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This fourth issue of 2013 features articles from internationally recognized legal scholars, and extensive research in Comments authored by University of Chicago Law School students. Contents of Vol. 80, No. 4, include: ARTICLES * Bankruptcy Law as a Liquidity Provider, by Kenneth Ayotte & David A. Skeel Jr. * Impeaching Precedent, by Charles L. Barzun * Copyright in Teams, by Anthony J. Casey & Andres Sawicki * Inside or Outside the System?, by Eric A. Posner & Adrian Vermeule REVIEW ESSAY * Francis Lieber and the Modern Law of War, by Paul Finkelman COMMENTS * Having Their Cake and Eating It Too? Post-emancipation Child Support as a Valid Judicial Option, by Lauren C. Barnett * Equal Opportunity: Federal Employees' Right to Sue on Title VII and Tort Claims, by Kristin Sommers Czubkowski * Using Severability Doctrine to Solve the Retroactivity Unit-of-Analysis Puzzle: A Dodd-Frank Case Study, by Hannah Garden-Monheit * I Didn't Do It: Third-Party Debtors and the Securities Law Violation Exception to Discharge, by Hillel Nadler * "Super Contacts": Invoking Aiding-and-Abetting Jurisdiction to Hold Foreign Nonparties in Contempt of Court, by Julia K. Schwartz * Taking Leases, by Nicholas Spear * Disability Claims, Guidance Documents, and the Problem of Nonlegislative Rules, by Frederick W. Watson Quality ebook editions feature active Contents, linked footnotes, and linked URLs in notes.
The University of Chicago Law Review's third issue of 2013 features articles and essays from internationally recognized legal and policy scholars, as well as extensive student research on cutting-edge topics. Contents include: ARTICLES * Tortfest, by J. Shahar Dillbary * Judging the Flood of Litigation, by Marin K. Levy * Unbundling Constitutionality, by Richard Primus * When Nudges Fail: Slippery Defaults, by Lauren E. Willis COMMENTS * The Firearm-Disability Dilemma: Property Insights into Felon Gun Rights * Pleading in Technicolor: When Can Litigants Incorporate Audiovisual Works into Their Complaints? * Fun with Numbers: Gall's Mixed Message regarding Variance Calculations * The Availability of Discovery Sanctions for Violations of Protective Orders * Corruption Clarified: Defining the Reach of "Agent" in 18 USC § 666 * Extra Venues for Extraterritorial Crimes? 18 USC § 3238 and Cross-Border Criminal Activity * A Historical Approach to Negligent Misrepresentation and Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 9(b) REVIEW ESSAY * Commons and Growth: The Essential Role of Open Commons in Market Economies, by Yochai Benkler The University of Chicago Law Review first appeared in 1933, thirty-one years after the Law School offered its first classes. Since then the Law Review has continued to serve as a forum for the expression of ideas of leading professors, judges, and practitioners, as well as student-authors ... and as a training ground for University of Chicago Law School students, who serve as its editors and contribute original research. Principal articles and essays are authored by internationally recognized legal scholars. Quality eBook editions feature active Contents, linked footnotes, and linked URLs in notes.
The University of Chicago Law Review's 4th issue of 2014 features articles and essays from recognized legal scholars, as well as extensive student research. Contents include: Articles: • The Legal Salience of Taxation, by Andrew T. Hayashi • Tax-Loss Mechanisms, by Jacob Nussim & Avraham Tabbach • Regulating Systemic Risk in Insurance, by Daniel Schwarcz & Steven L. Schwarcz • American Constitutional Exceptionalism Revisited, by Mila Versteeg & Emily Zackin Comments: • Bursting the Speech Bubble: Toward a More Fitting Perceived-Affiliation Standard, by Nicholas A. Caselli • Payments to Not Parent? Noncustodial Parents as the Recipients of Child Support, by Emma J. Cone-Roddy • Too Small to Fail: A New Perspective on Environmental Penalties for Small Businesses, by Nicholas S. Dufau • Understanding Equal Sovereignty, by Abigail B. Molitor • "Widespread" Uncertainty: The Exclusionary Rule in Civil-Removal Proceedings, by Michael J. O’Brien • Clogged Conduits: A Defendant's Right to Confront His Translated Statements, by Casen B. Ross • "Integral" Decisionmaking: Judicial Interpretation of Predispute Arbitration Agreements Naming the National Arbitration Forum, by Daniel A. Sito Volume 81, Number 4 also features Review Essays by Lisa Bernstein, Avery W. Katz, and Eyal Zamir, analyzing three recent books on contract law and theory.
A leading law review offers a quality ebook edition. This fourth issue of 2012 features articles from internationally recognized legal scholars, and extensive research in Comments authored by University of Chicago Law School students. Contents for the issue are: ARTICLES: -- Elected Judges and Statutory Interpretation, by Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl & Ethan J. Leib -- Delegation in Immigration Law, by Adam B. Cox & Eric A. Posner -- What If Religion Is Not Special?, by Micah Schwartzman COMMENTS: -- A Common Law Approach to D&O Insurance “In Fact” Exclusion Disputes -- Taming the Hydra: Prosecutorial Discretion under the Acceptance of Responsibility Provision of the US Sentencing Guidelines -- Are Railroads Liable When Lightning Strikes? -- Who’s Allowed to Kill the Radio Star? Forfeiture Jurisdiction under the Communications Act -- Federal Diversity Jurisdiction and American Indian Tribal Corporations -- The Right to Trial by Jury under the WARN Act The issue also includes a Review Essay by Saul Levmore, analyzing the Public Choice implications of "Why the Law Is So Perverse" by Leo Katz In the eBook edition, Tables of Contents are active, including those for individual articles; footnotes are fully linked and properly numbered; graphs and figures are reproduced legibly; URLs in footnotes are active; and proper eBook formatting is used.
The University of Chicago Law Review's second issue of 2013 features articles and essays from internationally recognized legal and policy scholars. Contents include: Article, "Property Lost in Translation," by Abraham Bell & Gideon Parchomovsky Article, "Tiers of Scrutiny in Enumerated Powers Jurisprudence," by Aziz Z. Huq Article, "State and Federal Models of the Interaction between Statutes and Unwritten Law," by Caleb Nelson Article, "Our Electoral Exceptionalism," by Nicholas O. Stephanopoulos Essay, "Reverse Advisory Opinions," by Neal Devins & Saikrishna B. Prakash Review Essay, "The Inescapability of Constitutional Theory," by Erwin Chemerinsky (reviewing a new book by Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson III) Comment, "Amongst the 'Waives': Whether Sovereign Immunity for Contractual Damages Is Waived under the Public Vessels Act or the Suits in Admiralty Act," by Maria A. Lanahan The University of Chicago Law Review first appeared in 1933, thirty-one years after the Law School offered its first classes. Since then the Law Review has continued to serve as a forum for the expression of ideas of leading professors, judges, and practitioners, as well as student-authors ... and as a training ground for University of Chicago Law School students, who serve as its editors and contribute original research. Principal articles and essays are authored by internationally recognized legal scholars. Quality eBook editions feature active Contents, linked footnotes, and linked URLs in notes.
A leading law review now offers a quality eBook edition. The fourth and final issue of 2011 (Volume 78) features articles and essays from internationally recognized legal scholars and governmental leaders, including Cass Sunstein (on empirically informed regulation), Jonathan Bressler (on jury nullification and Reconstruction), Daniel Schwarcz (on standardized insurance policies), and Bertral Ross II (writing against constitutional mainstreaming in stautory interpretation). In addition, the issue includes a review essay on the book The Master Switch, as well as student Comments on such subjects as same-sex divorce, religious practices by prisoners, falsely claiming Medal of Honor status, and enhancement in federal sentencing. The issue is presented in modern eBook formatting and features active Tables of Contents; linked footnotes and URLs; and legible graphs and tables.
A leading law review offers a quality eBook edition. This first issue of 2013 (Winter 2013, Volume 80) features articles and essays from internationally recognized legal and immigration policy scholars, including an extensive Symposium on immigration and its issues of policy, law, and administrative process in the United States. In addition, the issue includes articles by scholars and student-editors on other issues of law and policy. The issue serves, in effect, as a new and extensive book on cutting-edge issues of immigration law and policy in the United States by renowned researchers in the field. It is presented in modern eBook format and features active Tables of Contents; linked footnotes and URLs; careful digital presentation; and legible tables and images.
A leading law review offers a quality ebook edition. This third issue of 2012 features articles from internationally recognized legal scholars, and extensive research in Comments authored by University of Chicago Law School students. Contents for the issue include: ARTICLES: "Orwell’s Armchair," by Derek E. Bambauer "Jury Nullification in Modified Comparative Negligence Regimes," by Eli K. Best & John J. Donohue III "Allocating Pollution," by Arden Rowell COMMENTS: "A State-Centered Approach to Tax Discrimination under § 11501(b)(4) of the 4-R Act" "A Felony, I Presume? 21 USC § 841(b)’s Mitigating Provision and the Categorical Approach in Immigration Proceedings" "Home Is Where the Court Is: Determining Residence for Child Custody Matters under the UCCJEA" "Revisiting Revlon: Should Judicial Scrutiny of Mergers Depend on the Method of Payment?" In the eBook edition, Tables of Contents are active, including those for individual articles; footnotes are fully linked and properly numbered; graphs and figures are reproduced legibly; URLs in footnotes are active; and proper eBook formatting is used. The University of Chicago Law Review first appeared in 1933, thirty-one years after the Law School offered its first classes. Since then the Law Review has continued to serve as a forum for the expression of ideas of leading professors, judges, and practitioners, as well as students, and as a training ground for University of Chicago Law School student-editors.
The third issue of 2014 features three articles from recognized legal scholars, as well as extensive student research. Contents include: Articles: • Following Lower-Court Precedent, by Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl • Constitutional Outliers, by Justin Driver • Intellectual Property versus Prizes: Reframing the Debate, by Benjamin N. Roin Review: • The Text, the Whole Text, and Nothing but the Text, So Help Me God: Un-Writing Amar's Unwritten Constitution, by Michael Stokes Paulsen Comments: • Standing on Ceremony: Can Lead Plaintiffs Claim Injury from Securities That They Did Not Purchase?, by Corey K. Brady • FISA's Fuzzy Line between Domestic and International Terrorism, by Nick Harper • The Perceived Intrusiveness of Searching Electronic Devices at the Border: An Empirical Study, by Matthew B. Kugler • Comcast Corp v Behrend and Chaos on the Ground, by Alex Parkinson • Maybe Once, Maybe Twice: Using the Rule of Lenity to Determine Whether 18 USC 924(c) Defines One Crime or Two, by F. Italia Patti • Let's Be Reasonable: Controlling Self-Help Discovery in False Claims Act Suits, by Stephen M. Payne • A Dispute Over Bona Fide Disputes in Involuntary Bankruptcy Proceedings, by Steven J. Winkelman The University of Chicago Law Review first appeared in 1933, thirty-one years after the Law School offered its first classes. Since then the Law Review has continued to serve as a forum for the expression of ideas of leading professors, judges, and practitioners, as well as students, and as a training ground for University of Chicago Law School students, who serve as its editors and contribute Comments and other research. Principal articles and essays are authored by accomplished legal and economics scholars. Quality ebook formatting includes active TOC, linked notes, active URLs in notes, and all the charts, tables, and formulae found in the original print version.
The second issue of 2014 features articles and essays from recognized scholars. Contents include these Articles: • "Group to Individual (G2i) Inference in Scientific Expert Testimony," David L. Faigman, John Monahan & Christopher Slobogin • "Game Theory and the Structure of Administrative Law," Yehonatan Givati • "Habeas and the Roberts Court," Aziz Z. Huq • "Cost-Benefit Analysis and Agency Independence," Michael A. Livermore • "Accommodating Every Body," Michael Ashley Stein, Anita Silvers, Bradley A. Areheart & Leslie Pickering Francis In addition, the issue includes a Review Essay by Sharon R. Krause entitled "The Liberalism of Love," and these student Comments: • "Toward a Uniform Rule: The Collapse of the Civil-Criminal Divide in Appellate Review of Multitheory General Verdicts," Nathan H. Jack • "All out of Chewing Gum: A Case for a More Coherent Limitations Period for ERISA Breach-of-Fiduciary-Duty Claims," Raphael Janove Quality ebook formatting includes active TOC, linked notes, active URLs in notes, and all the charts, tables, and formulae found in the original print version.