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Here is the book you have been waiting for There is no doubt that the books of Daniel and Revelation contain some of the most difficult and complex prophesies in the entire Bible. Unveiling Daniel's Prophecies of End Time Events clarifies many of the complexities and answers some of the most challenging questions contained in these prophesies. It sets forth a new and strikingly simple prophetic explanation that allows the reader to fully understand the prophetic sequence contained in Daniel 2 and 7 in association with selected prophecies from Revelation 13 and 17. Many books have offered interpretations of the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, but little attention has actually been given to unfolding prophetic events within the prophetic timeline. In this unique book, the author attempts to rectify this. By sequencing the prophecies of Daniel 2 and 7 along with associated prophecies from Revelation, the author is able to present the logical unfolding of prophetic events from the first world empire to the fall of Rome, to the rise of the ten-horn seven-headed beast, the wounding of the beast, to the rise of the Antichrist, to the coming of the Lord Jesus, the King of kings, and Lord of lords. Unveiling Daniel's Prophecies of End Time Events is a highly readable volume and will be a valuable resource for pastors, Christian educators, Bible students, and all who are interested or curious about the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. Clarence Duff, ThD, PhD Dr. Duff is professor at Canada Christian College where he lectures in Christian education. He is the author of Unlocking the Mystery of Depression. He holds a MDiv, and ThD from Canada Christian College, an MA in CounsellingPsychology from Liberty University, a PhD in Religious Studies from California State Christian University, and is the candidate for the PhD in Psychology from Capella University.
Here is the book you have been waiting for! There is no doubt that the books of Daniel and Revelation contain some of the most difficult and complex prophesies in the entire Bible. Unveiling Daniel's Prophecies of End Time Events clarifies many of the complexities and answers some of the most challenging questions contained in these prophesies. It sets forth a new and strikingly simple prophetic explanation that allows the reader to fully understand the prophetic sequence contained in Daniel 2 and 7 in association with selected prophecies from Revelation 13 and 17. Many books have offered interpretations of the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, but little attention has actually been given to unfolding prophetic events within the prophetic timeline. In this unique book, the author attempts to rectify this. By sequencing the prophecies of Daniel 2 and 7 along with associated prophecies from Revelation, the author is able to present the logical unfolding of prophetic events from the first world empire to the fall of Rome, to the rise of the ten-horn seven-headed beast, the wounding of the beast, to the rise of the Antichrist, to the coming of the Lord Jesus, the King of kings, and Lord of lords. Unveiling Daniel's Prophecies of End Time Events is a highly readable volume and will be a valuable resource for pastors, Christian educators, Bible students, and all who are interested or curious about the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. Clarence Duff, ThD, PhD Dr. Duff is professor at Canada Christian College where he lectures in Christian education. He is the author of Unlocking the Mystery of Depression. He holds a MDiv, and ThD from Canada Christian College, an MA in CounsellingPsychology from Liberty University, a PhD in Religious Studies from California State Christian University, and is the candidate for the PhD in Psychology from Capella University.
Clear Answers to Complex Questions In a field often clouded by confusion and sensationalism, keeping track of what the Bible says about the end times can be challenging even for seasoned believers. That’s why the bestselling authors behind the Prophecy Pros Podcast are here to bring you a comprehensive and user-friendly guide to the most need-to-know facts about what is to come. Packed with charts, timelines, and infographics, TheProphecy Pros’ Illustrated Guide to Tough Questions About the End Times delivers speculation-free, biblically sourced answers to your questions on one of the Bible’s most significant topics. You’ll learn about imminent events like the rapture, Jesus’ second coming, and life in heaven, while understanding exactly what Bible prophecy is, where it’s found in Scripture, and why Christians should study it. As you grow in your understanding of God’s plans for history still-to-come, your trust in Him will be transformed. Whether you’re new to your faith or a longtime student of Bible prophecy, this approachable handbook will provide helpful, straightforward answers to your queries and concerns about the end times, inspiring you to face the future with confidence!
The Book of Daniel in the Tanach (Bible) speaks of a time when the 4th kingdom, which has already come upon the earth, will be revived and arise to a place of pre-eminence over all nations. From this 4th kingdom the evil leader will come forth to rule and reign over the whole world for a short time. (Time, two times and half a time or 3 ½ years). What we now see and experience as evil and violence is but a foretaste to the time of the rule and reign of the evil leader of the 4th kingdom yet to come upon the earth. The pages within this book unveil much detail regarding world events, some of which have already occurred, others of which have been in the making for years and are about to become a full reality. Spiritual discernment and understanding of these world events and how they are being woven together by the hand of G-d are essential in order to give one a clear view of the larger picture regarding the rise and the destruction of this 4th kingdom. Before the Messiah Himself comes to destroy this 4th kingdom and its evil leader, G-d will, in His sovereignty, use this 4th kingdom to fulfill His purposes of judgment, both upon the nations and with His chosen people, the Jews. The connections between the written word of the Lord G-d and the documented course of events taking place in the world today, revealed within this book, will not leave any doubt of G-d's intentions of His heart-the redemption of His people.
The Arab Spring, the continuing Israel - Palestine conflict... why does the Middle East dominate the news headlines so often? One obvious answer is oil, the lifeblood of our modern world. The crucial importance of oil alone ensures that the Middle East will remain in the headlines for years. The Middle East is also the birthplace of the world's three great monotheistic religions—Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It has also been the battlefield for each religion—trying to control the territory they consider holy. Nowhere are these conflicts more obvious than in Israel, and specifically in Jerusalem. Whether you understand it or not, events in the Middle East are destined to affect the lives of every person on earth! Bible prophecy gives us the clues to understand what will happen. This ebook, "The Middle East in Bible Prophecy", will help you better understand the troubled history of the Middle East—and its tumultuous future. Chapters in this ebook: -- Introduction: Worlds in Turmoil -- The Middle East: Worlds in Collision -- The Sons of Abraham -- The Rise and Fall of Ancient Israel -- The Four Empires of Daniel's Prophecies -- The Coming of Islam -- The Jews: From the Dispersion to the Modern Israeli State -- The Creation of the Modern Middle East -- A Rising Tide of Arab Nationalism -- Fundamentalist Islam Resurges -- Anger Mounts Following Gulf War -- Not Enemies Forever -- "Why Do People Hate Us So Much?" -- War and Peace in the Middle East -- What Is the "Abomination of Desolation"? -- Prophecy of an Arab Confederation -- What Should You Do? Inside this Bible Study Aid ebook: "It’s impossible to understand the present Middle East without a knowledge of the three great religions that emanate from the area—Judaism, Christianity and Islam. These three faiths all trace their spiritual roots back to the same individual, Abraham." "However, conflict between Christians and Muslims has been a constant theme of history for 14 centuries." "Many other factors have contributed to the rise of Islamic fundamentalism and subsequent terrorism, including the Israeli-Palestinian problem and the domination of American culture." "After so much death and destruction, and centuries of war and unrest in the Middle East, imagine what a difference the second coming of Jesus Christ will make."
It’s more than just a statement. It’s a fact! The world as we know it will eventually end. In On the Way to the Future, trusted Bible teacher Ray C. Stedman examines the prophecy of Daniel, not to stir readers to build a bomb shelter, but to increase their awareness of God’s plan for their lives now, what He has in store for the future, and how they can be prepared to experience it. This resource is perfect for laypeople, pastors, and ministry leaders.
Have you ever wondered why there are so many timed end-time prophecies in the Book of Daniel? Those secrets are unveiled in this exciting book aimed at the last-day generation.
Dr Francis S. Collins, head of the Human Genome Project, is one of the world's leading scientists, working at the cutting edge of the study of DNA, the code of life. Yet he is also a man of unshakable faith in God. How does he reconcile the seemingly unreconcilable? In THE LANGUAGE OF GOD he explains his own journey from atheism to faith, and then takes the reader on a stunning tour of modern science to show that physics, chemistry and biology -- indeed, reason itself -- are not incompatible with belief. His book is essential reading for anyone who wonders about the deepest questions of all: why are we here? How did we get here? And what does life mean?
No one can deny that the world is in trouble. Tragedy stalks our streets. Violence and bloodshed fill the news. How do we explain so much chaos? Is there any hope for peace in our time? Dr. David Jeremiah's dramatic narrative on the Book of Revelation answers these and many more challenging questions, by unraveling the imagery and explaining the significance of the events described in the last book of the Bible. Within its pages are the hope and encouragement we need to lift us from the gloom of present events to the promise of a brilliant future.