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"Would you believe it if I said you have had unaware encounters with the courts of Heaven? The terminology, 'courts of Heaven, ' maybe foreign to you, as it was to me. After forty-three years of walking with the Lord, I was awakened to principles I had walked in that connected me to having encounters with the courts as they really are. Surprisingly, this has been second nature to us all ever since we gave our lives to Jesus. Unknowingly, we encountered two facets of His courts on that very day. These were the realms Holy Spirit introduced me to. However, our encounters are not limited to just the day of our salvation. One form of the court is revealed in the principals of Daddy God wooing us, drawing us unto Himself. It is His desire to be intimate with us. The other court encounters are times we participate in God's governmental principles that are seen in His Word concerning prayer. Strangely enough, you may not have perceived yourself standing before a legal court, but you have been an eyewitness to trials, verdicts, judgements rendered, evictions, and more. You may not know it, but you have a heavenly Defense Lawyer working on your behalf. Journey with me, as I unfold my unaware encounters with the courts of Heaven, as Holy Spirit revealed each one to me." - Emelda Menge Williams
The supernatural intersection between your life and the heavenly cloud of witnesses! In the Book of Hebrews, Scripture introduces us to the great cloud of witnessesbelievers who have gone before us, joining the ranks of those gathered before the throne of God. Though they are in Heaven, these witnesses remain participating members of Jesus church, playing an active part in the unfolding purposes of God on Earth. Through supernatural stories and Bible-based revelation, bestselling author Robert Henderson offers groundbreaking teaching on the cloud of witnesses role in the Courts of Heaven. Discover how these departed believers help you to fulfill whats written in your book of destiny! Uncover Gods plan to unify Heaven and earth, evidenced by an increase of supernatural encounters. Operate in the courts of Heaven with fresh revelation, insight, and boldness. Avoid demonic deception and occultic practice involving the spirit-realm. Walk in powerful dimensions of the Spirit opened by Jesus blood. Intercede in agreement with prayers in Heaven, as the cloud of witnesses has a powerful voice in the heavenly courts. Recognize encounters with the cloud of witnesses in a Biblical, Jesus-exalting way. Step into your destiny by joining the unfolding story of Gods Kingdom advancing on Earth. Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. Hebrews 12:1-2
Begin Your Supernatural Journey into the Courts of Heaven What does it mean to make your case in the courts of Heaven? In recent years, God has raised up Robert Henderson as a prophetic voice, calling Christians to pursue breakthrough by using the courts of Heaven prayer blueprint. God is more willing to answer our prayers than we will ever know! The problem is that we face a legalistic accuser and adversarythe devilwho wants to prevent these prayers from coming to pass. Your victory against him is not fought on a battlefield; its won in the courtroom. When your prayers are answered, Gods purposes are fulfilled on the Earth. In this all-new message, Henderson gives you practical keys that will enable you to boldly access the courts of Heaven and state your prayer cases with confidence. You will: Understand the three dimensions of prayer Discover the 3 keys to unlocking your breakthrough in the courts of Heaven Learn the 6 prophetic declarations that Jesus blood makes on your behalf Cancel the devils accusations by releasing the supernatural power of your testimony Learn how to access the courts of Heaven, make your case, and watch as prayers are answered, miracles are released, and long awaited breakthroughs come to fruition!
Your Daily Guide to Entering the Courts of Heaven Because of Jesus sacrifice, every Christian can enter Heavens courtroom to present their requests directly to the Supreme Judge of all! Bestselling author of Operating in the Courts of Heaven and Prayers and Declarations that Open the Courts of Heaven, Robert Henderson is internationally renowned for teaching believers how to enter Heavens courtrooms. More than a devotional, 365 Prayers and Activations for Entering the Courts of Heaven​ is your daily guide to answered prayers, prophetic visions, heavenly encounters, and more. Each entry includes Revelatory Scriptures: Daily Scripture selections offer the opportunity to receive personal, Holy Spirit revelation. Heavenly Encounters: Each devotional passage is written to usher you into Heavens courtrooms through faith. Prayers of Petition: Activation prayers help you to pray according to Gods will, guiding you as you submit your case before the Judge. Verdicts of Breakthrough: As you learn to function within the Courts of Heaven, you will see more victory and more answered prayer! Each inspirational devotional entry features entirely new content from Robert Henderson. Perfect as an introduction to the Courts of Heaven for beginners, or as a handy resource for courtroom veterans, this collection of short, powerful devotions will empower you to make the most out of your daily devotional prayer time. If you are seeking breakthrough in your life, this is your chance to take your request into the very Courts of Heaven! Enter Heavens courtroom today, and start thanking God for answered prayers!
Discover Prayer as a Supernatural Portal to Spiritual Dimensions! Many believers’ prayers go unanswered because they never fully enter the spiritual realms that their prayers open up! Apostolic leader and author, Robert Henderson, is world-renowned for his bestselling series on The Courts of Heaven. In this new work on...
Operating in the Courts of Heaven has become an international bestseller that has supernaturally transformed lives all over the world. Its not another prayer strategy; its a blueprint for engaging a spiritual dimension called the Courts of Heaven. Robert Henderson Biblically teaches believers how to come before the Court and present their cases of unanswered prayers or delayed breakthroughs to the Righteous Judge. In this new and updated edition featuring brand new material, Robert presents fresh Biblical insights and a systematic framework that shows all believers how to enter the Courts of Heaven. In addition, Robert answers common questions about the Courts and reveals how this place in the spirit is available to all believers through Jesus blood. Discover how to: Engage the three dimensions of prayer, experiencing God as Father, Friend and Judge. Shift from battlefield to courtroom prayer. Apply the verdict of Jesus finished work on the cross. Understand how Christians can remove generational curses. Recognize your accuser, and overrule his cases against you. Access and unlock your book of destiny. Enter and operate in the court of Heaven by faith. Gods passion is to answer your prayers. When you learn how to operate in the court of Heaven, you can undo the spiritual legalities that stand in the way of your answered prayer. Get ready for miraculous results!
A Believer’s Handbook for Legislating from the Heavenlies In answer to a prayer for our daughter, I had a dream. In the dream, I found myself in a heavenly Courtroom standing before the Judge of heaven and earth. He explained why my husband and I hadn't received answers to our prayers sooner, and instructed us to pray in a specific way. After following the Courtroom protocol, He revealed to me, our prayers were answered within one week—after seven years of praying in every other way we knew how to pray. As we follow the directions of the Lord, we can be assured of the victory. This doesn’t mean every outcome will be what you expected, but the outcome will be the Lord’s will for each situation. The Judge of heaven and earth is inviting you to appear in His Courtroom. "I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; And I will not remember your sins. Put Me in remembrance; Let us contend together; State your case, that you may be acquitted. —Isaiah 43:25-26 As believers, our purpose in the Courtroom of Heaven is to make intercession as an Ambassador of Reconciliation, to stand in the gap on behalf of people, regions, governments, and nations. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. —Hebrews 4:16 With Jesus as our Redeemer, the Word as our Defense, the Holy Spirit as our Counselor, and the Judge as our Father, we can win our case in heaven’s Courtroom for victory on the earth.
Available for every believer is access to the Court System of Heaven. This book will introduce you to several of these courts ? their purpose, function, and jurisdiction. Adding the knowledge of these courts will empower you in your intercession for your family, church, and the nations of the earth. Whether dealing with land issues, church or ministry issues, or situations with your business, the answers to your questions lie within the pages of this book ? ?Engaging the Court System of Heaven?. Engage, access, and see the power of the Court System of Heaven!
In Luke 18 Jesus subtly introduces a third paradigm of prayer. The courtroom paradigm has gone overlooked throughout church history. Only in the last few years has this truth been uncovered with amazing results. Prayers that have long gone unanswered are being answered in a matter of days or even hours. Situations from which no hope seemed available are turning around. This truth is for every believer, but it will also help thrust efforts of intercession into new levels of breakthrough. Once every legal obstacle hindering the answer to your prayers is removed, the answers will come. As we learn to engage the Courts of Heaven, lives will change - your life will change. You will experience answered prayer on a level you may have not thought possible. Grasp these truths and begin to engage the Courts of Heaven. Court is now in session...all rise!
We have a God given right to call forth heaven to come down. We do! We have the right to participate in that court room. In heaven, where the devil accuses and God and his angels carry out justice. The devil accuses from his heaven and God releases justice from His heaven. Let me tell you something, when you line up to heaven's court, God's court, everything in heaven always overrides Satan's plans. It's a guaranteed court system if you do it right. In the rest of this book, you will find a new level that will truly change everything, you have ever known about authority and the power of God.