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The story behind D-Day begins in 1939 when Nazi Germany, led by Adolf Hitler, attacked Poland and ignited World War Two. The following year, the Germans occupied France and Western Europe and launched a vicious air war against Britain. In 1941, they invaded the Soviet Union. Seemingly unstoppable, the Nazis now held virtually all of Europe. They imposed a ruthless system of control and unleashed the horror of the Holocaust. However, by 1943, the tide had begun to turn in favor of the Allies, the forces opposed to Germany. In the east, despite huge losses, the Soviets began to force the Germans back.
This is the story of their bitter combat--in the words of German and American soldiers who were there.
A companion to the Utah Beach publication, provides a historical narrative dealing with American military operations in France during the month of June 1944 including D-Day in Normandy. Prepared by the 2d Information and Historical Service, attached to the First Army, and by the Historical Section, European Theater of Operations. Other products in the American Forces in Action Series are listed below: Salerno: American Operations From the Beaches to the Volturno, 9 September - 6 October 1943 is available here: Papuan Campaign: The Buna-Sananada Operation (16 November 1942-23 January 1943) is available here: The Capture of Makin, November 20-24, 1942-Print Hardcover/Clothbound format can be found here: Guam: Operations of the 77th Division, July 21-Aug. 10, 1944 is available here: Fifth Army at the Winter Line (15 November 1943 - 15 January 1944) --Print Paperback format can be found here: St. Lo -Print Paperback format is available here: From the Volturno to the Winter Line, 6 Oct.-15 Nov. 1943 -is available here: To Bizerte With the II Corps (23 April - 13 May 1943) -Print Hardcover/Clothbound format can be found here: Utah Beach to Cherbourg (6 June-27 June 1944) can be found here: Merrill\'s Marauders (February - May 1944) -Print Paperback format can be found here: World War II resources collection can be found here:
Amerikansk militærhistorie, amerikanske hær's historie. Army Almanac for 1959. Udkom første gang i 1950 (dette ex. er på DEPOT I-1159). KGB har1959-udgaven med ajourførte oplysninger på Læsesalen. En form for grundbog om US Army. Indeholder alle mulige nyttige oplysninger og informationer om den amerikanske hær, organisation, opdeling, enheder, uddannelse, officerskorpset, veteraner, material, våben, uniformer, udrustning, efterretningsvirksomhed, logistikområdet, militærlove, dekorationer og belønninger, oversigt over generaler, hærens relationer til det civile, m.m. samt afsnit om USA's deltagelse i krige og væbnede konflikter fra Uafhængighedskrigene i 1775 til Koreakrigen i 1950, væbnede konflikter, "småkrige", m.m.