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Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation is a top-selling book in the homeschool market. This book is marketed in both homeschool and adult markets. The book has wide appeal in all the following areas: Youth, Adult, Creation/Science, Biblical Studies, and General Interest.
Unlock the Mysteries of Faith and Science Have you wondered how the creation story in Genesis fits with the evolutionary theories of popular science? You're not alone. Many Christians wrestle with the seeming disparity between faith and science. They want to believe the inerrancy of Scripture, but it's difficult to reconcile the two. Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis seeks to resolve this conflict by answering key questions about the origin of human life, the evidence left by the fossil record, and how the findings of science line up with the Bible. Using the most current research and data, this visually stunning book takes readers on a journey that explores the wonders of God's creation through the lens of faith-based science that clearly points to the authenticity and accuracy of the biblical creation account. The compelling evidence you'll find as you study both Genesis and science will challenge your intellect and reinforce your faith.
Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation is a textbook on origins that provides alternative explanations-- based on biblical premises--to counteract secular evolutionary theories.
In this volume, Watchman Nee, the noted Chinese pastor/writer, presents to us a biblical interpretation of creation, not arguing for the scientific accuracy of the Genesis account, but stipulating that God is greater than science.
"[P]resents scientific evidence that confirms the biblical account of creation and dispels pervasive and inaccurate theories from the secular world. By offering defensible answers to some of the most provocative and controversial questions of faith and science, Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis ignites confidence in God's inerrant Word by showing the harmony between science and Scripture"--Container.
THE BOOK OF GENESIS is the key to the Bible. In the New Testament it is quoted twenty-seven times literally and thirty-eight times substantially. It tells in a very few words how God first imaged man and the universe and then turned the development over to Jehovah, who has been in a process of manifestation for ages and aeons. The "Five Books of Moses," of which Genesis is the first, have always been credited to Moses, but that he was the author seems doubtful in the face of the many stories of creation found in the legends and hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt, Chaldea, and other nations that are almost identical with those of Genesis. It would thus seem that Moses edited the legends of the ages and compiled them into an allegorical history of creation. The truths in this book will be revealed to the reader through his own spiritual unfoldment. Spiritual things are spiritually discerned. The spiritual revelations that you seem to get from books and teachers already existed as submerged experiences in your own soul. The essential truths have been worked out in this or previous incarnations, and when you were reminded of the buried idea it blazed forth as a light from without. So all that you are or ever will be must come from your own spiritual achievements.
New York Times Best Seller! 1500 5-Star Reviews! From the author that brought you NEW YORK TIMES best selling books The Harbinger, The Mystery of the Shemitah, and The Paradigm selling over 3 MILLION copies Imagine if you discovered a treasure chest in which were hidden ancient mysteries, revelations from heaven, secrets of the ages, the answers to man’s most enduring, age-old questions, and the hidden keys that can transform your life to joy, success, and blessing…This is The Book of Mysteries.
I believe it was the message of the day one Sunday, when he preached about hell. I left church scared for the first time, in fear because of how he described hell. This then started my lifelong quest to understand why. Why is there a hell, and how could this be fair? I did not ask for this. I thought, Who would want to take such a chance to live life and not get these rules right and suffer eternity in hell? This book begins by describing the events of the war in heaven as described in Revelation 12:7-11, as a foundation establishing that life did exist before the earth was created, the proof also being found in Genesis itself. That is where we find Satan as a serpent. This is what could be considered as Exhibit ASatan in the Garden of Eden, proof of his existence on earth after he was cast down from heaven into the earth. This book presents many more important questions that serve as a key to unlocking the mysteries of creation. One example is, how, why, and when our spirits were created. My research and years of study of the Bible reveal to me that our spirits were created before we were born and will still exist after we die.
Explore the truth of science and faith... and what it means to you! Uncover evidences of Creation in living systems Unravel the questions of Creation and the laws of science Understand the vanishing case for evolution science Many Christians are not aware that many legitimate scientists embrace the Genesis explanation of origins. In What is Creation Science?, two of the most respected members of that group have given us the benefit of their knowledge. The book itself, though technical in places, is remarkably clear, and its focus is on a fair dialogue of the issues. So much so that many thousands of readers have taken to heart Dr. Parker's challenge, to "Think About It!" The creation/evolution question is not an issue that concerns only biologists on the one hand and religious people on the other. In one way or another, the issue permeates every field of academic study and every aspect of national life. It deals with two opposing basic worldviews - two philosophies of origins and destinies, of life and meaning. Consequently, it is (or should be) of special concern to everyone.
This book explores the powerful new evidence discovered in the last few decades by scientific research in astronomy, the nature of the atom and DNA. These discoveries have caused a revolution in the world view of thousands of scientists as they were confronted with compelling new evidence that our universe must have been created by a Supernatural Mind. Grant Jeffrey’s latest book, Creation, will challenge readers with fascinating new information that confirms the Bible’s claim that “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”. Content Includes: ·Deep space reveals mysteries of the first moments of creation ·Wonders of the universe point to a Supernatural Creator ·A revolution in our understanding of the universe’s beginning ·Astonishing evidence of the universe’s intelligent design ·Remarkable discoveries about the nature of the atom ·The collapse of the Theory of Evolution ·DNA- The language of God ·Modern science discovers God