into the development process. They open up space for diverse research which is distributed over the entire vehicle design process. This book contains recent research articles which incorporate results for selecting and designing powertrain topology in consideration of the vehicle operating strategy as well as results for handling the reliability of new powertrain components. The field of investigation spans from the identification of ecologically optimal transformation of the existent vehicle fleet to the development of machine learning-based operating strategies and the comparison of complex hybrid electric vehicle topologies to reduce CO2 emissions.