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Stephenss exploration of Scripture on the topic of unity reveals that unity is the heart of God, the desire of the Son, and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. (Christian)
In a world faced with terrorism and division, God's people are called to be Restorer's of Broken Walls and Repairers of Streets and Dwellings.Believers everywhere are challenged to set the example of love and unity and to bring healing to broken communities, families and individuals.In this nation, that has been founded on the principles of "Unity in Diversity", God's people must walk together in love and power if there is to be healing in the land.Collaboration is the key to such unity and restoration."A House Divided" calls for faith based collaboration in this great nation, celebrating and honoring our creed, "From Many… One, E Pluribus Unum." This book boldly proclaims that there can be "No Division" in the White House, in God's House, or in our House."
A House Divided Cannot Stand, is a collection of poems based on division among Christians. My writings express the reality of division in the Church, caused by racism, prejudice, and discrimination. A House Divided Cannot Stand, contains about one hundred poems that expresses Gods views towards division, and the origin and results of separation in the Christian community. This book was composed within seven days, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. FATHER, YOU CALLED YOUR CHILDREN OF ALL COLORS INTO A HOLY LIFE UNTO YOU. HELP US LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS YOU LOVE
"Every city or house divided against itself shall not stand." Jesus Christ issued this warning, and yet relational discord and disagreements among believers have plagued the Christian community and led to much emotional hurt and pain. In Together in Christ, author Jack Martin confronts the volatile issue of conflict within the community of Christ, and he offers the undeniable argument that the path to strength, peace, and love lies in unity as shown in the Bible. Together in Christ begins by exploring the nature of the division and of unity. Martin applies a system of thirteen links in the chain of unity to present the ways it can be achieved. These links are all found in the letters of the Apostle Paul, in the New Testament, and offer Biblical proof of the message that loving one another is clearly linked to loving God and to the keeping of His commandments. Divisive issues among Christians need to be resolved in order to bring believers together in Christ, as was Jesus' prayer. Martin recounts an almost impossible and dangerous setting where God's unity of peace and love was demonstrated; his description shows how simple acts of service, ministry, and outreach to the local community and beyond can foster an environment of partnership, fellowship, and common purpose, ultimately leading to Christ-centered unity within a body of believers. Christ-like unity is absolutely achievable, and our troubled world desperately needs God's people to set the example.
It is hardly noteworthy in contemporary discourse when the phrase, "We'll just have to agree to disagree" actually means, "We plan never to speak to each other again." For members of Episcopal and other Anglican churches, however, the Anglican tradition's identity as a via media demands forthright engagement with difficult topics by Christians committed to remaining in prayerful relationship with each other. In the spring of 2013, Duke Divinity School's Anglican Episcopal House of Studies began a series of "fierce conversations" designed to expose seminary students to the profound and painful reality of ecclesial divisions in North American Anglicanism (revolving around issues of human sexuality, scriptural authority and interpretive practices, and church leadership) while cultivating skills for leading congregations to worship, pray, and serve in ways that contribute over time to the full, visible reconciliation of Episcopalians and other Anglicans in North America. This book presents this year of conversations as a way of inviting congregations to take up the challenge and joy of "fierce conversations" in their own common life.
When the cover for Christian Unity Through God's Starter Kit by Jesus was being designed, we decided to show a church that was cracked and splintered because there are 38,000 different denominations of Christianity worldwide and 1,500 in the USA. Matthew 12:25, "And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them. Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand: " United we stand. Divided we fall. God never, never, never, never designed His church to be divided; First Corinthians 12:12-14, 25-27, "For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. For the body is not one member, but many... That there should be no schism [schisma - break, divide, division, rent] in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another. And whether one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it. Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular." Colossians 1:18-19, "And He [Jesus] is the Head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things He might have the preeminence. For it pleased the Father that in Him should all fulness dwell." We are committing spiritual suicide as Christians as we continue to divide the church along denominational, racial, and nationality lines. Every new denomination was created through a misunderstanding of God's Word that caused the division. Christian Unity Through God's Starter Kit by Jesus was designed, by divine revelation, to unite the Church so we can come together and begin to fight our one and only enemy on this earth, satan and his demons. We are constantly looking at people as our problem instead of realizing that our "problem" is a spiritual battle with satan and his demons. Through the Armor of God, we begin to realize the authority we have in the spiritual realm to defeat the evil spirits causing the division in our cities, counties, states, countries and world governments. Genesis chapters 1 and 2 tell us we are all invisible, immortal spirits living in a body of flesh. Our spirit beings are created by God and placed in our body to become a living soul in our mother's womb when we are conceived, and then begins our journey to fulfill God's plan for our lives. When we determine to do things God's way and are born again, and Colossians 1:13 tells us God has delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of His dear Son, and then God gives us a starter kit through Jesus of truth, righteousness, sanctification, justification, glorification, holiness, remission, redemption, mercy, grace, and peace with God, we can take that "starter kit' and become wise, righteous, sanctified, just, trustworthy, holy, redeemed, merciful, compassionate peacemakers and be able to take the Shield of Faith and quench ALL the "fiery darts of the wicked" as Ephesians 6:10-18 tells us about our spiritual battle and the "Armor of God." God's Blessings, Bill McCracken
The first book to explore the historical development of Belgian politics, this groundbreaking study of the rivalry between Catholicism, Socialism and nationalism is essential reading for anyone interested in Europe before World War I.
Your Purpose/Gods Plan will take you through a journey that God had for each and every one of you. Just as Moses and the Isrealites went through stages in thier journey, you too will have to go through the desert where you will be trained for greatness. Your Purpose/Gods Plan will help you uncover your gifts and show you how to use them for the mission and ministry God has for you to move into.
Belonging in a House Divided chronicles the everyday lives of resettled North Korean refugees in South Korea and their experiences of violence, postwar citizenship, and ethnic boundary making. Through extensive ethnographic research, Joowon Park documents the emergence of cultural differences and tensions between Koreans from the North and South, as well as new transnational kinship practices that connect family members across the Korean Demilitarized Zone. As a South Korean citizen raised outside the peninsula and later drafted into the military, Park weaves in autoethnographic accounts of his own experience in the army to provide an empathetic and vivid analysis of the multiple overlapping layers of violence that shape the embodied experiences of belonging. He asks readers to consider why North Korean resettlement in South Korea is a difficult process, despite a shared goal of reunification and the absence of a language barrier. The book is essential reading for anyone interested in anthropology, migration, and the politics of humanitarianism.