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The effects of pile irradiations on the physical properties and corrosion resistance of U-- Mo, U-- Nb; and U--Si alloys are reported. The dimensional stability under irradiation of the gamma phase U-- Mo and U-- Nb alloys is excellent; however, an isotropic volume increase of 4 to 6% per wt.% burnup may limit the ultimate fuel element life. Corrosion resistance of the gamma-phase alloys appesrs to be improved when subjected to s neutron field; this is attributed to an irrsdiation induced stabilization of the gamma phases. The U/ sub 3/Si alloy, on the other hand, suffered severe deterioration, particularly of corrosion resistance. Changes in electrical resistivity, hardness, mechanical properties, and crystal structure are presented and the mechanisms producing the observed changes discussed.
The effects of pile irradiations on the physical properties and corrosion resistance of U-- Mo, U-- Nb; and U--Si alloys are reported. The dimensional stability under irradiation of the gamma phase U-- Mo and U-- Nb alloys is excellent; however, an isotropic volume increase of 4 to 6% per wt.% burnup may limit the ultimate fuel element life. Corrosion resistance of the gamma-phase alloys appesrs to be improved when subjected to s neutron field; this is attributed to an irrsdiation induced stabilization of the gamma phases. The U/ sub 3/Si alloy, on the other hand, suffered severe deterioration, particularly of corrosion resistance. Changes in electrical resistivity, hardness, mechanical properties, and crystal structure are presented and the mechanisms producing the observed changes discussed.
Uranium Processing and Properties describes developments in uranium science, engineering and processing and covers a broad spectrum of topics and applications in which these technologies are harnessed. This book offers the most up-to-date knowledge on emerging nuclear technologies and applications while also covering new and established practices for working with uranium supplies. The book also aims to provide insights into current research and processing technology developments in order to stimulate and motivate innovation among readers. Topics covered include casting technology, plate and sheet rolling, machining of uranium and uranium alloys, forming and fabrication techniques, corrosion kinetics, nondestructive evaluation and thermal modeling.
A series of experiments was designed to assess the suitability of uranium-molybdenum alloys as high-temperature, high-burnup fuels for advanced sodium cooled reactors. Specimens with molybdenum contents between 3 and 10% were subjected to capsule irradiation tests in the Materials Testing Reactor, to burnups up to 10,000 Mwd/MTU at temperatures between 800 and 1500 deg F. The results indicated that molybdenum has a considerable effect in reducing the swelling due to irradiation. For example. 3% molybdemum reduces the swelling from 25%, for pure uranium. to 7% at approximates 3,000 Mwd/MTU at 1270 deg F. Further swelling resistance can be gained by increasing the molybdenum content, but the amount gained becomes successively smaller. At higher irradiation levels, the amount of swelling rapidly becomes greater, and larger amounts of molybdenum are required to provide similar resistance. A limit of 7% swelling, at 900 deg F and an irradiation of 7,230 Mwd/ MTU, requires the use of 10% Nonemolybdenum in the alloy. The burnup rates were in the range of 2.0 to 4.0 x 10p13s fissiom/cc-sec. Small ternary additions of silicon and aluminum were shown to have a noticeable effect in reducing swelling when added to a U-3% Mo alloy base. Under the conditions of the present experiment, 0.26% silicon or 0.38% aluminum were equivalent to 1 to 1 1/2% molybdenum. The Advanced Sodium Cooled Reactor requires a fuel capable of being irradiated to 20,000 Mwd/MTU at temperatures up to 1500 deg C in metal fuel, or equivalent in ceramic fuel. It is concluded that even the highest molybdenum contents considered did not produce a fuel capable of operating satisfactorily under these conditions. The alloys would be useful, however, for less exacting conditions. The U-3% Mo alloy is capable of use up to 3,000 Mwd/MTU at temperatures of 1300 deg F before swelling becomes excessive. The addition of silicon and aluminum would increase this limit to at least 3,000 Mwd/MTU, and possibly more if the
In the search for a corrosion-resistant high-uraniumcontent alloy for use as core material in high-temperature-water-moderated reactors, the corrosion of binary and ternary U alloys was studied in water at 500 and 600 deg F. Alloys contaiiifng less than 40 wt, % Zr additions completely oxidized upon short exposure at 600 deg F, whereas 50 plus wt.% alloys exhibited relatively low corrosion rates. Alloys were sensitive to heat treatment and were most resistant in the quenched condition. The corrosion rates of Zr alloys were linear to slightly accelerated with respect to time. Alloys containing 40, 50, and 60 wt.% Zr were resistant to water at 500 deg F. Molybdenum additions (arc-melted alloys) in the range of 10 to 15 wt.% improved the resistance of U to 600 deg F water but did not result in corrosion-resistant alloys, probably because of inhomogeneity of the alloys studied. The addition of Mo, Nb, Th, Sn, and Ti to uranium--20 wt.% zirconium resulted in several promising alloys: uranium--20 zirconium--5 molybdenum and uranium--20 zirconium-10 niobium. Additions of up to 5 wt, % Mo did not improve the resistance of 40 and 50% Zr alloys to 600 deg F water. A uranium--30 zirconium--5.6 tantalum alloy also exhibited promising resistance to 600 deg F water. Other additions (2 and 5 at.%) which did not improve the resistance of uranium--30 wt.% zirconium were: Sb, Bi, Cc, Cr, Co, Fe, Pb, Ni, Nb, Si, Th, Ti, and W. (auth).
As a continuation of studies reported in BMI-1400, fabrication characteristics, physical and mechanical properties, and corrosion behavior in NaK, sodium, and water of niobium--uranium binary alloys containing up to 60 wt.% uranium were investigated. Alloys were cast by a skull melting and consumable and nonconsumable arc-melting methods. Fabrication difficulties with alloys containing greater than 25 wt.% uranium were related to coring-type microsegregation during casting. Tensile tests indicated 0.2% offset yield strengths of 16,880, 22,370 and 28,600 psi for niobium2000 deg F. Additional tensile data were obtained for alloys from 1600 to 2400 deg F. Stresses to produce minimum creep rates of 0.001, 0.01, and 0.1%/hr at 1600, 1800, and 2000 deg F were also determined. Both tensile and creep strengths were found to be sensitive to oxygen content. All alloys appeared compatible with NaK at 1600 deg F and with sodium at 1500 deg F. In 600 deg F water, most of the alloys tested exhibited negligible weight changes after 336 days' exposure. Weight changes were greater after 140 days' exposure to 680 deg F water, but corrosion rates were considered satisfactory for a clad fuel. The thermal and electrical conductivities of niobium are lowered by the addition of uranium, while the thermal-expansion characteristics are essentially unaffected. Recrystallization temperatures for 90% cold-reduced niobium-4.38, -14.3, -20, -25.0, and -30 wt.% uranium alloys are 2300, 2300, 2400, 2300, and 2200 deg F, respectively. No appreciable effect of oxygen contents ranging from 100 to 1000 ppm was observed on the composition limits of the gamma immiscibility gap in the niobium-- uranium system. (auth).