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Those wishing a more detailed review of Canadian sustainability planning should consult Boyd, OECD, and Toner and Frey.4 Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development The most comprehensive initiative in sustainability planning in Canada is the passage of amendments to the Auditor General Act in 1995 to create the Commissioner of the Environ- ment and Sustainable Development (CESD) a [...] T O W A R D. A. n A T i O n A l. s u s T A i n A b l e. D e v e l O p m e n T. s T R A T e g y P U r P O S e 1. The purpose of this Act is to provide the legal framework for preparing and implementing a National Sustainable Development Strategy that will eliminate all major environmental problems for the next generation by 2030 and achieve environmental sustainability. [...] S U S T a I n a B l e. d e v e l O P m e n T. c O m m I T T e e. O f. c a B I n e T 3. The Governor in Council shall appoint the Sustainable Development Committee of Cabinet chaired by the Minister of Environment to oversee development and implementation of the National Sustainable Development Strategy. [...] A p p e n D i x. 1 :. D R A f T. n A T i O n A l. s u s T A i n A b i l i T y. A c T S U S T a I n a B l e. d e v e l O P m e n T. a d v I S O r y. c O U n c I l 5. The Governor in Council shall appoint, on the advice of the Minister of Environment, the Sustainable Development Advisory Council, which will be comprised of the Minister of the Environment, one representative from each province and te [...] The Minister of Environment will revise the draft National Sustainable Development Strategy in response to comments received and submit the revised draft to the Sustainable Development Advisory Council, the Commissioner, relevant Parliamentary committees, and the public for review and comment for not less than sixty days.