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The use of airborne LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) as a direct method to evaluate forest canopy parameters is vital in addressing both forest management and ecological concerns. The overall goal of this study was to develop the use of airborne LiDAR in evaluating canopy parameters such as percent canopy cover (PCC) and leaf area index (LAI) for mixed pine and hardwood forests (primarily loblolly pine, Pinus taeda, forests) of the southeastern United States. More specific objectives were to: (1) Develop scanning LiDAR and multispectral imagery methods to estimate PCC and LAI over both hardwood and coniferous forests; (2) investigate whether a LiDAR and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data fusion through linear regression improve estimates of these forest canopy characteristics; (3) generate maps of PCC and LAI for the study region, and (4) compare local scale LiDAR-derived PCC and regional scale MODIS-based PCC and investigate the relationship. Scanning LiDAR data was used to derive local scale PCC estimates, and TreeVaW, a LiDAR software application, was used to locate individual trees to derive an estimate of plot-level PCC. A canopy height model (CHM) was created from the LiDAR dataset and used to determine tree heights per plot. QuickBird multispectral imagery was used to calculate the NDVI for the study area. LiDAR- and NDVI-derived estimates of plot-level PCC and LAI were compared to field observations for 53 plots over 47 square kilometers. Linear regression analysis resulted in models explaining 84% and 78% of the variability associated with PCC and LAI, respectively. For these models to be of use in future studies, LiDAR point density must be 2.5 m. The relationship between regional scale PCC and local scale PCC was investigated by resizing the local scale LiDAR-derived PCC map to lower resolution levels, then determining a regression model relating MODIS data to the local values of PCC. The results from this comparison showed that MODIS PCC data is not very accurate at local scales. The methods discussed in this paper show great potential for improving the speed and accuracy of ecological studies and forest management.
Leaf area index (LAI) is an important indicator of ecosystem conditions and an important key biophysical variable to many ecosystem models. The LAI in this study was measured by Leica ScanStation C 10 Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) and a hand-held Li-Cor LAI-2200 Plant Canopy Analyzer for understanding differences derived from the two sensors. A total of six different LAI estimates were generated using different methods for the comparisons. The results suggested that there was a reasonable agreement (i.e., the correlations r > 0.50) considering a total of 30 plots and limited land cover types sampled. The predicted LAI from spectral vegetation indices including WDVI, DVI, NDVI, SAVI, and PVI3 which were derived from Landsat TM imagery were used to identify statistical relationships and for the development of the Bayesian inference model. The Bayesian Linear Regression (BLR) approach was used to scale up LAI estimates and to produce continuous field surfaces for the Oak Openings Region in NW Ohio. The results from the BLR provided details about the parameter uncertainties but also insight about the potential that different LAIs can be used to predict foliage that has been adjusted by removing the wooden biomass with reasonable accuracy. For instance, the modeled residuals associated with the LAI estimates from TLS orthographic projection that consider only foliage had the lowest overall model uncertainty with lowest error and residual dispersion range among the six spatial LAI estimates. The deviation from the mean LAI prediction map derived from the six estimates hinted that sparse and open areas that relate to vegetation structure were associated with the highest error. However, although in many studies TLS has been shown to hold a great potential for quantifying vegetation structure, in this study the quantified relationship between LAI and the vegetation indices did not yield any statistical relationship that needs to be further explore.
Monitoring of vegetation structure and functioning is critical to modeling terrestrial ecosystems and energy cycles. In particular, leaf area index (LAI) is an important structural property of vegetation used in many land surface vegetation, climate, and crop production models. Canopy structure (LAI, fCover, plant height, and biomass) and biochemical parameters (leaf pigmentation and water content) directly influence the radiative transfer process of sunlight in vegetation, determining the amount of radiation measured by passive sensors in the visible and infrared portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Optical remote sensing (RS) methods build relationships exploiting in situ measurements and/or as outputs of physical canopy radiative transfer models. The increased availability of passive (radar and LiDAR) RS data has fostered their use in many applications for the analysis of land surface properties and processes, thanks also to their insensitivity to weather conditions and the capability to exploit rich structural and textural information. Data fusion and multi-sensor integration techniques are pressing topics to fully exploit the information conveyed by both optical and microwave bands.
Land managers requiring spatial tree canopy cover data must consider data quality and specific information needs when selecting an appropriate data source. Given the increased availability of low density lidar datasets and the recent release of the National Land Cover Database (NLCD) 2011 Tree Canopy Cover (TCC) product, land managers are faced with additional candidate data sources for obtaining spatially explicit estimates of tree canopy cover. To inform the use of various remote sensing methods and data products available to land managers, the Remote Sensing Steering Committee sponsored a project comparing canopy cover estimates derived from three different remote sensing technologies: lidar, moderate-resolution satellite imagery, and high-resolution aerial imagery. Canopy cover estimates were compared and evaluated in order to clarify their appropriate use at different spatial and temporal scales. The TCC data and tree canopy cover data derived from lidar were compared and evaluated in terms of their agreement with sample-based estimates obtained from photo-interpretation of high-resolution ortho-imagery. Canopy cover estimates from a southern pine forest were compared at plot and landscape scales. At both scales, mean canopy cover derived from lidar was not significantly different from the photo-interpreted sample estimates, while TCC values were higher. Canopy cover values from lidar agreed more strongly with the photo-interpreted canopy cover estimates (RMSE = 11.01 percent) than did TCC data (RMSE = 18.13 percent). Temporal and seasonal agreement and scale of measurement should be considered in the interpretation of these results. Recommendations and considerations for choosing appropriate canopy cover data products for a variety of management needs are presented and discussed. A supplemental evaluation of the effects of lidar point density on first order canopy structure metrics was conducted and is reported in the appendix of this report. Experimentally thinning a high-density lidar data set and comparing the derived forest structure metrics at the scale of 30 meters showed that point densities as low as 1.5 points per square meter yielded first order canopy structure estimates similar to those obtained from the high point density reference.
Truth for vegetation cover percent and type is obtained from very large-scale photography (VLSP), stand structure as measured by size classes, and vegetation types from a combination of VLSP and ground sampling. We recommend using the Kappa statistic with bootstrap confidence intervals for overall accuracy, and similarly bootstrap confidence intervals for percent correct for each category and user and producer accuracy. A procedure is given for mapped plots to be assessed as being partially or totally correct. We recommend the use of primary accuracy for management decisions and secondary accuracy for research decisions to distinguish between accuracy desired.
Leaf Area Index (LAI) is an important input variable for forest ecosystem modeling as it is a factor in predicting productivity and biomass, two key aspects of forest health. Current in situ methods of determining LAI are sometimes destructive and generally very time consuming. Other LAI derivation methods, mainly satellite-based in nature, do not provide sufficient spatial resolution or the precision required by forest managers. This thesis focused on estimating LAI from: i) height and density metrics derived from Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR); ii) spectral vegetation indices (SVIs), in particular the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI); and iii) a combination of these two remote sensing technologies. In situ measurements of LAI were calculated from digital hemispherical photographs (DHPs) and remotely sensed variables were derived from low density LiDAR and high resolution WorldView-2 data. Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) models were created using these variables, allowing forest-wide prediction surfaces to be created. Results from these analyses demonstrated: i) moderate explanatory power (i.e., R2 = 0.54) for LiDAR models incorporating metrics that have proven to be related to canopy structure; ii) no relationship when using SVIs; and iii) no significant improvement of LiDAR models when combining them with SVI variables. The results suggest that LiDAR models in boreal forest environments provide satisfactory estimations of LAI, even with low ranges of LAI for model calibration. On the other hand, it was anticipated that traditional SVI relationships to LAI would be present with WorldView-2 data, a result that is not easily explained. Models derived from low point density LiDAR in a mixedwood boreal environment seem to offer a reliable method of estimating LAI at a high spatial resolution for decision makers in the forestry community.
This book provides a coherent review of NDVI including its origin, its availability, its associated advantages and disadvantages, and its possible applications in ecology, environmental monitoring, wildlife management, and conservation.
Wildland fires are occurring more frequently and affecting more of Earth's surface than ever before. These fires affect the properties of soils and the processes by which they form, but the nature of these impacts has not been well understood. Given that healthy soil is necessary to sustain biodiversity, ecosystems and agriculture, the impact of fire on soil is a vital field of research. Fire Effects on Soil Properties brings together current research on the effects of fire on the physical, biological and chemical properties of soil. Written by over 60 international experts in the field, it includes examples from fire-prone areas across the world, dealing with ash, meso and macrofauna, smouldering fires, recurrent fires and management of fire-affected soils. It also describes current best practice methodologies for research and monitoring of fire effects and new methodologies for future research. This is the first time information on this topic has been presented in a single volume and the book will be an important reference for students, practitioners, managers and academics interested in the effects of fire on ecosystems, including soil scientists, geologists, forestry researchers and environmentalists.
Covering the world's literature on meteorology, climatology, atmospheric chemistry and physics, physical oceanography, hydrology, glaciology, and related environmental sciences.