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There once was a princess who wore a large crown, her favorite red dress, and also, a frown. No matter how blessed the princess was to have wealth and a kingdom, her face always wore a sad frown. Can the princess learn to look at the world in a more happy way? The Upside-Down Crown helps teach children that a bad feeling can always be changed into a good feeling.
Jesus changes everything. His life, message, death, and resurrection are game changers for all humanity. In the only sermon Jesus ever preached He reveals a new way to live. It's a way that seems upside down from our natural way of thinking but all the evidence confirms that Jesus is right. In a world that constantly chases fulfillment without finding it, Jesus reveals that life to the fullest is closer than we think. Upside Down Crown unpacks the brilliance of the right-side-up way of Jesus.
"Since February 1998, the Earth has accelerated her cycles of change. We are also urged to accelerate our own processes of change. I try to provide useful insights into the cycles of change and create possibilities for fellow human beings to become creative interactors with the flow of Earth changes." -- Marko Pogačnik Whether we like it or not, we earthlings are about to enter a dramatic period of change. The physical earth is changing; it is entering a multidimensional form. The purpose of physical earth as we know it was to help us individuate. Now it is time to enter a new series of dimensions. The earth is about to give in to a new multidimensional consciousness. However, this cannot happen unless we understand that, as human beings, we are being asked to change. We are being asked to let go of our attachments to physical things. We must learn to let go. Resistance and panic will only hinder the inevitable processes of evolutionary transformation. Marko Pogačnik describes what we can expect and how to prepare ourselves to deal with it. He presents simple exercises and meditations that will not only help us survive and adapt, but will also--and more important--help the Earth herself bring forth her true Self. The book's cover image is a "cosmogram" from a sculpture by Marko Pogačnik.
York illustrates how Revolutionary Americans founded an empire as well as a nation, and how they saw the two as inseparable. While they had rejected Britain and denounced power politics, they would engage in realpolitik and mimic Britain as they built their empire of liberty. England had become Great Britain as an imperial nation, and Britons believed that their empire promised much to all fortunate enough to be part of it. Colonial Americans shared that belief and sense of pride. But as clashing interests and changing identities put them at odds with the prevailing view in London, dissident colonists displaced Anglo-American exceptionalism with their own sense of place and purpose, an American vision of manifest destiny. Revolutionary Americans wanted to believe that creating a new nation meant that they had left behind the old problems of empire. What they discovered was that the basic problems of empire unavoidably came with them into the new union. They too found it difficult to build a union in the midst of rival interests and competing ideologies. Ironically, they learned that they could only succeed by aping the balance of power politics used by Britain that they had only recently decried.
With everything going Upside down through the Covid season, this book is an effort to bring family bonding downside up. Upside Down to Downside Up is a comprehensive family book encouraging parents to prioritize family and cultivate a happy and thriving environment. The weekly conversation starters by Dr. Prabhan C Mathew is aimed to make your family time more meaningful, being empathetic to your children and seal deeper bonding as a family. With his experience of 25 years of being a family life educator, the author uses research findings in a practical way to relate to any urban family and connect with the struggles that they face. This unique book is sure to engage you in deeper ways with your family and create a contagious fun atmosphere at home. Are you willing to take up this 52-week family challenge and experience the result?
Pat is a mother of four adult children and four grandchildren. Pat has written poetry for special occasions for a number of years, and with her husband Joe's encouragement, wrote this book. Pat is planning to present her children and grandchildren the gift of these words.
In A Walk in Jerusalem, The Rev. Canon John L. Peterson, Secretary General of the Anglican Communion, brings new life co this centuries-old ritual, known as the Stations of the Cross. Illustrated with a map, 14 black-and-white photographs, and 14 pen-and-ink drawings, this helpful guide provides the appropriate episode of the Passion story for each station along with a meditation and brief liturgy that apply that story to today's world.
An innocent accountant, a broken FBI agent, and an emotionless analyst are drawn into a flawed plot that will eliminate the only chance for mankind's survival. How can these three, none aware of the existence of the other two, work in concert to overcome an insane prophet and keep the world spinning? In this fast-paced thriller, packed full of science and intrigue, these engaging characters struggle to survive the attacks of a cult of unknown assailants. Anita, a hard-working accountant is sucked into a dark world of a doomsday cult while searching for her missing brother on the sunny streets of Charleston. Walker, still healing from failures that led to the deaths of four of his agents, must again face the grim reaper. Murphy, the brainy analyst, is informed of the far-off apocalypse and handed the obligation of ensuring that humanity reaches for the stars to avoid extinction on a dying planet.
Presents step-by-step directions for drawing the national flag, a castle, a stork, and other sights and symbols of Germany.