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First launched in 1967 this handbook has evolved to incorporate new statistics to ensure that readers have access to the best possible information available. This edition continues in this tradition and introduces 'nowcasted' estimates for total merchandised trade, total services trade and GDP on a worldwide basis.
The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) is a founding member of the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development, which is an international, multi-stakeholder initiative to improve the availability and quality of ICT data and indicators. One of its key achievements is the development of a core list of ICT indicators for the production of internationally comparable statistics. This list was first endorsed by the United Nations Statistical Commission at its 38th session in March 2007 and has since been updated regularly. The Commission encouraged countries to use that list in their data collection programmes; a first version of the Manual for the Production of Statistics on the Information Economy was published at the end of 2007. An updated version was published in 2009. The current edition, entitled Manual for the Production of Statistics on the Digital Economy, was prepared to reflect the many changes that have taken place in the past decade in terms of access and use of ICTs. Compared to earlier versions, it expands the coverage of the measurement of e-commerce, trade in ICT services and trade in ICT-enabled (or digitally delivered) services. It contains more model questionnaires and reflects the most recent revisions of the Partnership's list of core ICT indicators. The Manual is intended to guide statisticians from developing countries through all the steps involved in the production and dissemination of statistics related to e-commerce and the digital economy.
The UNCTAD Handbook of Statistics on-line provides users with reliable coherent data on all subjects important for insight into global economy and development by presenting figures on the following categories: a) International merchandise trade: values, trends, structure and regional trade zones; b) Trade in services; c) Volume and terms of trade indices; d) Commodity prices and relevant price indices; e) Export and import structure by products and by regions of origin and destination, and related concentration indices; f) International financial data: current accounts, foreign direct investment, external indebtedness, workers' remittances, etc.; g) Selected indicators of development: GDP, GDP growth rates and various social and telecommunications indicators. An interactive access to this database can be obtained on the following internet address: The server enables users to choose the data from a list of available items, then create a table. The selected data can then be rearranged, charted and extracted as a worksheet file, or saved as a custom query for future access. The data presented on the Internet corresponds to the general content of the UNCTAD Handbook of Statistics on CD-ROM or in the printed version.
Contains an updated comprehensive explanation of the criteria, procedures and methodology used in establishing which countries are eligible for inclusion in, or recommended for graduation from, the least developed country (LDC) category. It also provides an overview of the special support measures that can be derived from having least developed country status.
This publication was first launched in 1967. Over the past 50 years, the handbook has evolved to incorporate new statistics and ensure that readers have access to the best possible information available. This edition continues in this tradition and introduces 'nowcasted' estimates for total merchandised trade, total services trade and GDP on a worldwide basis.
This CD-ROM equips analysts, researchers, and government officials with a comprehensive collection of statistical data on world trade, investment, and development. Data are presented analytically, through the use of rank-orderings, growth rates, shares, and other special calculations, and as time series that cover basic trade data. Classification is provided for countries and territories by region and developing countries and territories by economic grouping. Calculation of annual average growth rates, special studies, and annex tables detail information on the trade network for the world. Written in English and French.