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The story of the Universal Flood and the posterior migrations.
This story unfolds like a mystery thriller...the action-packed, true, gripping account of the settleing down of planet Earth AFTER THE TOTAL WORLD WIPEOUT...and its effects upon human history. The Corpse Came Back! begins with the handful of refugees on board their survival vessel - the ship of Noah - and their journey into the unknown, new world. Of course, the skeptics will have their questions, such as: If the Ark floated above the mountains, however could they breathe in that high-altitude rarified atmosphere? How could the frail, timid platypus have migrated to Australia from Ararat? Surely marsupials must be an isolated evolutionary development - since their fossils are found nowhere else? Amazing scientific evidence that our biggest mountain ranges are barely 4,000+ years old. Was the Ice Age triggered by HEAT??? Why did civilization BEGIN in the mountains - instead of in the easily cultivated valleys and plains? Grand Canyon explorations - are there really ancient Egyptian remains in off-limits tunnels? The strange origin of the alphabet and much more!
"This book by Mike Oard about the Retreating Stage of Noah's flood contains powerful evidence that the catastrophe really happened, and as a consequence, that the Bible is accurate and reliable. The Retreating Stage of the Flood, the seven-month period when the waters of the Flood retreated from the continents into the ocean basins, is the last global geological process to significantly impact our earth. And the mark it left on the landscape is still clearly visible"--Foreword.
The story of the Deluge - or the Global Flood of Noah - permeates nearly every culture in the world in some way, shape, or form. While details vary between the different cultures, the same basic elements, occur in all versions. Despite the striking similarities of these accounts, some mythologists have looked at the minor differences in the stories and declared: "This never happened!"There is another alternative - to accept that the different versions all refer to the same event - passed on from generation to generation, through various developing cultures. Through these legends, this epic event has remained woven into the tapestry of cultural history - sharing not just the story of survival, but the power of obedience, and the fulfillment of God's enduring promise.
There are hundreds of ancient flood legends around the world that tells of vast inundations in ancient times caused by catastrophic events. It's often assumed that these legends refer to the flood of Noah and his ark. Although many do mirror this biblical story, some people say these legends simply refer to local floods that only affected the world of the locals, not the whole globe. There are three types of flood legends: global, local, and a confusion of global mixed with local floods. We sorted these legends into categories, presented the evidences, and exhibited the causes of each type. From this discussion emerges a frightful picture of the ancient world where civilizations were affected time and time again by vastly destructive cataclysmic events. The world changed—mountains rose, continents shifted, cities and islands sunk, species were obliterated, and whole populations were wiped off the face of the earth. Legends regularly validate others as true histories. If the floods they spoke of were not global, their effect was. This roller coaster ride of evidence will challenge the worldview of ancient and geologic history that have been taught to us. Legends of the floods often mentioned God or the gods, which were considered to be either responsible for the floods or saved people from them. The age when the gods ruled is associated with advanced technology and flood legends. Atlantis is considered central in flood legends, and many researchers have incorrectly linked its destruction with all flood legends. The gods, too, are related to Atlantis and are frequently tied with floods, which necessitated a section devoted to the age of the gods wherein we discover their origins and who they are.
This is a very unique book, that for the first time puts forth a new theory on how a recent global flood as described in the Bible may have occurred, that is both plausible and scientifically sound. The author treats Noah´s flood as a scientific mystery story which he then proceeds to solve by examining the clues found in the geological record and human history, building a theory that is in harmony with the biblical record of an earth wide deluge and with what we know about the geology of the earth. In this detailed and well referenced book, common objections to the biblical deluge are examined and answers are found that satisfy both a literal interpretation of scripture and a scientific examination of the facts. This book is compelling as the author proves what many have come to view as mere myth, is actually a historical event well supported by scientific evidence. The author also presents the results of his research on detecting recently deposited micro marine fossils left by the flood in soil samples. Presenting solid Paleoclimatological evidence of the deluge, this book may require rewriting many currently used textbooks. Sure to be considered very controversial, this is a must read for any one interested in geology or the biblical deluge. Written for the general public and the more geologically inclined as well, this book is a seamless merging of a literal reading of Genesis with what geology knows about the earth. 305 pages, 20 B&W illustrations, index.
When you begin to ponder the terrible judgment of the Flood waters that God used to completely destroy the first world, then immediately a number of perplexing problems present themselves. For example: How can we explain the coming together of all the animals and birds from all parts of the world at one time? How was it possible for eight people to feed and provide drink for all the different animals in the Ark for over a year? How was it possible for them to clean the Ark? Where did all the water come from? Is there actually enough water on our planet to cover the entire earth? How could the Ark accommodate the natural increase of the animals? Is the alleged discovery of the remains of Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat by a Russian aviator a true account? What became of all the water when the Flood subsided? Did the Flood waters rise to an elevation to cover such lofty heights as Pike's Peak, Mount Everest, Mount McKinley? When did the Flood begin? How long did it last? Where did Noah acquire the 'know-how' for building such a spacious and durable Ark? How can we account for the rapid progress of the nations following the Flood? What was the population? To all these troublesome questions -- and many more -- the author submits satisfactory solutions. From archaeology, excavations, honest historical research, Dr. Rehwinkel proves the inspired Word of God to be an absolute reliable source book -- also in dealing with natural phenomena and scientific facts.
This volume opens with an analysis of the biblical Flood story within its ancient Oriental context and with two essays devoted to the study of the Flood in Greek literature. Several essays are devoted to the interpretation of the biblical story in diverse ancient Jewish and Christian texts (Old Testament apocrypha, Gnostic mythology, patristic and rabbinic literature). The volume ends with a study about the interpretation of the Flood in the period of the Scientific Revolution and with an interpretation from the perspective of a twentieth-century psycho-analyst.
Standard scientific and Biblical defence of seven day creation and Biblical flood.
Starting with the flood legends of the North Eurasian peoples and the Deluge traditions of the great civilizations from antiquity, the author explains the world-wide cosmic catastrophe that mankind experienced around 10,000 years ago on the basis of the latest scientific disclosures. In addition to this, the consequences of this event and, finally, the measures that can be taken against a future universal disaster of the same kind are discussed.