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"Muslim responses to Christianity down the ages have been shaped by diverse factors. One of the primary stumbling blocks has been Muslim misperceptions of Christian core beliefs about the person of Jesus and the nature of God. This study includes a practical example of contextualization which should provide great insights to Christians who are trying to explain their faith to Muslims in diverse contexts." -Peter G. Riddell, Professor of Islamics; Director, Centre for Muslim-Christian Relations
The purpose of this book is to bring truth as to who God The Father is and who we really are in Christ. Knowing who you are allows you to take back your power and authority over the God of this world—Yahweh. God The Father of Christ and all creation is not the God of this world (John 18:36). The Father gave man dominion over the earth (Genesis 1:26–28); through man's sin, power and authority was transferred to Satan/Lucifer. The Father cast Lucifer out of heaven down to the earth (Isaiah 14:12–14) vowed to be worshipped as God the Most High, the Father. Lucifer deceives the whole world (Revelation 12:9) into believing he is God The Father of Christ. The world is looking for this deception to occur in the future. In this book, I prove biblically this deception has already occurred twenty-five hundred years ago when Yahweh freed the Jews out of Egypt. Yahweh declares he is the God of the Jews ever since the land of Egypt and there is no other savior but him (Hosea 13:4). Before this, who was Yahweh? Our minds have been blinded by two thousand years of corrupt and false teachings that were set in place to maintain Yahweh's power and control over this world. Jesus Christ came into this world to tell the Jews the god they're worshipping—Yahweh is not God The Father. The Jews killed Jesus to save the Jewish nation (John 11:50–53) as His message would have completely destroyed the nation; this truth brought division within families. The Jews, with the help of Paul, gathered the children of Christ, grafting them into Yahweh's kingdom under the pretense that Yahweh is the Father of Christ, knowing he is the fallen angel Lucifer. The Father gave man markers to identify Lucifer and his fallen angels. One marker—they are chained in darkness. Yahweh always appears to men in thick darkness: Moses, Solomon, David, and the prophets. Yahweh/Jehovah is the god and ruler of this world, so the only way God The Father could help man was to be born into Yahweh's kingdom here on earth. Yahweh demanded shedding of blood—an innocent blood sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin. Jesus followed all of Yahweh's laws and statutes perfectly; He was sinless. Jesus gave himself to be man's blood sacrifice to appease Yahweh's wrath upon man. God the Father is perfect love; He is displeased with blood sacrifice of any kind. He told the Jews to stop but they continued making sacrifices to their God—Yahweh (Isaiah 66:3, Hosea 6:6–9). God the Father says killing of bulls and goats does not take away sin (Hebrews 10:4–6 ). I prove through scripture that Yahweh is not the loving God The Father of Christ. Yahweh does not have the Holy Spirit of the Father; therefore, he cannot create, he cannot raise the dead, and he cannot heal the sick. Yahweh needs the Father's Holy Spirit that is in all men to maintain his world construct; without it, this world would collapse. Yahweh keeps all men's souls in bondage and imprisoned here within the earth through sin and reincarnation; our spirit is recycled over and over till the day of judgment. Jesus came to teach us how to break free from Yahweh's matrix, being brought into God The Father's kingdom of light in the third heaven. Yahweh/Jehovah is the God of this world; his realm is the heavens directly above the earth and our planetary system. God the Father and Christ dwells in the third heaven aka the pleroma where there is no time, gravity, or matter. All things created emanate from the Father, Who is perfect love. He loves all His creation equally, so He has no favorites; no judgment or wrath towards His creation. This world is worshipping Yahweh; who comes from the Creator/God the Father. Yahweh is a jealous, angry, wrathful god that wants you to fear him. God the Father is the father of all things created; all things emanate from the Father so who can He be jealous of? Nothing. We are now living in the end times. Yahweh is doing everything in his power to corrupt God The Father's creation using all men of power having one agenda—to control the whole world through one world religion, one world government, and one world currency. In this book, I give you the tools needed to escape Yahweh's kingdom of condemnation, death, and destruction.
I Am: The Unveiling of God is a breath of fresh air in the devotional literature market. Taken from true stories, these forty honest, wonderfully crafted insights will allow the reader to gaze upon the inexpressible beauty of God while discovering a personal connection to a God who desires to be our all in all. Each essay in turn explores a different facet of God and how it plays into our relationship with Him. Bite-sized chapters end with a candid prayer followed by questions to spur further meditation on an attribute of God. I Am is a rare gem that deserves to be on every reader's bookshelf.
In Unveiling God's Church, a compilation of nine of Brother Reidhead's sermons on the first three chapters of the Book of Revelation, we gain deep insights on how we should think about the Church, the Body and Bride of Christ. We learn the only reason for the Church existing is to glorify the Lord through the lives of its members and to bring Him honor, fame, praise and love. We learn job number one of the preacher is to deliver to the Lord a Bride pleasing to Him. And thus in God's Church our hope is that in every day, every circumstance, in every situation God and His sovereign love is going to use my life to bring glory to His Son. But this only happens when each member is perfected, when each is filled with the fullness of Christ. This is how the Church is to glorify Him by revealing Christ in every believer. We become priests unto God. This royal priesthood is His perfected Church. This singular purpose is the reason He gave us pastors, teachers and prophets, to bring the Body to perfection.
The book of Revelation captures the fullness of every biblical truth, wrapped up in the person and glory of Jesus Christ. It concludes the Bible with the passing away of all that is old and the establishment of all that is new. Written to thrill and exhilarate the believer, Revelation is more than a manual of future events; it unveils the coming King to our hearts. It is for every church and every lover of God in every generation. It is for us to understand and embrace today as much as the early churches did. The well of the Word beckons us to drink deeply, not merely to seek answers but to discover the glory of Jesus Christ and to live fully in his splendor. A joyous blessing rests upon the one who reads this message and upon those who hear and embrace the words of this prophecy, for the appointed time is in your hands. Revelation 1:3
What Wild at Heart did for men, Captivating is doing for women. Setting their hearts free. This groundbreaking book shows readers the glorious design of women before the fall, describes how the feminine heart can be restored, and casts a vision for the power, freedom, and beauty of a woman released to be all she was meant to be.
Unveiling Mercy will do just that—unveil how the mercy of God in the Messiah is spoken of from the very opening Hebrew word of the Bible, all the way to the closing chapter of Malachi. By the end of the year, you will have entered the Old Testament through 365 new doorways, looked with fresh eyes at old verses, and traced a web of connections all over the Scriptures that you've never spotted before. You'll begin to see what one person meant when he described Hebrew words as "hyphens between heaven and earth." Reading the Bible in translation can be like "kissing the bride through the veil." Each of these 365 devotions is crafted so as to lift that veil ever so slightly, to touch skin to skin, as it were, with the original language. You do not need to know anything about Hebrew to profit from these meditations. They are not written to teach you the language of Abraham, Moses, and Isaiah, but to give you a taste of their insights, to expose you to their eloquence, to laugh with them at their winking wordplays, to un-English their idioms, and—most importantly—to trace their trajectories all the way into the preaching of the Messiah and the writings of his evangelists and apostles.
And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11:14 (KJV)
A gripping story of how an entire family, deeply enmeshed in Mormonism for thirty years, found their way out and found faith in Jesus Christ. For thirty years, Lynn Wilder, once a tenured faculty member at Brigham Young University, and her family lived in, loved, and promoted the Mormon Church. Then their son Micah, serving his Mormon mission in Florida, had a revelation: God knew him personally. God loved him. And the Mormon Church did not offer the true gospel. Micah's conversion to Christ put the family in a tailspin. They wondered, Have we believed the wrong thing for decades? If we leave Mormonism, what does this mean for our safety, jobs, and relationships? Is Christianity all that different from Mormonism anyway? As Lynn tells her story of abandoning the deception of Mormonism to receive God's grace, she gives a rare look into Mormon culture, what it means to grow up Mormon, and why the contrasts between Mormonism and Christianity make all the difference in the world. Whether you are in the Mormon Church, are curious about Mormonism, or simply are looking for a gripping story, Unveiling Grace will strengthen your faith in the true God who loves you no matter what.
In this age of chaos, God gives courage and comfort. Trudy Beyak, an award-winning journalist, interviewed 50 global leaders of faith: Ruth Graham, Dr. Francis Collins, Danae Dobson, Dr. Raymond Damadian, the MRI inventor; the Vatican, Paul Young, Gary Chapman, and many others, about the nature of God. They reveal fascinating new insights! When no one cares, and you feel all alone, the maternal mercy of God comforts your soul, “as a mother comforts,” a precious loved one. Ruth Graham explains: “When God created men and women to be like him, women are half the picture.” What a gift, then, it is to be a mother! The “maternal instinct” to nurture others, corresponds to the nature of God, as our Comforter. Women no longer need ask: Dear Lord: Who am I? Discover 50 exclusive interviews that will transform a woman’s life – and men, as well. And there’s more. The Mother Heart of God is a journalist’s compelling spiritual journey, a personal invitation to every man and woman to experience the love of God that brings hope and healing to every soul.