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I am very pleased to write these few brief paragraphs introducing this book, and would like to take this opportunity to attempt to set the Toolpack project in an appropriate historical context. The Toolpack project must be considered to have actually began in the Fall of 1978, when Prof. Webb C. Miller, at a meeting at Jet Propulsion Laboratories in Pasadena, California, suggested that there be a large-scale project, called Toolpack, aimed at pulling together a comprehensive collection of mathematical software development tools. It was suggested that the project follow the pattern of other "Pack" projects, such as Eispack, Linpack, and Funpack which had assembled and systematized comprehensive collections of mathematical software in such areas as eigenvalue computation, linear equation solution and special function approximation. From the that the Toolpack project would differ significantly from beginning it was recognized these earlier "Pack" projects in that it was attempting to assemble and systematize software in an area which was not well established and understood. Thus it was not clear how to organize and integrate the tools we were to collect into Toolpack. As a consequence Toolpack became simultaneously a research project and a development project. The research was aimed at determining effective strategies for large-scale integration of large-scale software tools, and the development project was aimed at implementing these strategies and using them to put high quality tools at the disposal of working mathematical software writers.
Software engineering research can trace its roots to a few highly influential individuals. Among that select group is Leon J. Osterweil, who has been a major force in driving software engineering from its infancy to its modern reality. For more than three decades, Prof. Osterweil's work has fundamentally defined or significantly impacted major directions in software analysis, development tools and environments, and software process--all critical parts of software engineering as it is practiced today. His exceptional contributions to the field have been recognized with numerous awards and honors through his career, including the ACM SIGSOFT Outstanding Research Award, in recognition of his extensive and sustained research impact, and the ACM SIGSOFT Influential Educator Award, in recognition of his career-long achievements as an educator and mentor. In honor of Prof. Osterweil's profound accomplishments, this book was prepared for a special honorary event held during the 2011 International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). It contains some of his most important published works to date, together with several new articles written by leading authorities in the field, exploring the broad impact of his work in the past and how it will further impact software engineering research in the future. These papers, part of the core software engineering legacy and now available in one commented volume for the first time, are grouped into three sections: flow analysis for software dependability, the software lifecycle, and software process.
Pour Ie cinquieme congres de la serie, COMPSTAT 82 reunit environ 500 participants d'origines scientifiques et geographiques tres variees, prouvant a l'evidence l'interet persis tant de la communaute scientifique pour tous les problemes de calculs statistiques. Le Comite de Programme charge de l'organisation scientifique du Congres etait com pose de: o S. Apelt (Republique democratique d'Allemagne) - A. Bj6rck (Suede) - H. Caussinus (France), President - Y. Escoufier (France) - A. de Falguerolles (France), Secretaire - J.W. Frane (U.S.A.) - J. Gordesch (Republique Federale d'Allemagne) - Th. Havranek (Tchechoslovaquie) - N. Lauro (Italie) - C. Millier (France) - R.J. Mokken (pays-Bas)- R. Tomassone (France) - D. Wishart (Royaume Uni) Ce Comite a decide d'augmenter Ie nombre des conferenciers invites, cherchant de la sorte une representation des diverses ecoles ainsi que l'introduction de nouveaux themes. La tache la plus difficile a ensuite ete de selectionner une soixantaine de contributions parmi 250 soumissions. La encore Ie Comite de Programme s'est efforce de favoriser des voies qui semblaient les plus nouvelles et a essaye de maintenir une bonne repartition scientifique et geographique. Cependant, comme dans les precedents congres COMPSTAT, il a donne la preference aux propositions clairement marquees simultanement du double aspect Statistique et Calcul. Dans bien des cas, ces deux aspects sont tres lies rendant en particulier difficile et peu pertinente toute classification fine des contributions.
Hardbound. The aim of this conference was to investigate the motivation for and development of Problem Solving Environments (PSEs) for Scientific Computing. The meeting was interdisciplinary, including experts in Physics, Chemistry, Oceanography, Biology and fields of Engineering, as well as authorities in Software Engineering, Numerical Software Construction, Computing Science, Computational Mathematics and Statistics.Whilst some Working Conferences are essentially review meetings in the course of the development of a particular field, it is evident that focussed consideration of problem solving environments for many people started with this meeting.
The complete vCAT printed reference: knowledge, tools, and validated designs for building high-value vCloud� solutions The vCloud Architecture Toolkit (vCAT) brings together validated designs, tools, and knowledge for architecting, implementing, operating, and consuming modern vCloud infrastructure based on the Software Defined Data Center (SDDC). vCAT has already helped hundreds of VMware customers succeed with vCloud. Now, pioneering VMware architect John Arrasjid has integrated essential vCAT information into a definitive printed guide, adding even more context and examples for successful planning and deployment. To do so, Arrasjid has distilled contributions from more than 100 VMware architects, consultants, administrators, engineers, project managers, and other technical leaders. VMware vCloud Architecture Toolkit (vCAT) is your complete roadmap for using virtualization to simplify data centers and related IT infrastructure. You'll find up-to-the-minute, field-proven insights for addressing a wide spectrum of challenges-from availability to interoperability, security to business continuity. Coverage includes vCAT design guidelines and patterns for efficiently architecting, operating, and consuming VMware cloud computing solutions Software-defined datacenter services for storage, networking, security, and availability People, process, and technology issues associated with effective vCloud operation and maintenance Efficient service consumption: consumption models, service catalogs, vApps, and service provider interactions Workflows to coordinate and automate task sequences, which extend beyond vCloud VMware vCloud Director� Server Resource Kit software tools Advanced "cloud bursting" and autoscaling techniques to dynamically leverage additional computing resources Planning and management of capacity, security, compliance, and disaster recovery
This book is a comprehensive tutorial that is logically organized, up-to-date, and includes coverage of the most popular wireless programming language, WML. Readers create a working application, developing examples that build from one chapter to the next. With each chapter readers are learning, practicing, and building on required skills necessary not only for wireless development, but also programming in general. By the end of the book, readers will have created a wireless database application that allows them to view, enter, and delete information. The book provides a usable reference of summaries on all languages discussed within the book, as well as a comparison of the wireless devices, and different development tools on the market today. Chris Tull writes tutorials and technical articles each week for to help developers further their expertise in creating wireless applications. An application consultant and freelance writer, his writing has appeared in numerous publications, including Texas Technology,, and Managing Automation. He is also an active member of the STC (Society of Technical Communication). Chris has been involved in emerging technologies since mid-1990. Early in his career, he worked at Caver-Morehead Systems, where he was responsible for the integration of DBMS systems for companies such as Hewlett-Packard, EDS, and Texas Instruments. He also produced technical documentation for the company.
This concise guide covers the fundamental aspects of the numerical analysis, basing upon it the construction of its routines for solving nonlinear equations, linear and nonlinear systems of equations, and eigenvalue problems. Focusing on software development, this book emphasizes software tools, OOP techniques for handling vectors, polynomials, and matrices. Using actual examples to demonstrate reusable tools, the book enables readers to solve broad classes of software development and programming challenges. It adopts a balanced approach between OOP techniques and quick and dirty number crunching, and emphasizes the use of OOP features in implementing vector, polynomial and matrix algebra. As a practical reference, it will help developers and consultants setting up applications programs for electrical, electronic engineering and physical sciences who need to develop clean, efficient C++ programs in minimal time.