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This book deals with fundamental problems, concepts, and methods ofmultiparameter stability theory with applications in mechanics. Itpresents recent achievements and knowledge of bifurcation theory, sensitivity analysis of stability characteristics, general aspects ofnonconservative stability problems, analysis of singularities ofboundaries for the stability domains, stability analysis ofmultiparameter linear periodic systems, and optimization of structuresunder stability constraints
An ideal text for students that ties together classical and modern topics of advanced vibration analysis in an interesting and lucid manner. It provides students with a background in elementary vibrations with the tools necessary for understanding and analyzing more complex dynamical phenomena that can be encountered in engineering and scientific practice. It progresses steadily from linear vibration theory over various levels of nonlinearity to bifurcation analysis, global dynamics and chaotic vibrations. It trains the student to analyze simple models, recognize nonlinear phenomena and work with advanced tools such as perturbation analysis and bifurcation analysis. Explaining theory in terms of relevant examples from real systems, this book is user-friendly and meets the increasing interest in non-linear dynamics in mechanical/structural engineering and applied mathematics and physics. This edition includes a new chapter on the useful effects of fast vibrations and many new exercise problems.
In the last decade the development in vibration analysis was char acterized by increasing demands on precision and by the growing use of electronic computers. At present, improvements in precision are obtained by a more accurate modelling of technical systems. Thus, for instance, a system with one degree of freedom is often not accepted, as it used to be, as a model for vibration analysis in mechanical engineering. As a rule, vehicles and machines have to be modelled as systems with many degrees of freedom such as multibody systems, finite element systems or con tinua. The mathematical description of multi-degree-of-freedom systems leads to matrix representations of the corresponding equations. These are then conveniently analyzed by means of electronic computers, that is, by the analog computer and especially by the digital machine. Hence there exists a mutually stimulating interaction between the growing require ments and the increasing computational facilities. The present book deals with linear vibration analysis of technical systems with many degrees of freedom in a form allowing the use of computers for finding solutions. Part I begins with the classification of vibrating systems. The main characteristics here are the kind of differential equation, the time depen dence of the coefficients and the attributes of the exciting process. Next it is shown by giving examples involving mechanical vibrating systems how to set up equations of motion and how to transform these into state equations.
This book aims at investigating PDE modeling and vibration control of some typical mechanical distributed parameter systems. Several control methods are proposed to realize stabilization of the closed-loop system with the help of mathematical tools and stability analysis methods. Besides, some common engineering problems, such as input and output constraints, are also involved in the control design. This book offers a comprehensive introduction of mechanical distributed parameter systems, including PDE modeling, controller design and stability analysis. The related fundamental mathematical tools and analytical approaches involving in the PDE modeling and controller are also provided, which broadens its reach to readers.
Ein angesehener Bestseller - jetzt in der 2.aktualisierten Auflage! In diesem Buch finden Sie die aktuellsten Forschungsergebnisse auf dem Gebiet nichtlinearer Dynamik und Chaos, einem der am schnellsten wachsenden Teilgebiete der Mathematik. Die seit der ersten Auflage hinzugekommenen Erkenntnisse sind in einem zusätzlichen Kapitel übersichtlich zusammengefasst.
This book deals with fundamental problems, concepts, and methods of multiparameter stability theory with applications in mechanics. It presents recent achievements and knowledge of bifurcation theory, sensitivity analysis of stability characteristics, general aspects of nonconservative stability problems, analysis of singularities of boundaries for the stability domains, stability analysis of multiparameter linear periodic systems, and optimization of structures under stability constraints. Systems with finite degrees of freedom and with continuous models are both considered. The book combines mathematical foundation with interesting classical and modern mechanical problems.A number of mechanical problems illustrating how bifurcations and singularities change the behavior of systems and lead to new physical phenomena are discussed. Among these problems, the authors consider systems of rotating bodies, tubes conveying fluid, elastic columns under the action of periodic and follower forces, optimization problems for conservative systems, etc. The methods presented are constructive and easy to implement in computer programs.This book is addressed to graduate students, academics, researchers, and practitioners in aerospace, naval, civil, and mechanical engineering. No special background is needed; just a basic knowledge of mathematics and mechanics.
This book is an outgrowth of several years of teaching and research of the two authors in the field of structural dynamics and control. The content of the book is based on structural dynamics, classical and modern control theory and involves also recent developments that took place with respect to the control of systems with distri buted masses. It is hoped that the book will serve the researcher and the practicing engineer in the areas of ci vi 1, mechanical and aeronautical engineering. It may also be of interest to applied mathematicians and to physicists. There is no question that the book can be used as a reference book for advanced courses in the above mentioned areas. The numerous examples will provide students with the necessary material for exercising themselves and for self studying. Thanks are due to Mrs. Cynthia Jones for preparing patiently and competently the typescript of the book. The services of Mrs. Linda Strouth, Solid Mechanics Division, University of Waterloo, rendered in producing the camera-ready copy of the book with great skill and devotion, are gratefully acknowledged. Special thanks go to Mr. Ir. Ad. C. Plaizier, at Martinus Nijhoff/Dr. W. Junk, who with much understanding and enthusiasm supervised the production of the book as Publisher. May the readers of it enjoy it, and may they have the fee ling of having gained something in turning to it and using it.
This book originally appeared as a text prepared for the Defense Nuclear Agency to summarize research on dynamic pulse buckling, by the authors and their colleagues at SRI International, during the period from 1960 to 1980. The original printing of 300 copies by the DNA Press was followed shortly by a small second printing to meet the demand by readers who heard of the book from the primary recipients. This supply was also quickly exhausted, to researchers and practicing engineers outside the DNA community and to academics who wanted to include the material in courses on elastic and plastic stability of structures. Commercial publication by Martinus Nijhoff Publishers was therefore undertaken to meet the needs of this broader community. The objective of the book was to gather into a cohesive whole material that had been published in reports and the open literature during the two decade period. In the process of knitting this material together, a substantial amount of new work was done. The book therefore contains many new results never published in the open literature.
Composite materials are increasingly used in aerospace, underwater, and automotive structures. To take advantage of the full potential of composite materials, structural analysts and designers must have accurate mathematical models and design methods at their disposal. The objective of this monograph is to present the laminated plate theories and their finite element models to study the deformation, strength and failure of composite structures. Emphasis is placed on engineering aspects, such as the analytical descriptions, effective analysis tools, modeling of physical features, and evaluation of approaches used to formulate and predict the response of composite structures. The first chapter presents an overview of the text. Chapter 2 is devoted to the introduction of the definitions and terminology used in composite materials and structures. Anisotropic constitutive relations and Iaminate plate theories are also reviewed. Finite element models of laminated composite plates are presented in Chapter 3. Numerical evaluation of element coefficient matrices, post-computation of strains and stresses, and sample examples of laminated plates in bending and vibration are discussed. Chapter 4 introduces damage and failure criteria in composite laminates. Finally, Chapter 5 is dedicated to case studies involving various aspects and types of composite structures. Joints, cutouts, woven composites, environmental effects, postbuckling response and failure of composite laminates are discussed by considering specific examples.