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Guide til mere end 500 eksempler på street art i Berlin. Med interviews med udvalgte kunstnere. Med bykort
A documentation of the constantly changing urban art that has been created in Berlin in recent years.
In The City as Subject, Carolyn S. Loeb examines distinctive bodies of public art in Berlin: legal and illegal murals painted in West Berlin in the 1970s and 1980s, post-reunification public sculptures, and images and sites from the street art scene. Her careful analyses show how these developed new architectural and spatial vocabularies that drew on the city's infrastructure and daily urban experience. These works challenged mainstream urban development practices and engaged with citizen activism and with a wider civic discourse about what a city can be. Loeb extends this urban focus to her examination of the extensive outdoor installation of the Berlin Wall Memorial and its mandate to represent the history of the city's division. She studies its surrounding neighborhoods to show that, while the Memorial adopts many of the urban-oriented vocabularies established by the earlier works of public art she examines, it truncates the story of urban division, which stretches beyond the Wall's existence. Loeb suggests that, by embracing more multi-vocal perspectives, the Memorial could encourage the kind of participatory and heterogeneous construction of the city championed by the earlier works of public art.
An alternative history of art in Berlin, detaching artistic innovation from art world narratives and connecting it instead to collective creativity and social solidarity. In pre- and post-reunification Berlin, socially engaged artists championed collective art making and creativity over individual advancement, transforming urban space and civic life in the process. During the Cold War, the city’s state of exception invited artists on both sides of the Wall to detour from artistic tradition; post-Wall, art became a tool of resistance against the orthodoxy of economic growth. In Free Berlin, Briana Smith explores the everyday peculiarities, collective joys, and grassroots provocations of experimental artists in late Cold War Berlin and their legacy in today’s city. These artists worked intentionally outside the art market, believing that art should be everywhere, freed from its confinement in museums and galleries. They used art as a way to imagine new forms of social and creative life. Smith introduces little-known artists including West Berlin feminist collective Black Chocolate, the artist duo paint the town red (p.t.t.r), and the Office for Unusual Events, creators of satirical urban political theater, as well as East Berlin action art and urban interventionists Erhard Monden, Kurt Buchwald, and others. Artists and artist-led urban coalitions in 1990s Berlin carried on the participatory spirit of the late Cold War, with more overt forms of protest and collaboration at the neighborhood level. The temperament lives on in twenty-first century Berlin, animating artists’ resolve to work outside the market and citizens’ spirited defenses of green spaces, affordable housing, and collectivist projects. With Free Berlin, Smith offers an alternative history of art in Berlin, detaching artistic innovation from art world narratives and connecting it instead to Berliners’ historic embrace of care, solidarity, and cooperation.
Urban Art. Creating the Urban with Art was a conference at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in 2016. The aim of the conference and this publication is to discuss "urban art" in its broadest sense: as an umbrella term, that encompasses a great variety of creative expressions in the urban environment on a global scale. The broad implications of the term "urban art" allow summarizing very different outcomes, styles, media, and techniques ranging from illegal graffiti writing to performative, participatory and architectonical interventions from stickers to legal murals and so forth. In this way urban art as a concept exceeds the common notion of commercial indoor street art and graffiti and enlarges the perception of the visual and unsanctioned forming of the public sphere. The 16 papers and 2 introductions from researchers of 10 different countries and disciplines are divided in five sections - 1) Public or Urban Art? On Terminology, 2) Digital Media & the Urban (Art), 3) Affect & Performance, 4) Territories and 5) Urban Imaginary & The City.
In Berlin Street Style, noted design expert Angelika Taschen defines the unique fashion sense of this hip city. The book showcases the popular “anti-chic” look seen throughout Berlin, offering advice on how to create a simple, casual, and appeal­ingly disheveled appearance with vintage pieces, essential basics, and carefully selected accessories. For travelers to Berlin, the book recommends the city’s top destinations for fashion, beauty, design, and culture. With street-style photography and hand-drawn illustrations, this accessible style guide explores how Berlin women dress and where they find their fashion inspiration, highlighting trendsetting blogs and local labels.
Urban art - the decoration of public spaces - combines street art and graffiti and is an international creative practice. Many urban artists address issues such as human rights, the environment and lifestyle choices by challenging and confronting established thinking. Some artists feature heroes or icons in their work, others use illusions to lure the viewer into examining the art and trying to figure out what is real and what is not. Others still pay homage to less wellknown people who have worked for the good of humanity. Along with the urban landscape, this art form is evolving all the time, reflecting the zeitgeist, asking questions, and grabbing the attention of the passing city dweller.
A collection of color photographs that showcase the street art of Brooklyn, New York.
"Whereas to many people street art is still a manifestation of vandalism and as such wilful damage to property, it has established itself as a subculture and urban form of art, leaving a lasting impression on the cityscape"--Introduction.
This book provides insight into the significant area of public art and memorials in Berlin. Through diverse selected examples, grouped according to their basic character and significance, the most important art projects produced in the period since World War II are presented and discussed. Both as a critical theoretical work and rich photo book, this volume is a unique selection of Berlin’s diverse visual elements, contemporary and from the recent past. Some artworks are very famous and are already symbols of Berlin while others are less well known. Public Art and Urban Memorials in Berlin analyzes the connections created by public art on one hand, and urban space and architectural forms on the other. This volume considers the Berlin works of iconic artists such as Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Daniel Libeskind, Dani Karavan, Bernar Venet, Keith Haring, Christian Boltanski, Richard Serra, Peter Eisenman, Henry Moore, Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Brüggen, Wolf Vostell, Gerhard Richter, Eduardo Chillida, Jonathan Borofsky, Olaf Metzel, Sol LeWitt, Frank Gehry, Max Lingner, Bernhard Heiliger, Frank Thiel, Juan Garaizabal and more. The reader is led through seven chapters: Creative City Berlin, Introduction to Public Art, Public Art in Berlin, the Celebration of Berlin’s 750th Anniversary in 1987, Temporary public art, Socialist Realism in Art, and Urban Memorials. The chapter Public Art in Berlin discusses selected projects, Bundestag Public Art Collection, Public Art at Potsdamer Platz and The City and the river – a renewed relationship. The chapter on urban memorials discusses: Remembering the Divided City and Holocaust Memorials in Berlin. The book delivers nine interviews with artists whose Berlin work is revealed through this volume (Bernar Venet, Hubertus von der Goltz, Dani Karavan, Juan Garaizabal, Susanne Lorenz, Kalliopi Lemos, Frank Thiel, Karla Sachse and Nikolaus Koliusis).