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Power over Satan Can Be Yours Becoming a vessel of honor is written for all those children of God who hunger and thirst after a close personal relationship with Him. It is for those who long to hear His voice in their innermost being, who will not be satisfied with anything less than the experience of His presence and glory. It is for those who value such a relationship with our wonderful Creator enough to be willing to pay the price in their own lives to achieve it--the pain of daily carrying the cross. It is for those who are willing to strive for holiness in obedience to our beloved Master, the Lord Jesus Christ. The purpose of this book is also to help you understand the rapidly expanding world of the occult so that not only can you can cleanse yourself from any involvement in it, but also avoid its traps. —Rebecca Brown, MD Subjects include: The key to spiritual power--personal holiness The armor of God--how to use it effectively The sin nature--how to understand it and control it Defilement of God’s temple--how to avoid it The Holy Spirit vs. demon guides--knowing the difference Deliverance--case studies and guidelines This book contains secret satanic war plans previously not found in print. It reveals how the followers of Satan are openly confronting the followers of Jesus Christ. You must learn the key to spiritual power before you need it! A must for every child of God!
The time for your new beginnings is now!You can do it...As you go through the pages of this will be encouraged, inspired, and empowered as you encounter God through Inspirations of the Heart Walking in the Word N 2 Me C PrayerLet's get started...Bennie Vance readily admits knowing Jesus is the best thing that has ever happened to her. Vessels of Honor ministry was birthed out of the miraculous transformation God brought about in her life in many ways to include through life experiences and personal studies on Prayer; Holiness-An Issue of the Heart; Wrapped in Worship; Submission-God's Liberating Idea; Life after Divorce; From Victim to Victor; Living Single; Teamwork; The Power of Your Testimony, and more. Bennie faithfully serves in her local church and is a conference speaker. She loves to encourage and equip others to reach their God given potential as Vessels of Honor.But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour. If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the Master's use, and prepared unto every good work.2 Timothy 2:19-20 (KJV)Created By God to Be Vessels of Honor
A vessel of honor is a person whose sole intent in life is to live for God and not for himself. This ultimate desire to please God drives him to seek an intimate relationship with God more than anything else he does for Him. He loves God for who He is and not for what God has done for him. The prayer of his heart is always for God to work in him before He can work through him; and as God gives him grace to minister to others, he uses every opportunity to glorify Christ alone. His agenda is to be an avenue through which God can dispense His love and grace to a world that is wounded and lost. A vessel of honor does not care for recognition or the praises of men; his delight is in taking the place of a servant in order to do the will of his Master.
Finally a book that answers our prayers. Full of insightful information, Asher Shelton's Vessels of Honor and Dishonor adds a fresh and appealing way to reference biblical characters. From Adam to Zophar you will be inspired to study and learn of biblical characters that are obscure. This book allows you to see these bible characters in a practical and easy to understand view. For the lay person or the pastor, vessels of honor will minister from the pew to the pulpit. Would you like to know and understand the bible like a Doctor of theology? You might not learn Greek and Hebrew from this book but you will know Bible characters. It's fun and easy to read about bible characters in poetic form. Never have there been a reference book like this. This is a groundbreaking work of art, worthy of appreciation and praise. Asher Shelton was born in Detroit, Mi to Apostle Forest Nathaniel Shelton and First lady, Thurlean Shelton. He was trained and taught the scriptures by his mother and father from his youth up. At the age of nineteen he was led to go to Solomon's Temple where he was born again. There he has been taught by such spiritual giants as Pastor William L. Bonner, Bishop Fred Rubin and Bishop William Hall. For five years he has taught in the Solomon's Temple mini church breaking down the word of God in easy to understand formats. Afterwards he directed a project for teens for four years where God moved in incredible ways. He attended the Berea school of theology and holds an Associate's degree in Visual communications from IADT. His goal is to reach the nations with the gospel in all forms of communication in a new and innovative way.
For seventeen years, Elaine served her master, Satan, with total commitment. Then she met Dr. Rebecca Brown, who served her master, Jesus Christ, with equal commitment. Elaine, one of the top witches in the U.S., clashed with Dr. Brown, who stood against her alone. In the titanic life-and-death struggle that followed, Dr. Brown nearly lost her life. Elaine, finding a power and love greater than anything Satan could give her, left Satan and totally committed her life to Jesus Christ. This is an honest, in-depth account of Satan's activities today. You'll see how to: Recognize and combat the many satanists who regularly infiltrate and destroy Christian churches. Recognize and combat satanic attacks. Recognize those serving Satan, and bring them to Jesus Christ.
In attempting to be a woman of God there will be times when we fail. Times when we have a bad day, a bad year, a valley we go through, a trial that seems to knock us flat. Our vessels become nicked, scarred and even cracked as we live our lives. We may feel we are shattered and of no use, but the Master Potter wants to help us. He can put us back together and bring good from our lives if we will be yielded and pliable in His hands. God desires us to be a vessel of honor He can use. He created women to be help meets. It is in our genes. Sometimes it is squashed down to gratify our own interests, but there is no greater thrill, no greater high than knowing you have been and are being used by God to touch someone else's life. This book will guide in some (31) of the attributes we should seek after to better help us to be a Woman of God and a Vessel of Honor.
What is a vessel of honor? And how can I become fit for the Master's use? We are all vessels or containers. What makes us either a vessel of honor or dishonor is our content or what we have deep inside of us. We can become fit for the Master's use when we allow ourselves to really get to know God. Catherine Tukes was thirsting to find the real meaning of a vessel of honor. During a three month period of fasting and consecration, she not only found out the meaning of becoming a vessel of honor; but she gained a better understanding of her role as a Christian woman. She learned that "we should not spend our time worrying or stressing but rather worshiping our God."(pg.7). with wit and wisdom she shares her journal entries and personal notes in this very interesting and up-beat book about becoming a vessel of honor. Your journey towards discovering what will make you a vessel of honor will lead you to getting closer to God. When you understand that how you live your life now...prepares you for eternity then you will embrace a life of total worship.
In The Overflow Blessing, author Andre Bright explores the biblical story of Joseph to uncover a secret process that prepares us to receive a wondrous blessing from God. While many pursue this blessing, few understand what it takes to receive such a magnificent gift. Worse, many have aborted their destiny because they failed to navigate across the wilderness. This book will explain key process steps as well as share insights that will answer many of your questions regarding walking in His will and fulfilling your destiny. The overflow blessing of God is about so much more than arriving at the proverbial destination. It is about the journey and the transformation that occurs in each traveler. Be prepared to be enlightened and encouraged by the revelation of the overflow blessing process. Giants can't block you. Fear won't stop you. Doubt can't shake you. Mistakes won't punish you. Just know that God is working for you.