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Almost A4 size. 50 pages. Full colour. Our journey through the heavenly spheres as described in the Urantia Book is so thrilling and awesome that I decided to present it in as much detail as possible for the benefit of those Urantia students who enjoy a more visual representation of our future career. I begin with our short but intense test as mortals on the material plane of existence on Urantia (the name given to Planet Earth) and then chronicle our journey upwards through the morontia worlds of our local system and constellation before reaching our local universe headquarters where we attain spirit status. The journey continues through the minor and major sectors of our superuniverse until we reach Uversa, our superuniverse capital. From here we are prepared for our transit through the seven circuits of Havona before the last transit sleep to Paradise and the eventual destiny of ascending mortals--the Finaliter Corps."Love of adventure, curiosity, and dread of monotony--these traits inherent in evolving human nature--were not put there just to aggravate and annoy you during your short sojourn on earth, but rather to suggest to you that death is only the beginning of an endless career of adventure, an everlasting life of anticipation, an eternal voyage of discovery." p.159/6. It is this eternal voyage that I present to you in this Handbook.
This 45 page booklet of Study Aids is designed to clarify concepts from The Urantia Book. They are not a substitute for the book but may be useful for readers who need a visual aid to comprehension. The Urantia Book is a series of papers describing the concept of Deity, the organisation of the universes, the history of this planet from its inception and the life of Jesus Christ. It gives a comprehensive record of man's origin, history and destiny. These Study Aids summarize the main concepts from the Book in a pictorial way. They are useful for memorizing key ideas and presenting the main concepts to others. An indispensable study aid to all those who love this amazing book. Full colour.
Written in the form of a revelation from divine beings, the classic guide to expanding consciousness presents texts discussing God, the universe, angels and other beings, the history of the world, the development of civilization, personal spiritual growth, and the life and teachings of Jesus.
All Urantia Book readers will tell you how reading the Book changed their lives. We have a new way of looking at life; we can see the bigger picture; our faith is strengthened; we feel more secure, more able to cope with life's problems; we have come to know God and Jesus as friends; we are no longer afraid of death. The knowledge of the Grand Universe and all the beings within it brings great comfort to us on this extraordinarily difficult planet. It puts our lives into perspective and we can cope with life's problems knowing that the challenges we face are all part of the beginning of our Ascendant career.But how much does knowledge of the Urantia Book change our personality? Are we better people having read the Book? Can we relate to others in a kinder way? Are we better parents, more loving partners? Are we more honest, reliable, trustworthy, loyal, tolerant and wise? Do we display more of the qualities of Jesus in our lives? Are we progressing from the human to the divine?This Work Book is especially for those who want to put spiritual values into practice in their lives. I believe we have a responsibility to our Thought Adjusters, our Guardians of Destiny but most of all to ourselves and those we come into contact with to be the best we can be. Together with quotes from the Urantia Book and my own suggestions and exercises, I hope this Work Book will help us to be more aware of our shortcomings and actually do something about it. We are all encouraged to 'do the Father's Will' and the Father's will is to be more like Him. I hope the Work Book will give you the incentive to work on yourself and help to turn flesh into soul. The Fruits of the Spirit are mentioned many times in the Urantia Book as necessary qualities to attain true self-mastery. I have taken each 'fruit' and suggested ways of developing the qualities in your day to day lives. Other topics such as Education, Relationships, Marriage, Prayer and Worship are also explored.
Jesus comes to life in this fascinating modern biography excerpted from The Urantia Book. Many of these historical stories are familiar to readers of the New Testament but dozens are new, including the missing years not found in the Bible. Here you discover Jesus presented as never before, both as divine Son and human hero whose matchless life inspires, comforts, and transforms you. It is beautifully written in modern, page-turning prose and complemented with 106 paintings from 35 renowned artists, including 42 originally commissioned works you will see for the first time. The paintings run the gamut of fine art celebrating the life of Christ, both classic and modern. These artists poured their souls into these portraits of higher spiritual reality. Our deep appreciation and humble gratitude go out to each one of them. These paintings illustrate Jesus' life journey from his humble birth and childhood to adolescence and manhood; from private to public ministry and on to his death, resurrection, and ascension. The artwork celebrates his diverse life as son, father-brother, carpenter, boat designer and builder, tutor, translator, caravan conductor, teacher, healer, minister, and friend. No one knows what Jesus looked like, but these artists painted their soulful interpretations to spark our imagination of these scenes from the Master's life. Our intent is to give you a visual communion with Jesus that complements the enthralling narrative. This impeccably designed book provides relevant and empowering spiritual insights, helping you navigate the challenging yet promising conditions of the 21st century. We live in an exciting era of unprecedented improvements in our material lives brought about by scientific, industrial, and social achievements. Yet despite all this progress, many souls feel lonely and displaced. We need God and have an innate thirst for spiritual answers because of that "still, small voice" that lives within us. Finding God by living the personal religion of Jesus satisfies that thirst. The search for the genuine Jesus continues to intrigue humanity. Since the Bible only records an estimated 50 days of his life, it follows that there is more to his story. You will find it here in this detailed history of the Master's entire life, including the public ministry recorded in the Gospels. It provides a coherent and seamless biography of this magnificent personality who continues to shape spiritual progress in our world. The story of Jesus is one of the most enthralling chapters in human history. The closing passage of the Apostle John's gospel speaks to a life larger than even the world itself. How fitting that the last words of his gospel should be the first words of this book: "But there are also many things which Jesus did; were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself would not contain the books that would be written." In John's day the Word was made flesh. In these days the Word is made book. The Untold Story of Jesus reveals the living Christ to members of the church that bears his name, as well as to worshipers of all world religions. It is sure to become a favorite volume for all who seek God.
This priceless and inexhaustible resource is the ultimate synthesis of science, philosophy and truth, of reason, wisdom and faith, and of past, present and future. This book comes in either red or blue.
2017 revision
We now include in the back of this edition, an Audio DVD of the entire content of the Urantia Book, at NO additional cost.
Much goes on behind the curtain of invisibility that would fascinate humans. Now, thanks to revelation, we have been given a glimpse into the superhuman realm where the Midwayers have been living and working since human will appeared. Almost everyone has had an experience for which the only explanation is help from unseen beings. Many attribute such experiences to the Guardian Angels, and they do indeed assist and protect us, but so do the Midwayers. In fact, the two work together to advance the individual and enhance global culture. The story in these pages will describe the nature, work, and history of these unique beings who are neither humans nor angels. They are in fact midway between the two. Until now, Midwayers were hardly known but their service is well known for it was they who rolled back the stone of the cavern where Jesus' body laid.