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"The U.S. Army has made a considerable investment in the use of virtual environments (VE) to train combat forces, to evaluate new systems and operational concepts, and to rehearse specific missions. While these simulations have predominately focused on training and simulation for mounted soldiers, there is also a need to train infantry and other dismounted soldiers. Although VEs have the potential to immerse dismounted soldiers directly in simulations, there are few successful examples of the use of VE to provide effective training. The effective use of VE for training requires identification of the types of tasks for which VE training is most appropriate, the characteristics of VE systems that are required to provide effective training, and the training strategies that are most appropriate for use with VE. This report presents recommendations for the use of VE for dismounted soldier training and mission rehearsal, and identifies needed future research. They are based on the results of an ARI in-house research program, related programs for which ARI scientists have participated, and the work of other VE researchers. Recommendations include types of tasks for which training in VE is and is not appropriate, interface design recommendations, and ways to reduce side- and after-effects. "-- Report documentation page.
The U.S. Army has made a considerable investment in the use of virtual environments (VE) to train combat forces, to evaluate new systems and operational concepts, and to rehearse specific missions. While these simulations have predominately focused on training and simulation for mounted soldiers, there is also a need to train infantry and other dismounted soldiers. Although VEs have the potential to immerse dismounted soldiers directly in simulations, there are few successful examples of the use of VE to provide effective training. The effective use of VE for training requires identification of the types of tasks for which VE training is most appropriate, the characteristics of VE systems that are required to provide effective training, and the training strategies that are most appropriate for use with VE. This report presents recommendations for the use of VE for dismounted soldier training and mission rehearsal, and identifies needed future research. They are based on the results of an ARI in-house research program, related programs in which ARI scientists have participated, and the work of other VE researchers. Recommendations include types of tasks for which training in VE is and is not appropriate, interface design recommendations, and ways to reduce side- and alter-effects.
"The U.S. Army has made a considerable investment in the use of virtual environments (VE) to train combat forces, to evaluate new systems and operational concepts, and to rehearse specific missions. While these simulations have predominately focused on training and simulation for mounted soldiers, there is also a need to train infantry and other dismounted soldiers. Although VEs have the potential to immerse dismounted soldiers directly in simulations, there are few successful examples of the use of VE to provide effective training. The effective use of VE for training requires identification of the types of tasks for which VE training is most appropriate, the characteristics of VE systems that are required to provide effective training, and the training strategies that are most appropriate for use with VE. This report presents recommendations for the use of VE for dismounted soldier training and mission rehearsal, and identifies needed future research. They are based on the results of an ARI in-house research program, related programs for which ARI scientists have participated, and the work of other VE researchers. Recommendations include types of tasks for which training in VE is and is not appropriate, interface design recommendations, and ways to reduce side- and after-effects. "-- Report documentation page.
In 1992 the U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences (ARI) initiated a program of in-house experimentation to investigate the use of virtual environments (YE) technology to train dismounted soldiers. Since that time, we have conducted thirteen experiments examining human performance in VE, training effectiveness and transfer of skills acquired in VE to the real world, and side-effects and after-effects of exposure to VE. The tasks used have included distance estimation, tracking, object manipulation, visual search, route learning in buildings, building search, and land navigation. This paper summarizes results from these experiments related to visual display characteristics and methods of locomotion. The most common YE display systems, low- to moderate-cost head mounted displays (HMDs), limit performance with low resolution and small fields of view (FOVs). Performance on a variety of distance estimation tasks is significantly worse than performance on similar tasks in the real world. Providing stereoscopic view improves performance, but only at short distances. Increasing the field of view while holding resolution constant improves performance. Linking the viewpoint to head movements improves distance estimates and, under some conditions, spatial knowledge acquisition. For some tasks, performance using a monitor is better than performance using an HMD, while on other tasks, the reverse is true. A variety of methods have been used to simulate walking in VE: joystick. spaceball, treadmills, and walking in place (with instrumentation to sense steps). Few direct comparisons of these methods have been made. For some tasks, a joystick combined with auditory cueing may provide an effective substitute for high-cost locomotion simulators.
"This report describes the work on a Science and Technology Objective (STO) entitled Virtual Environments for Dismounted Soldier Simulation, Training and Mission Rehearsal. The four-year (Fiscal Year FY 99-FY 02) STO effort was proposed to address a range of U.S. Army future operational capabilities described in U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) Pamphlet 525-66 (U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, 1997). The STO activities and goals were focused on overcoming critical technological challenges that prevented effective Infantry Soldier simulation. The U. S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences (ARI) led a team of both government and industry developers in examining simulation capabilities for industry. The other government partners vent the U.S. Army Simulation, Training, and Instrumentation Command (STRICOM) and the U.S. Army Research Laboratory Human Research and Engineering Directorate (ARL-HRED) and Computational and information Sciences Directorate (ARL-ClSD). Each of the major players had a particular area of interest but all worked together to explore concepts and systems and to recommend directions for further work on training, concept development, and mission rehearsal."--DTIC.
"This report describes the activities and results of the third year culminating event (CE) of the 'Virtual Environments for Dismounted Soldier Simulation, Training and Mission Rehearsal' Science and Technology Objective (STO). This STO is being conducted jointly by the U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, the U.S. Army Simulation, Training, and Instrumentation Command (STRICOM), and the U.S. Army Research Laboratory. This four-year effort (FY99-FY02) is focused on overcoming critical technological challenges that currently prevent high fidelity dismounted soldier simulation. The objectives of the CE were to integrate and evaluate the technologies developed during the year. The key technologies included: a Dismounted Infantry Virtual After Action Review (AAR) System; new behaviors and improved operator control for Dismounted Infantry Semi-Automated Forces (DISAF); soldier control of DISAF through Voice Recognition and Synthesis; enhancements to the soldier simulator, the Soldier Visualization Station (SVS); an improved locomotion device, the Omni-Directional Treadmill (ODT); a dynamic terrain server; and a Mission Planning and Training Tool (MPTT). The CE provided a realistic and challenging test of the systems and capabilities under development. The results identified both accomplishments and areas in which improvements and corrections are required."--Report documentation page.
"This research examined the use of virtual environments as a viable dismounted infantry mission rehearsal tool. Four squads of soldiers individually conducted two missions that involved clearing a two-story building located at an urban operations training site. Two squads rehearsed the mission in a virtual representation of the exact building they would clear at the urban training site. The remaining squads rehearsed in an actual two-story building that was similar to the one they would clear at the urban training site. Squads executed both missions in each environment. Performance differences between the rehearsal groups across the two real-world' missions were small to negligible. Group performance differences for flatricides and personnel flagging were negatively affected by simulator constraints. Effectiveness ratings for the two rehearsal modes were clearly dependent on the setting where soldiers rehearsed. The research showed that while virtual environments show promise for this type of training, a number of interface and technology problems must be overcome. Currently, virtual environments do not appear to be as effective as real-world tactical training for improving skills underlying specific small unit tasks or battle drills. However, these environments may be used effectively at selected stages of training to enhance cognitive skills development."--DTIC.
Members of small dismounted units face growing responsibilities and challenges in both combined arms combat and in contingency operations. Field training for these diverse missions is limited by cost and environmental factors. Virtual environment (VE) technology offers a potential complement to other training methods to meet the rapidly changing requirements for military training. This report provides an assessment based on a review of the relevant research literature of the capability of VE technologies, and strategies for their use for training members of small dismounted units to acquire and maintain situational awareness. It summarizes the state of the art of research in the areas of situational awareness, team training VE technology, and instructional strategies for simulation based training. It identifies current and future challenges for providing situational awareness training to members of small dismounted units and makes recommendations for future research.
"For this report, research was conducted to investigate the suitability of virtual environments (VE) for individual combatant training. The behaviors required by selected Dismounted Infantry and Special Operations Forces missions were linked to estimates of the availability of VE technology to support their performance. A baseline research plan was then developed as a series of vignettes in which research participants would perform the activities in clusters with similar technology demands and performance characteristics. Subsequent experiments and demonstrations were proposed to combine the activities into complete Army Training and Evaluation Program tasks. Functional requirements for a VE testbed were identified, and possible hardware and software elements were defined. No missions or tasks can be fully supported by VE at this time, but most can be partially supported. This report provides a link between dismounted soldier tasks and estimates of the VE characteristics required to support their simulated execution and training. This information will be useful in making decisions about acquisition of or investment in the development of VE technology to support dismounted combatant training. Virtual environments, Dismounted combatants, Virtual reality, Human performance, Behavioral requirements, Training"--DTIC.