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L'etude de la correlation entre le droit international humanitaire et les droits de l'homme est un sujet qui a commence a passionner la doctrine des la fin des annees 60. Depuis, periodiquement, apparaissent de nouvelles etudes, qui relancent le debat tout en ne parvenant pas a epuiser le sujet qui, par sa complexite et l'enchevetrement des questions qu'il pose, demeure retif a toute vision dogmatique ou statique. La nouveaute de cet ouvrage est d'analyser comment le droit international penal va changer les contours des rapports entre les droits de l'homme et le droit international humanitaire. Les notions de criminalisation et d'humanisation sont des termes de technique juridique mais qui se referent, de maniere plus generale, au deplacement du centre de gravite du droit international des Etats vers les individus. L'humanisation, c'est le recentrage du droit international autour des droits de la personne humaine et l'apparition de l'individu sur la scene internationale. La criminalisation apparait comme une consequence de l'humanisation. Le droit penal attribue a certaines normes primaires une valeur superieure en renforcant le regime de responsabilite qui leur est attache.
La sanction internationale de la violation des droits de l'homme peine à atteindre les objectifs qui lui sont assignés. Les sanctions non juridictionnelles mises en place au sein du système de la Charte des Nations unies sont le régime de droit commun, mais leur efficacité reste limitée pour la victime. Les Comités créés pour veiller à l'application des conventions relatives aux droits de l'homme prennent de simples recommandations à l'issue de l'examen des communications individuelles et sont incompétents pour connaître des violations graves. A défaut de mécanisme de sanction des violations graves, le Conseil de sécurité a étendu l'application des mesures collectives aux droits de l'homme. Le recours ainsi fait au Chapitre VII est confronté aux difficultés opérationnelles qui en limitent la portée. Face à ces difficultés, le Conseil de sécurité a diversifié ses sanctions. Toutefois, qu'elles soient des sanctions ciblées ou des mesures juridictionnelles comme la création de juridictions pénales ou la saisine de la Cour pénale internationale, les mesures collectives sont axées sur l'individu et non l'Etat. Bien que ce dernier soit le titulaire des obligations internationales en la matière, il est à l'abri de toute sanction contraignante, collective ou pénale. L'absence de sanction efficace à l'encontre de l'Etat et la garantie insuffisante des droits de la victime impose une réforme du contentieux international des droits de l'homme, à l'aune de la protection régionale des droits de l'homme qui se distingue par sa juridictionnalisation et par les garanties des droits de la victime. Au-delà du renforcement des mécanismes des organes de traités, la création d'une juridiction universelle chargée de sanctionner la violation des droits de l'homme au sein du système des Nations unies doit être envisagée.
In Prosecuting Human Rights Offences: Rethinking the Sword Function of Human Rights Law the author explores and explains the extent to which the features of the procedural obligation to investigate, prosecute and punish criminal attacks on human rights determine the contemporary understanding of the function of criminal prosecution. The author provides an innovative and thought-provoking account of the highly topical and largely unexplored topic of the sword function of human rights law. The book contains the first comprehensive and holistic analysis of the procedural obligation to investigate and prosecute human rights offences in the law of the European Convention on Human Rights, which the author puts in the general perspectives of human rights law and criminal procedure.
This "Liber Amicorum" is published at the occasion of Judge Lucius Caflisch's retirement from a distinguished teaching career at the Graduate Institute of International Studies of Geneva, where he served as Professor of International Law for more than three decades, and where he has also held the position of Director. It was written by his colleagues and friends, from the European Court of Human Rights, from universities all around the world, from the Swiss Foreign Affairs Ministry and many other national and international institutions. The "Liber Amicorum Lucius Caflisch" covers different fields in which Judge Caflisch has excelled in his various capacities, as scholar, representative of Switzerland in international conferences, legal adviser of the Swiss Foreign Affairs Ministry, counsel, registrar, arbitrator and judge. This collective work is divided into three main sections. The first section examines questions concerning human rights and international humanitarian law. The second section is devoted to the international law of spaces, including matters regarding the law of the sea, international waterways, Antarctica, and boundary and territorial issues. The third section addresses issues related to the peaceful settlement of disputes, both generally and with regard to any particular means of settlement. The contributions are in both English and French.
This collection of essays celebrating the work of Professor Marcelo Kohen brings together the leading scholars and practitioners of public international law from different continents and generations to explore some of the most challenging issues of contemporary international law. The volume is a testimony of esteem and friendship from colleagues and former students, and it covers a vast expanse, reflecting the width and diversity of Professor Kohen’s own contribution. Written in English, French and Spanish, the essays in this volume will appeal to a broad public of academics, practitioners and students of international law from around the world.
This book examines the criminalisation of denials of genocide and of other mass atrocities in Europe and discusses the implications of protecting institutional historical memory through criminal law. The analysis highlights the tensions with free speech, investigating the relationship between criminal law and historical memory. The book paves the way for a broader discussion about fake news, ‘post-truth’ scenarios, and free expression in a digital world. The author underscores the need to protect well-founded factual records from the dangers of misinformation. Historical denialism and the related jurisprudence represent a key step in exploring this complex field. The book combines an interdisciplinary approach with criminal law methodology. It is primarily aimed at academics, practitioners and others who wish to deepen their understanding of historical denialism, remembrance laws, ‘speech crimes’ and freedom of expression. Emanuela Fronza is Senior Research Fellow in Criminal Law and Lecturer in International and European Criminal Law at the School of Law, University of Bologna. She is a Principal Investigator within the EU research consortium Memory Laws in European and Comparative Perspectives funded by HERA (Humanities in the European Research Area).
This is the fourth in the Series of Select Proceedings of the European Society of International Law (ESIL) featuring the most important and interesting papers presented at the Fifth Biennial Conference on 'Regionalism and International Law', organised by ESIL and the University of Valencia in 2012. As usual, the best papers from that conference have been re-written, edited and drawn together by the two editors to present a perspective on what is a flourishing forum for the discussion of new ideas and scholarship on international law.