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Vector-Valued Optimization Problems in Control Theory
This book is devoted to the development of optimal control theory for finite dimensional systems governed by deterministic and stochastic differential equations driven by vector measures. The book deals with a broad class of controls, including regular controls (vector-valued measurable functions), relaxed controls (measure-valued functions) and controls determined by vector measures, where both fully and partially observed control problems are considered. In the past few decades, there have been remarkable advances in the field of systems and control theory thanks to the unprecedented interaction between mathematics and the physical and engineering sciences. Recently, optimal control theory for dynamic systems driven by vector measures has attracted increasing interest. This book presents this theory for dynamic systems governed by both ordinary and stochastic differential equations, including extensive results on the existence of optimal controls and necessary conditions for optimality. Computational algorithms are developed based on the optimality conditions, with numerical results presented to demonstrate the applicability of the theoretical results developed in the book. This book will be of interest to researchers in optimal control or applied functional analysis interested in applications of vector measures to control theory, stochastic systems driven by vector measures, and related topics. In particular, this self-contained account can be a starting point for further advances in the theory and applications of dynamic systems driven and controlled by vector measures.
The major purpose of this book is to present the theoretical ideas and the analytical and numerical methods to enable the reader to understand and efficiently solve these important optimizational problems.The first half of this book should serve as the major component of a classical one or two semester course in the calculus of variations and optimal control theory. The second half of the book will describe the current research of the authors which is directed to solving these problems numerically. In particular, we present new reformulations of constrained problems which leads to unconstrained problems in the calculus of variations and new general, accurate and efficient numerical methods to solve the reformulated problems. We believe that these new methods will allow the reader to solve important problems.
The Vector-Valued Maximin
In vector optimization one investigates optimal elements such as min imal, strongly minimal, properly minimal or weakly minimal elements of a nonempty subset of a partially ordered linear space. The prob lem of determining at least one of these optimal elements, if they exist at all, is also called a vector optimization problem. Problems of this type can be found not only in mathematics but also in engineer ing and economics. Vector optimization problems arise, for exam ple, in functional analysis (the Hahn-Banach theorem, the lemma of Bishop-Phelps, Ekeland's variational principle), multiobjective pro gramming, multi-criteria decision making, statistics (Bayes solutions, theory of tests, minimal covariance matrices), approximation theory (location theory, simultaneous approximation, solution of boundary value problems) and cooperative game theory (cooperative n player differential games and, as a special case, optimal control problems). In the last decade vector optimization has been extended to problems with set-valued maps. This new field of research, called set optimiza tion, seems to have important applications to variational inequalities and optimization problems with multivalued data. The roots of vector optimization go back to F. Y. Edgeworth (1881) and V. Pareto (1896) who has already given the definition of the standard optimality concept in multiobjective optimization. But in mathematics this branch of optimization has started with the leg endary paper of H. W. Kuhn and A. W. Tucker (1951). Since about v Vl Preface the end of the 60's research is intensively made in vector optimization.
Optimal Impulsive Control explores the class of impulsive dynamic optimization problems—problems that stem from the fact that many conventional optimal control problems do not have a solution in the classical setting—which is highly relevant with regard to engineering applications. The absence of a classical solution naturally invokes the so-called extension, or relaxation, of a problem, and leads to the notion of generalized solution which encompasses the notions of generalized control and trajectory; in this book several extensions of optimal control problems are considered within the framework of optimal impulsive control theory. In this framework, the feasible arcs are permitted to have jumps, while the conventional absolutely continuous trajectories may fail to exist. The authors draw together various types of their own results, centered on the necessary conditions of optimality in the form of Pontryagin’s maximum principle and the existence theorems, which shape a substantial body of optimal impulsive control theory. At the same time, they present optimal impulsive control theory in a unified framework, introducing the different paradigmatic problems in increasing order of complexity. The rationale underlying the book involves addressing extensions increasing in complexity from the simplest case provided by linear control systems and ending with the most general case of a totally nonlinear differential control system with state constraints. The mathematical models presented in Optimal Impulsive Control being encountered in various engineering applications, this book will be of interest to both academic researchers and practising engineers.
This book contains the latest advances in variational analysis and set / vector optimization, including uncertain optimization, optimal control and bilevel optimization. Recent developments concerning scalarization techniques, necessary and sufficient optimality conditions and duality statements are given. New numerical methods for efficiently solving set optimization problems are provided. Moreover, applications in economics, finance and risk theory are discussed. Summary The objective of this book is to present advances in different areas of variational analysis and set optimization, especially uncertain optimization, optimal control and bilevel optimization. Uncertain optimization problems will be approached from both a stochastic as well as a robust point of view. This leads to different interpretations of the solutions, which widens the choices for a decision-maker given his preferences. Recent developments regarding linear and nonlinear scalarization techniques with solid and nonsolid ordering cones for solving set optimization problems are discussed in this book. These results are useful for deriving optimality conditions for set and vector optimization problems. Consequently, necessary and sufficient optimality conditions are presented within this book, both in terms of scalarization as well as generalized derivatives. Moreover, an overview of existing duality statements and new duality assertions is given. The book also addresses the field of variable domination structures in vector and set optimization. Including variable ordering cones is especially important in applications such as medical image registration with uncertainties. This book covers a wide range of applications of set optimization. These range from finance, investment, insurance, control theory, economics to risk theory. As uncertain multi-objective optimization, especially robust approaches, lead to set optimization, one main focus of this book is uncertain optimization. Important recent developments concerning numerical methods for solving set optimization problems sufficiently fast are main features of this book. These are illustrated by various examples as well as easy-to-follow-steps in order to facilitate the decision process for users. Simple techniques aimed at practitioners working in the fields of mathematical programming, finance and portfolio selection are presented. These will help in the decision-making process, as well as give an overview of nondominated solutions to choose from.
This book presents the mathematical theory of vector variational inequalities and their relations with vector optimization problems. It is the first-ever book to introduce well-posedness and sensitivity analysis for vector equilibrium problems. The first chapter provides basic notations and results from the areas of convex analysis, functional analysis, set-valued analysis and fixed-point theory for set-valued maps, as well as a brief introduction to variational inequalities and equilibrium problems. Chapter 2 presents an overview of analysis over cones, including continuity and convexity of vector-valued functions. The book then shifts its focus to solution concepts and classical methods in vector optimization. It describes the formulation of vector variational inequalities and their applications to vector optimization, followed by separate chapters on linear scalarization, nonsmooth and generalized vector variational inequalities. Lastly, the book introduces readers to vector equilibrium problems and generalized vector equilibrium problems. Written in an illustrative and reader-friendly way, the book offers a valuable resource for all researchers whose work involves optimization and vector optimization.
Statistical Modeling and Decision Science: Multi-Objective Programming in the USSR provides information pertinent to multi-objective programming that has emerged as an increasingly active area of research in the fields of applied mathematics, operations research, and decision and management science. This book traces and analyzes the development of Soviet multi-objective programming. Organized into 24 chapters, this book begins with an overview of the research institutes most actively involved in multi-objective programming research. This text then presents an analytical framework for grouping and classifying the diverse Soviet methods. Other chapters consider the methods and then evaluated according to the significance and soundness of its basic approach and its kinship to other methods. This book discusses as well some significant Soviet theoretical research and several distinctive approaches proposed by Soviet researchers for comparing the effectiveness of alternative interactive multi-objective programming method. The final chapter deals with distinctive Soviet tendencies in multi-objective research. This book is a valuable resource for economists.