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SUMMARY: Examines the efforts of Mexican-Americans, the "forgotten minority," to make social, economic, educational, political, and cultural progress toward a new life of equal opportunity.
An examination of the Spanish Church in transition over recent decades, as it responded to far-reaching societal change. Having disengaged from Francoism, it embraced democracy but found itself somewhat at odds with various aspects of the modernisation of Spain, the ongoing process of secularisation and the 'supermarket' approach to doctrine of its own membership. In its goal of maintaining influence, its long-established strategy of alliances with secular - political and socio-economic - power groups became pointless in a society not so much hostile as indifferent to institutionalised religion. The challenges facing the Spanish Church are placed in the context of Vatican and grassroots Church developments as well as within the sweep of Spanish history.
This colorful history of Pancho Villa as a propagandist tells how the legendary guerrilla waged war not only on the battlefield but also in the mass media, where he promoted his foreign policy of friendship with the United States in a bid to gain American backing for the Mexican Revolution between 1913 and 1915. Mark Cronlund Anderson explores issues of race, identity, and the power of the mass media to explain how Villa dueled with his archrivals, Mexican dictator Victoriano Huerta and Villa’s ostensible colleague-in-arms, Venustiano Carranza, using a sophisticated public-relations machine.
En respuesta a mis 25 años de docente a nivel medio superior y superior yo he querido hacer un regalo muy especial a todos aquellos jóvenes hombres y mujeres que tienen el fi rme compromiso de ser mejores ciudadanos por la via de las humanidades y que desconocen los fundamentos históricos de su fe. Bachiller. Del francés bachelier, joven que aspira a ser caballero. Digamos que es aquel que tiene los conocimientos pre-universitarios para continuar con su formación académica profesional en todos los sentidos, primeramente la religiosa, la del hermano, la del padre comprometido, la de la madre educadora de sus hijos, y cuantos roles más juega el hombre y la mujer en esta vida, muchos diría yo y muy variados, bueno para todos los jóvenes de buena voluntad que quieren aprender más de su fe, este libro es para ustedes. Guarden en sus corazones la palabra de Dios, en sus mentes la justicia y en su corazón la esperanza viva de ser mejores cada día, si lo logran habre considerado que este libro sencillo pero humilde de teología sea un tesoro en tus manos, al que se requiere acudir a él como un amigo sincero. Con profundo afecto dedico mi trabajo a tantos alumnos de bachillerato que continua dudando de la experiencia milenaria de la iglesia que es una, santa, católica y apostólica. A mis amigos los maestros que tienen las mismas inquietudes, y a mis amigos sinceros a quien dejo el siguiente mensaje. Recomienden lo bueno. A pesar de que este material es digerible, recomiendo dos diccionarios que fácilmente se pueden adquirir via electrónica. Diccionario digital católico. Net. Enciclopedia de teología "sacramentum mundi". A Todo maestro laico o religioso que recomiende este libro solo le puedo expresar mi profundo agradecimiento.
Even more timely than when it first appeared, this bilingual tenth anniversary edition provides the faithful with a powerful instrument for opening wide the doors of Christ.
In New Mexico’s Moses, Ramón A. Gutiérrez dives deeply into Reies López Tijerina’s religious formation during the 1940s and 1950s, illustrating how his Pentecostal foundation remained an integral part of his psyche even as he migrated toward social-movement politics. An Assemblies of God evangelist turned Pentecostal itinerant preacher, Tijerina used his secularized apocalyptic theology to inspire the dispossessed heirs of Spanish and Mexican land grants fighting to recuperate ancestral lands throughout northern New Mexico and the Southwest. Using Tijerina’s collected sermons, Gutiérrez demonstrates the ways in which biblical prophecy influenced Tijerina throughout his life from his early days as a preacher to his leadership of the Alianza Federal de Mercedes. Tijerina sought justice for those who had lost their lands and was determined to eradicate the most egregious forms of racism and to valorize the language and culture of mexicanos. Translated into English for the first time here, Tijerina’s sermons serve as a blueprint for the religious origins of the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement.