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This report describes modifications to the TSC MOD-04 highway traffic noise prediction program to extend the scope of problem formulation. The FHWA Level 2 Highway Traffic Noise Prediction Model features: Revised Vehicle Reference Noise Emission Levels; Specification of Site-Specific (Excess) Attenuation; English/Metric and Metric/English Conversion of engineering units for both input and output data; Common Input Data Format with TSC MOD-04 model, and User Options to Improve Operating Efficiency. The report describes problem formulation, input data requirements, output error messages, examples of usage, and computer program documentation.
In March 1998, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Office of Natural Environment, released the FHWA Traffic Noise Model (FHWA TNM) Version 1.0, a state-of-the-art computer program for highway traffic noise prediction and analysis. Since then, the FHWA, with assistance from the Volpe Center Acoustics Facility (Volpe Center) and Foliage Software Systems (FSS), have released updates of TNM (Versions 1.0a, and 1.0b) in March 1999 and August 1999, respectively. In support of the FHWA and the California Department of Transportation, the Volpe Center and FSS released Version 1.1 in September 2000. TNM 2.0 is the latest release of the TNM software. Two companion reports were released with TNM Version 1.0, a Technical Manual that describes the acoustics within TNM and a User's Guide. In addition, prior to TNM release, a data report was published that describes the vehicle noise-emissions data base within TNM. This document is an addendum to the FHWA TNM Version 1.0 User's Guide. It details the enhancements in the program up to and including Version 2.0.