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The only child of Paul Isaac Porter, who was convicted twenty years ago for the brutal murder of twelve innocent girls, has promised himself and his mother, not to infect innocent lives with the darkness that swirls within him, waiting to make itself known. Then Brynn Cadogan stumbles into his life; now he exists between heaven and hell: falling for a woman who wants to love him, while all along reminding himself that he must remain unloved.
James had it all-good looks, a winning personality, and parents who loved God and turned a blind eye to his shenanigans. Then the divorce happened. Struggling to find acceptance in a new town, without the support of his perpetually-working mother, he lands in a crowd who lives from one high to the next. When caught and imprisoned, he must choose between conquering his addictions and succumbing to suicide. Rachelle is a God-fearing woman who struggles to cope with a history of abuse. In an attempt to unchain herself from the past, she ministers to others who've suffered. Yet when her own past haunts her marriage, she must face her repressed trauma before her relationship collapses. Based on a true story, Love the Unloved is a Christian short story of a man's fight against temptation and a woman's struggle to heal. With God's aid, they must come together, look outward, and build a family founded on grace.
Brought up in South London by violent and abusive parents, the Roche children knew only cruelty, neglect, starvation and squalor. 'Unloved' is a harrowing account of a shattered childhood, told by a man who has finally found the courage to speak out.
This book uses Hebrew, Greek, and English texts to show that there was once an inclusive and a feminist point of view within the Biblical text and that these points of view were subsequently obscured. McKenzie explains the dynamics of the feminine interaction between Goddess religions and the Hebrew and Christian religions. Contents: The Bible; Growth and Development of Concepts; Matriarchies/Patriarchies; ELoHIM; Her Story; God is Not Male (Num. 23:19); Your People, My People: Your ELoHIM, My ELoHIM; You Despised Me and Have Taken the Wife; Queen of Heaven; Prophetess, Women, and Queens; Baalath Ashtart and Wisdom, She; Susanna, Sara, and Sexual Mores; Hebrew Heroines; Into My Mother's House; I AM; ELoHIM Understands Her Way; Men, Are Not Women Mighty?; Wisdom, She; When in Doubt, Write Women Out; Generations Will Call Me Blessed; Daughter, Your Faith Has Healed You; In Her Memory; Vindicate Me from My Opponent; I Am the Light; Your Daughters Will Prophesy; You for Freedom Were Called; The Vision Lost; Wings of the Eagle; Appendix; Bibliography; Index.
The image is instant. It whirs out of the camera and they all watch it develop in silence. "Here." He gives the photograph to the perfect flawless woman without looking at it, by way of apology. When everyone gathers around Luciana to admire it, Gustav clicks again. The unloved look brave. The unloved look heavier than the loved. Their eyes are sadder but their thoughts are clearer. They are not concerned with pleasing or affirming their loved one's point of view. The unloved look preoccupied. The unloved look impatient. A group of hedonistic tourists--from Algeria, England, Poland, Germany, Italy, France, and America--gathers to celebrate the holidays in a remote French chateau. Then a woman is brutally murdered, and the sad, eerie child Tatiana declares she knows who did it. The subsequent inquiry into the death, however, proves to be more of an investigation into the nature of identity, love, insatiable rage, and sadistic desire. The Unloved offers a bold and revealing look at some of the events that shaped European and African history, and the perils of a future founded on concealed truth.
Lush, a deceptively tranquil, the secluded island basks in splendid isolation off the South Carolina coast--as does the Devereaux mansion, a once-great plantation house now crumbling amidst the ancient oaks. Now, for the first time in two decades, Kevin Devereaux has returned here with his wife and children to visit Kevin's hated, and frightening mother. She said she was ill--but is that really why the old woman has summoned the son she has not seen in so many years? Suddenly, horribly, one of the Devereauxs is going to die. And now, all the dark secrets of this once-proud family will emerge to wrap their evil around the unsuspecting children. Until, in the shadowed corridors and dust-covered rooms of the decaying old house, they learn the true terror of The Unloved.
Through every word on every page is the life of a woman who had dreams of a bright future with a loving husband and a wonderful marriage. She knew she had married the man of her dreams. It was a match made in heaven and together they would love, live, grow, develop and nothing would be impossible for them to achieve together.But, unfortunately, all of what she dreamed of and everything she had imaged was shattered by the reality of being married and being an UNLOVED WIFE!
What's the worst thing that can happen to a werewolf? Unable to shift for three months, Mateo Cruz knows all too well. His wolf has taken up residence in his head, taunting him night and day with vividly violent and carnal thoughts. Convinced he's cursed, he needs the help of a powerful witch before he literally goes insane. ​Evie Savoie has always obeyed the house rules of her coven--no werewolves. They're known for being moody and volatile. So, when a distempered, dangerous werewolf strolls into the bar and almost strangles one of her late-night customers, she's ready to bounce him through the door. But the desperation in his eyes when he begs her to help him softens her heart and convinces her to bend the rules. ​What Evie doesn't know is that Mateo's wolf has a mind of his own. And now that she's in his sights, he wants only one thing. Her.
Turkey vultures, the most widely distributed and abundant scavenging birds of prey on the planet, are found from central Canada to the southern tip of Argentina, and nearly everywhere in between. In the United States we sometimes call them buzzards; in parts of Mexico the name is aura cabecirroja, in Uruguay jote cabeza colorada, and in Ecuador gallinazo aura. A huge bird, the turkey vulture is a familiar sight from culture to culture, in both hemispheres. But despite being ubiquitous and recognizable, the turkey vulture has never had a book of literary nonfiction devoted to it - until Vulture. Floating on six-foot wings, turkey vultures use their keen senses of smell and sight to locate carrion. Unlike their cousin the black vulture, turkey vultures do not kill weak or dying animals; instead, they cleanse, purify, and renew the environment by clearing it of decaying carcasses, thus slowing the spread of such dangerous pathogens as anthrax, rabies, and botulism. The beauty, grace, and important role of these birds in the ecosystem notwithstanding, turkey vultures are maligned and underappreciated; they have been accused of spreading disease and killing livestock, neither of which has ever been substantiated. Although turkey vultures are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which makes harming them a federal offense, the birds still face persecution. They've been killed because of their looks, their odor, and their presence in proximity to humans. Even the federal government occasionally sanctions "roost dispersals," which involve the harassment and sometimes the murder of communally roosting vultures during the cold winter months. Vulture follows a year in the life of a typical North American turkey vulture. By incorporating information from scientific papers and articles, as well as interviews with world-renowned raptor and vulture experts, author Katie Fallon examines all aspects of the bird's natural history: breeding, incubating eggs, raising chicks, migrating, and roosting. After reading this book you will never look at a vulture in the same way again.
From USA Today bestselling author K Webster comes an angsty, dark, and emotional new adult romance standalone! I’m a freak, a misfit, an odd end. Abandoned and unloved. But my happiness is so close I can taste it. Until he shows up. Gorgeous, expensive, and all man. Sad brown eyes and a brilliant smile. And he wants me to go with him. His intentions are hidden. His motives are unclear. Yet, I leave with him because there’s no happiness here. What he promises feels too good to be true… A castle. A fortune. And horses too. It’s too easy. Nothing in my life has ever been easy. What’s the catch? There’s always a catch. KEYWORDS: dark romance book full novel, physiological romance, dark romance audio books, happily ever after, romance novels, romantic novels, romantic suspense book, autistic hero book, no cliff hanger, steamy romance book, contemporary romance, language barrier romance, angsty.