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We take the opportunity of placing before the homoeopathic profession this litil brochure comprising sympotic pictures of a few recently proved drugs and a group of nosodes known as Bowel Nosodes . In this age of antibiotic it is becoming more and more apparent that however useful they they may appear to be they are very often attended with undesirable side effects and render the patients allergic to their future use hence there is an attempt on the part of homoeopaths on strictly Hahnemannian lines to ascertain their individualising feature for the therapeutic purpose and to render them suitable for administration in potentised from to antidot the ill effects of the respective antibiotic drug in crude doses.
As the Nosodes are unique they have been treated separately and given their own repertorial index.The conventional bold type, italics and lower case are not used because it may lead to neglect of important small remedies.
As the Nosodes are unique they have been treated separately and given their own repertorial index. The conventional bold type, italics and lower case are not used because it may lead to neglect of important small remedies. This book covers over 100 nosodes and sarcodes. It offers information that can be difficult to find elsewhere.
This book covers the detailed and extended sympmatology of some important remedies including sarcodes, nosodes and imponderabilia. It covers 16 remedies and includes the proving of X-ray, magnets, electricity. Each remedy starts on mental generals and ending with general symptoms. Division of each remedy is according to head to toe distribution. It provides arrangement of all the characteristic (keynotes) symptoms which have been proved and verified. In each remedy a brief account of prover and proving has been illustrated. The symptoms are unaltered in substance and language of remedies unchanged. Features: Precise and comprehensive; More extended symptomatology of nosodes, sarcodes and imponderabilia; Presents characteristic keynotes symptoms which have been proved and verified; Symptoms are arranged in such a manner that they follow each other in a logical sequence, so that no symptoms are lost to the reader even on casual reading; Useful for students as well as to practitioners of homeopathy.
The study of 'sarcodes is one of the most greyarea of homeopathic materia medica, which has not yet been throughly explored. Most of the sarcodes are not proved as per standard guidelines of Dr Hahnemann nor majority of them been clinically verified. On scrutiny of the available literature on sarcodes, a lot of differences and contradictions are witnessed which lead to confuson in the minds of the readers, particularly in respect to their sources, preparation, clinical applicability, effective potencies and doses etc., There is no clarity whether sarcodes should be earmarked as a separate class of 'animal kingdom'. Moreever the signs and symptoms of each sarcode are not documented uniformly in different homoeopathic Materia Medicas, which naturally confounds the readers.
The First Part Of The Book Discusses The History And Concepts Of Treating Disease With Nosodes.The Second Part Is The Materia Medica Of 66 Nosodes.The Third Part Is A Repertory.