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Chapter 1: Understanding Phone Addiction Introduction: In this chapter, we will delve into the concept of phone addiction, exploring its impact on our lives and understanding the underlying factors that contribute to its development. By gaining a deeper understanding of phone addiction, you will be better equipped to recognize its presence in your life and take the necessary steps to overcome it. Section 1: The Rise of Phone Addiction ●The pervasive presence of smartphones in today's society ●The addictive nature of technology and its impact on human behavior ●Statistics and research studies highlighting the prevalence of phone addiction Section 2: Signs and Symptoms of Phone Addiction ●Common signs indicating an unhealthy relationship with your phone ●Physical, emotional, and social symptoms associated with phone addiction ●Differentiating between normal phone usage and addictive behavior Section 3: The Psychological and Neurological Aspects ●The role of reward systems in phone addiction ●Dopamine and its connection to technology use ●Understanding the psychological and neurological mechanisms behind phone addiction Section 4: Factors Contributing to Phone Addiction ●The influence of social media and its addictive features ●Escapism and the allure of digital distractions ●Psychological and emotional factors that contribute to phone addiction (loneliness, anxiety, etc.) Section 5: The Impact of Phone Addiction ●Negative effects on mental health and emotional well-being ●Relationship strain and social isolation caused by excessive phone use ●Decline in productivity, focus, and overall life satisfaction Section 6: Co-occurring Disorders and Comorbidity
From the New York Times bestselling author of The Unteachables, Gordon Korman, comes a hilarious middle grade novel about a group of kids forced to “unplug” at a wellness camp—where they instead find intrigue, adventure, and a whole lot of chaos. Perfect for fans of Korman’s Ungifted and the Masterminds series, as well as Carl Hiaasen’s eco mysteries. As the son of the world’s most famous tech billionaire, spoiled Jett Baranov has always gotten what he wanted. So when his father’s private jet drops him in the middle of the Arkansas wilderness, at a place called the Oasis, Jett can’t believe it. He’s forced to hand over his cell phone, eat grainy veggie patties, and participate in wholesome activities with the other kids, who he has absolutely no interest in hanging out with. As the weeks go on, Jett starts to get used to the unplugged life and even bonds with the other kids over their discovery of a baby-lizard-turned-pet, Needles. But he can’t help noticing that the adults at the Oasis are acting really strange. Jett is determined to get to the bottom of things, but can he convince everybody that he is no longer just a spoiled brat who is making trouble?
Many in our modern society are in the midst of an existential crisis. The ideals of previous generations have gradually eroded, leaving nothing to fill the vacuum. This book discusses why we feel empty and how we try to fill the void, and then prescribes the unplugged cure.
In 24/6, Tiffany Shlain explores how turning off screens one day a week can work wonders on your brain, body, and soul. Internet pioneer and renowned filmmaker Tiffany Shlain takes us on a provocative and entertaining journey through time and technology, introducing a strategy for living in our 24/7 world: turning off all screens for twenty-four hours each week. This practice, which she’s done for nearly a decade with her husband and kids (sixteen and ten), has completely changed their lives, giving them more time, productivity, connection, and presence. She and her family call it “Technology Shabbat.” Drawn from the ancient ritual of Shabbat, living 24/6 can work for anyone from any background. With humor and wisdom, Shlain shares her story, offers lessons she has learned, and provides a blueprint for how to do it yourself. Along the way, she delves into the neuroscience, philosophy, psychology, and history of a weekly day of rest across cultures, making the case for why we need to bring this ritual back. A compelling personal story and a fascinating, far-reaching examination of the complex world we’ve created, 24/6 is a call to rebalance ourselves and our society.
WARNING: THIS VIDEO GAME MAY IMPAIR YOUR JUDGMENT. IT MAY CAUSE SLEEP DEPRIVATION, ALIENATION OF FRIENDS AND FAMILY, WEIGHT LOSS OR GAIN, NEGLECT OF YOUR BASIC NEEDS AS WELL AS THE NEEDS OF LOVED ONES AND/OR DEPENDENTS, AND DECREASED PERFORMANCE ON THE JOB. THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN FANTASY AND REALITY MAY BECOME BLURRED. PLAY AT YOUR OWN RISK. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR SUICIDE ATTEMPTS. No such warning was included on the latest and greatest release from the Warcraft series of massive multiplayer online role-playing games—World of Warcraft (WoW). So when Ryan Van Cleave—a college professor, husband, father, and one of the 11.5 million Warcraft subscribers worldwide—found himself teetering on the edge of the Arlington Memorial Bridge, he had no one to blame but himself. He had neglected his wife and children and had jeopardized his livelihood, all for the rush of living a life of high adventure in a virtual world. A fabulously written and gripping tale, Unplugged takes you on a journey through the author's semireclusive life with video games at the center of his experiences. Even when he was sexually molested by a young school teacher at age eleven, it was the promise of a new video game that had lured him to her house. As Ryan's life progresses, we witness the evolution of video games—from simple two-button consoles to today's multikey technology, brilliantly designed to keep the user actively participating. For Ryan, the virtual world was a siren-song he couldn't ignore, no matter the cost. As is the case with most recovering addicts, Ryan eventually hit rock bottom and shares with you his ongoing battle to control his impulses to play, providing prescriptive advice and resources for those caught in the grip of this very real addiction.
No matter what you do for a living, how much time your apps save you, or how much entertainment your phone brings, it is possible to unplug--and find an even better life on the other side. In the spring of 2021, Hannah Brencher found herself depleted and exhausted--and she knew the culprit was her constantly plugged-in lifestyle. Like so many of us, Hannah had been turning to her phone to cope with life in a time of isolation and uncertainty. Those coping mechanisms had calcified into habits she didn't know how to break. Sound familiar? That's when the nudge happened. Turn off your phone and keep turning off your phone. And a challenge was born: 1,000 unplugged hours in one year. Soon after she shared her tracker sheet on her website, thousands of people downloaded it and signed up for their own 1,000-hour challenge. Now in The Unplugged Hours, Hannah demonstrates how the act of powering down changed her entire life. It's a strikingly small thing to do and a surprisingly difficult habit to maintain, but turning off your phone has a substantial impact on your mental health, relationships, time management, and outlook on the world. A powerful weaving of memoir, cultural commentary, and spiritual insights, this life-changing book helps you: Reclaim your ability to be present and engaged with the world around you Swap the hurried, constant pace of technology for a steadier, more rooted way of living Establish your own unplugged rituals and rhythms in daily life Uncover the magic within the ordinary awaiting you just beyond the screen The Unplugged Hours gives you the practical ideas and spiritual inspiration you need to stop scrolling and start living.
In today's hyperconnected world, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, shaping our relationships, perceptions, and even our sense of self. However, as we find ourselves constantly tethered to screens, mindlessly scrolling through news feeds, and comparing our lives to carefully curated online personas, we often lose sight of what truly matters. "Unplug" sheds light on the hidden consequences of excessive social media use, from the erosion of authentic connections to the detrimental effects on mental health and overall well-being.
Years of Black, Brown and Otherized bodies, of all ages, dying in pursuit of dignity and resistant to injustice didn’t push people into action until being exposed as a nation, unapologetically living the ideals of colonialism. Through the representation of a presidential candidate and ultimately as the one sitting in office though known to not have been elected by the people, are the ideas of democracy, equality and justice truly in question. As White fragility increases, the population of those convinced that privilege was irrelevant and that we were in an era of post-colonialism, neo-liberalism, or a new form of racism, has decreased. Moving towards social justice requires reclaiming the building of community. The reclaiming pertains to the practices that indigenous communities modeled for not only survival but for the sharing of space, resources, knowledge, and building a shared value system that extended human interaction—inviting originality and agency.
“Networking is key. Stop worrying about protecting your little circle or clique & start realizing that whatever you put out there comes back to you. Think small, stay small. Expand your circle as much as you can. The more you help & do for others, the more you find success in more ways than one, also from within. It’s a simple concept, but so many people do not see or understand this. The world would be a better place if we did & acted this way all together and every day.” - Opus Break When I’m Dead chronicles Opus and his trials and tribulations through touring, recording, and writing music, as well as his stint as a reality show star and the journey of being a father through an uncertain era of politics and a pandemic. Journey along with Opus to discover some of his unusual life and personal events, as well as a shocking family tree.
Have you ever reached the end of the line? Where you can’t take ‘life’ anymore? After watching his Mom brutally batt le Alzheimer’s until the end and being worn out from the daily grind, Stan decided he was there; it was time to Just Unplug and Go See the World. Travel has always been the antidote for this weary soul! Selling every possession, he drove cross-country reconnecting with old friends, purchased a ticket to Thailand, and went traipsing around 11 countries for five months. Old school style: no maps, no guidebooks and no agenda. Determined to reclaim his mojo if it was still out there, equipped with a seasoned yet open-minded perspective on life, yearning to be awed again, Stan’s comical, insightful, heartfelt and friendly writing style will have you feeling as if you are right there with him. Come along as he shares nutty stories about random encounters, charming locals and exotic locales; with illuminating epiphanies sprinkled throughout. If you want to find out how adventure can recharge your soul, this is the book! Whether you are 21 or 51, this book joyfully reminds you the world is a marvelous place filled with astounding beauty, culinary delights, infectious people and enchanting experiences. All you need is a dash of wonder for the unknown, a smidgen of faith in others and the willingness to take chances. Everyone needs to unplug from regular life, drop his or her day-today routine and go see what lays beyond the proverbial comfort zone — Live vibrantly in the moment! Sit back, turn off the T.V., relax and enjoy a rollicking ride as Stan brings you along his journey to reawaken his passion for, well, everything. Don’t be surprised if you start booking your own travel odyssey soon enough. Life isn’t over until you say it is!