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by Maq Mannan President and CEO, DSM Technologies Chairman of the IEEE 1364 Verilog Standards Group Past Chairman of Open Verilog International One of the major strengths of the Verilog language is the Programming Language Interface (PLI), which allows users and Verilog application developers to infinitely extend the capabilities of the Verilog language and the Verilog simulator. In fact, the overwhelming success of the Verilog language can be partly attributed to the exi- ence of its PLI. Using the PLI, add-on products, such as graphical waveform displays or pre and post simulation analysis tools, can be easily developed. These products can then be used with any Verilog simulator that supports the Verilog PLI. This ability to create thi- party add-on products for Verilog simulators has created new markets and provided the Verilog user base with multiple sources of software tools. Hardware design engineers can, and should, use the Verilog PLI to customize their Verilog simulation environment. A Company that designs graphics chips, for ex- ple, may wish to see the simulation results of a new design in some custom graphical display. The Verilog PLI makes it possible, and even trivial, to integrate custom so- ware, such as a graphical display program, into a Verilog simulator. The simulation results can then dynamically be displayed in the custom format during simulation. And, if the company uses Verilog simulators from multiple simulator vendors, this integrated graphical display will work with all the simulators.
by Phil Moorby The Verilog Hardware Description Language has had an amazing impact on the mod em electronics industry, considering that the essential composition of the language was developed in a surprisingly short period of time, early in 1984. Since its introduc tion, Verilog has changed very little. Over time, users have requested many improve ments to meet new methodology needs. But, it is a complex and time consuming process to add features to a language without ambiguity, and maintaining consistency. A group of Verilog enthusiasts, the IEEE 1364 Verilog committee, have broken the Verilog feature doldrums. These individuals should be applauded. They invested the time and energy, often their personal time, to understand and resolve an extensive wish-list of language enhancements. They took on the task of choosing a feature set that would stand up to the scrutiny of the standardization process. I would like to per sonally thank this group. They have shown that it is possible to evolve Verilog, rather than having to completely start over with some revolutionary new language. The Verilog 1364-2001 standard provides many of the advanced building blocks that users have requested. The enhancements include key components for verification, abstract design, and other new methodology capabilities. As designers tackle advanced issues such as automated verification, system partitioning, etc., the Verilog standard will rise to meet the continuing challenge of electronics design.
This book is designed to serve two specific needs: * A tutorial on how to write PLI applications * A reference book on the IEEE 1364-1998 Verilog PLI standard. Towards this end, this book has two distinct parts. Part One is written for new users of the PLI. These chapters explain how the PLI works and how it is used to solve basic design verification tasks. A large number of small but useful examples illustrate the concepts presented in each chapter. Part Two provides a comprehensive reference of the IEEE 1364 PLI standard. The Verilog PLI Handbook: A User's Guide and Comprehensive Reference on the Verilog Programming Language Interface will be of interest to hardware design engineers who use or are familiar with the Verilog Hardware Description Language.
The Verilog Programming Language Interface is a powerful feature of the Verilog standard. Through this interface, a Verilog simulator can be customized to perform virtually any engineering task desired, such as adding custom design debug utilities, adding proprietary file read/write utilities, and interfacing bus functional C language models to a simulator. This book serves as both a user's guide for learning the Verilog PLI, and as a comprehensive reference manual on the Verilog PLI standard. Both the TF/ACC ("PLI 1.0") and the VPI ("PLI 2.0") generations of the PLI are presented, based on the IEEE 1364 Verilog standard. The second edition of this book adds detailed coverage of the many enhancements added in the latest IEEE 1364-2001 Verilog standard ("Verilog-2001").
VERILOG HDL, Second Editionby Samir PalnitkarWith a Foreword by Prabhu GoelWritten forboth experienced and new users, this book gives you broad coverage of VerilogHDL. The book stresses the practical design and verification perspective ofVerilog rather than emphasizing only the language aspects. The informationpresented is fully compliant with the IEEE 1364-2001 Verilog HDL standard. Among its many features, this edition- bull; bull;Describes state-of-the-art verification methodologies bull;Provides full coverage of gate, dataflow (RTL), behavioral and switch modeling bull;Introduces you to the Programming Language Interface (PLI) bull;Describes logic synthesis methodologies bull;Explains timing and delay simulation bull;Discusses user-defined primitives bull;Offers many practical modeling tips Includes over 300 illustrations, examples, and exercises, and a Verilog resource list.Learning objectives and summaries are provided for each chapter. About the CD-ROMThe CD-ROM contains a Verilog simulator with agraphical user interface and the source code for the examples in the book. Whatpeople are saying about Verilog HDL- "Mr.Palnitkar illustrates how and why Verilog HDL is used to develop today'smost complex digital designs. This book is valuable to both the novice and theexperienced Verilog user. I highly recommend it to anyone exploring Verilogbased design." -RajeevMadhavan, Chairman and CEO, Magma Design Automation "Thisbook is unique in its breadth of information on Verilog and Verilog-relatedtopics. It is fully compliant with the IEEE 1364-2001 standard, contains allthe information that you need on the basics, and devotes several chapters toadvanced topics such as verification, PLI, synthesis and modelingtechniques." -MichaelMcNamara, Chair, IEEE 1364-2001 Verilog Standards Organization Thishas been my favorite Verilog book since I picked it up in college. It is theonly book that covers practical Verilog. A must have for beginners andexperts." -BerendOzceri, Design Engineer, Cisco Systems, Inc. "Simple,logical and well-organized material with plenty of illustrations, makes this anideal textbook." -Arun K. Somani, Jerry R. Junkins Chair Professor,Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames PRENTICE HALL Professional Technical Reference Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 ISBN: 0-13-044911-3