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'Unconditional Surrender' is a satire on the English class system. The writer takes a dig at the way the ruling class and their sense of entitlement, even when the country is in a global conflict, can plan through the bureaucracy to make their way into the far less dangerous and more comfortable theatres of war.
Critically acclaimed experimental, literary fiction by the famous Croatian exile author.
A new look at the drama that lay behind the end of the war in the Pacific Signed on September 2, 1945 aboard the American battleship USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay by Japanese and Allied leaders, the instrument of surrender that formally ended the war in the Pacific brought to a close one of the most cataclysmic engagements in history. Behind it lay a debate that had been raging for some weeks prior among American military and political leaders. The surrender fulfilled the commitment that Franklin Roosevelt had made in 1943 at the Casablanca conference that it be "unconditional." Though readily accepted as policy at the time, after Roosevelt's death in April 1945 support for unconditional surrender wavered, particularly among Republicans in Congress, when the bloody campaigns on Iwo Jima and Okinawa made clear the cost of military victory against Japan. Germany's unconditional surrender in May 1945 had been one thing; the war in the pacific was another. Many conservatives favored a negotiated surrender. Though this was the last time American forces would impose surrender unconditionally, questions surrounding it continued through the 1950s and 1960s--with the Korean and Vietnam Wars--when liberal and conservative views reversed, including over the definition of "peace with honor." The subject was revived during the ceremonies surrounding the 50th anniversary in 1995, and the Gulf and Iraq Wars, when the subjects of exit strategies and "accomplished missions" were debated. Marc Gallicchio reveals how and why the surrender in Tokyo Bay unfolded as it did and the principle figures behind it, including George C. Marshall and Douglas MacArthur. The latter would effectively become the leader of Japan and his tenure, and indeed the very nature of the American occupation, was shaped by the nature of the surrender. Most importantly, Gallicchio reveals how the policy of unconditional surrender has shaped our memory and our understanding of World War II.
THE NATIONAL BESTSELLER "Hughley uses his trademark humor to address the stark divisions in society that stem from centuries of white supremacy." —People Surrender, white people! After 400 years of white supremacy in America, a reckoning is here. These are the terms of peace–and they are unconditional. Hope you brought a sense of humor, because this is gonna sting. After centuries of oppressing others, white people are in for a surprise: You’re about to be a minority yourself. Yes, the face of America is getting a lot browner—and a reckoning is coming. Black and brown folk are not going to take a back seat anymore. It’s time to surrender your unjust privileges and sue for peace while the getting’s still good. Lucky for America, D.L. Hughley has a plan. On the eve of America becoming a majority-minority nation, Hughley warns, the only way for America to move forward peacefully is if Whites face their history, put aside all their visions of superiority, and open up their institutions so they benefit everyone in this nation. But we can still have fun with this right? Surrender, White People! hilariously holds America account for its wrongs and offers D.L.'s satirical terms for reparations and reconciliation. But it’s not all bad news, white folks. The upside is that if you put D.L.’s plan into effect, you can FINALLY get black people to stop talking about oppression, discrimination, and their place in America. Now, that’s something we ALL can get behind.
It smelled like orchids, maybe wine and it felt sexy and erotic in the tropical room. The air was humid, just like the east coast beach at night. Her hair looked like red velvet; her eyes were a nutmeg brown. Her long fingers felt great through his hair. She turned. Her long dress clinging to the smooth ride of her hip. "Play some blues," Noah asked her, tasting the slow thickness of a brandy, watching the smoke from her vape pen dissipate in the humidity. "Look," Noah stumbled on his words, then remembered he didn't need them. She turned slowly and locked into his gaze. He held her still with his. He held her still with his thought as he walked towards her. She opened her mouth to ask, but he stopped her with a quick arm around her tiny waist. She was breathing softly, her eyes focused on him and he could see her pulse slightly in her throat. She grabbed his shoulder as he demanded her attention and her touch. His lips stopped directly above her ear and he felt the heat as she waited for his direction. His hand slid down her waist to his hip. He pulled her left arm firmly, slowly until her back pressed up against his chest. His thoughts made her very still. She was soft, sweet and sexy. He wanted her. His focus was very direct. The touch of her hand felt like magic. Her eyelashes fluttered and he could feel their breathing fall into rhythm. "Don't play the blues." He told her softly. He slid her strap off of her glittery, well built shoulder. Her soft breast felt like fire in his hand and her nipples were harder than ice cubes. He couldn't handle wrestling with his mind and his body, forgot to be gentle and removed her clothing without hesitating. He left his rational, civilized self for a moment and became one with the sweetness of life.
With startling revelations, Tsuyoshi Hasegawa rewrites the standard history of the end of World War II in the Pacific. By fully integrating the three key actors in the story—the United States, the Soviet Union, and Japan—Hasegawa for the first time puts the last months of the war into international perspective. From April 1945, when Stalin broke the Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact and Harry Truman assumed the presidency, to the final Soviet military actions against Japan, Hasegawa brings to light the real reasons Japan surrendered. From Washington to Moscow to Tokyo and back again, he shows us a high-stakes diplomatic game as Truman and Stalin sought to outmaneuver each other in forcing Japan’s surrender; as Stalin dangled mediation offers to Japan while secretly preparing to fight in the Pacific; as Tokyo peace advocates desperately tried to stave off a war party determined to mount a last-ditch defense; and as the Americans struggled to balance their competing interests of ending the war with Japan and preventing the Soviets from expanding into the Pacific. Authoritative and engrossing, Racing the Enemy puts the final days of World War II into a whole new light.
This is the first English-language translation of a crucial memoir of the dying days of Hitler’s Third Reich. Walter Ludde-Neurath was an accomplished officer, who served with a variety of torpedo boats and destroyers, slowly rising through the ranks. In September 1944 he was selected to be the new adjutant to Grand Admiral Donitz. He enjoyed a close relationship with Donitz over what proved to be a crucial period: the formation and dissolution of the Flensburg Government (named after the headquarters Donitz was using at the time of the appointment). The memoir details the discussions within the new cabinet, which was created after Hitler’s suicide, and records how Donitz believed he would rule a new Germany and reach an accommodation with the Allies. Ludde-Neurath details the fighting amongst the candidates - in particular, the confrontation of Donitz with Himmler (for which Donitz kept a revolver within his reach). Ludde-Neurath was present when the British Royal Hussars carried out Operation Blackout, surrounding and arresting the fledgling government and records how Donitz was asked if he had any comment. Donitz responded: ‘Any words would be superfluous' and was taken into custody.
Most of us long to be in control—of our schedule, our relationships, and our future. Newlywed Laura Story thought she had control over the great life ahead of her. After all, she followed Jesus and had a promising new job as a worship leader. Why would God not want to fulfill her dreams? But when Laura and her husband, Martin, faced a brain tumor, infertility, and a son’s birth defect, she realized she’d been looking for a happiness that comes from circumstances, rather than a deeper joy that comes from God. Again and again, Laura had to surrender her vision for her life so she could embrace God’s vision. And again and again she learned that even in the midst of shattered dreams, God’s plan brought greater joy than she could have imagined. Now the Grammy Award–winning singer-songwriter known for such hits as “Blessings,” “Indescribable,” and “Mighty to Save” shares her powerful story of finding blessing in her deepest pain. In, I Give Up, Laura explores: How to delight in God’s gifts no matter your circumstances. Why waiting on God is a daily decision, not a step-by-step process. The strength we find from meditating on God’s Word. Why surrendering to God leads to reconciliation with others. How the things we consider to be losses are ways for God to display his glory. As Laura writes, she no longer wants to be in control of her life. She wants to be rooted in the God who is in control. I Give Up will help you Discover a deeper life of worship, a fuller life of joy, and a freer life of true surrender as you open your hands to God. And give up.
Almost forgotten in the haze of events following Nagasaki and Hiroshima, the summer of 1945 witnessed an intense public debate over how best to end the war against Japan. Weary of fighting, the American people were determined to defeat the imperial power that had so viciously attacked them in December 1941, but they were uncertain of the best means to accomplish this goal. Certain of victory - the "inevitable triumph" promised by Franklin Roosevelt immediately after Pearl Harbor - Americans became increasingly concerned about the human cost of defeating Japan. Particularly after the brutal Iwo Jima and Okinawa campaigns, syndicated columnists, newspaper editorialists, radio commentators, and others questioned the necessity of invasion. A lengthy naval and aerial siege would have saved lives but might have protracted the war beyond the public's patience. Advertisers filled the media with visions of postwar affluence even as the government was exhorting its citizens to remain dedicated to the war effort. There was heated discussion as well about the morality of firebombing Japanese cities and of using poison gas and other agents of chemical warfare. Chappell provides a balanced assessment of all these debates, grounding his observations in a wealth of primary sources. He also discusses the role of racism, the demand for unconditional surrender, and the government's reaction to public opinion in the decision to drop the atomic bomb. Compelling and controversial, this is the first work to examine the confusing and contradictory climate of the American home front in the months leading up to V-J Day.