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Que se escriba esto para las generaciones futuras, y que el pueblo que será creado alabe al Señor. Salmo 102:18 (NVI).La mejor forma de consolidar su progreso al cumplir los propósitos de Dios para su vida es llevar un diario espiritual. Este no es un diario de acontecimientos sino un registro de lecciones de vida que no querrá olvidar. Así que debe tomar un tiempo para reflexionar y discutir lo que lee cada día, y luego anotar sus pensamientos en este compañero del libro: Una vida con propósi
Inspiracion Diara para una vida con propósito interrelaciona muchos versiculos biblicos seleccionados por el autor, Rick Warren, con reflexiones provenientes de su éxito de ventas según el New York Tiems: Una vida con Propósito. Diseñado para usarse de forma individual como un libro apropiado para la refelxión diaria, o como una fácil herramienta de referencia mientras leen Una vida con propósito, cada sección corresponde a uno de los 40 Días de propósito.
El propósito de Dios para tu vida es un devocional de 365 días que nos recuerda la obra redentora de Dios y las poderosas maneras en que interviene en nuestras vidas. El Dr. Charles F. Stanley ofrece a los lectores seguridad, consuelo y audacia en su caminar diario con Cristo. Dios tiene un propósito y un plan para todas las cosas, y los lectores pueden descansar en su buena y perfecta voluntad. Los pasajes de este devocional revelan la obra redentora de Dios y las poderosas formas en que interviene en nuestras vidas, y día a día, los lectores descubrirán que su propósito para nuestras vidas es mucho mayor de lo que podríamos imaginar. Es un Dios fiel y amoroso, y su paz perdura en todas las circunstancias. A lo largo de este devocional de un año, los lectores se sentirán empoderados para alcanzar metas piadosas y obedecer con gozo la Palabra de Dios en todas las circunstancias. Ya sea en una temporada fructífera o una temporada de sequía, los lectores se beneficiarán de la sabia e inspiradora enseñanza del querido pastor Stanley, a medida que descubren lo que significa encontrar la paz celestial arraigada en su propósito. God’s Purpose for Your Life God's Purpose for Your Life is a 365-day devotional that reminds us of God's redemptive work and the mighty ways He intervenes in our lives. Dr. Charles F. Stanley offers readers security, comfort and boldness in their daily walk with Christ. God has a purpose and a plan for all things, and readers can rest in his good and perfect will. The passages in this devotional reveal God's redemptive work and the powerful ways he intervenes in our lives, and day by day, readers will discover that his purpose for our lives is far greater than we could ever imagine. He is a faithful and loving God, and his peace endures in all circumstances. Throughout this year-long devotional, readers will be empowered to reach godly goals and joyfully obey God's Word in all circumstances. Whether in a fruitful season or a dry season, readers will benefit from the wise and inspiring teaching of beloved Pastor Stanley as they discover what it means to find heavenly peace rooted in their purpose.
A groundbreaking manifesto on the meaning of life. The most basic question everyone faces in life is 'Why am I here?'. What is my purpose? Self-help books suggest that people should look within, at their own desires and dreams, but Rick Warren says the starting place must be with God---and His eternal purpose for each life. Real meaning and significance comes from understanding and fulfilling God's purposes for putting us on earth. 'The Purpose-Driven Life' takes the groundbreaking message of the award-winning 'Purpose-Driven Church' and goes deeper, applying it to the lifestyle of individual Christians. This book helps readers understand God's incredible plan for their lives. Warren enables them to see 'the big picture' of what life is all about and begin to live the life God created them to live. 'The Purpose-Driven Life' is a manifesto for Christian living in the 21st century---a lifestyle based on eternal purposes, not cultural values. Using Biblical stories and letting the Bible speak for itself, Warren clearly explains God's 5 purposes for each of us: We were planned for God's pleasure---experience real worship. We were formed for God's family---enjoy real fellowship. We were created to become like Christ ---learn real discipleship. We were shaped for serving God---practice real ministry. We were made for a mission ---live out real evangelism. This long-anticipated book is the life-message of Rick Warren, founding pastor of Saddleback Church. Written in a captivating devotional style, the book is divided into 40 short chapters that can be read as a daily devotional, studied by small groups, and used by churches participating in the nationwide '40 Days of Purpose' campaign this Fall, 2002.
La Guía de estudio del DVD de Una vida con propósito es un estudio de grupo pequeño basado en video, de seis semanas, de Una vida con propósito de Rick Warren; el libro que Publishers Weekly declaró 'el libro mayor éxito de librería, en percalina, y no ficción en la historia'.
Discover and fulfill your God-given purpose by joining the more than thirty-five million others who have embarked on a spiritual journey that started with this #1 New York Times bestselling book by Pastor Rick Warren. Before you were born, God knew what your life had in store for you. His hope for you is to discover the life he created just for you--both here on earth, and forever in eternity. Let Rick Warren guide you as you learn to live out your true purpose. The Purpose Driven Life is more than a book; it's a road map for your spiritual journey. Combining thoughtful verses from Scripture with timely stories and perspectives from Warren's own life, The Purpose Driven Life will help you discover the answer to one of life's most important questions: What on earth am I here for? Throughout The Purpose Driven Life, Warren will teach you to spend time getting to know yourself and your creator in order to live your life to the fullest. Unlocking your true purpose will also reduce your stress, simplify your decisions, increase your satisfaction, and, most importantly, prepare you for eternity. Designed to be read over the course of forty-two days, The Purpose Driven Life will help you see the big picture, giving you a fresh perspective on the way that the pieces of your life fit together. Every chapter of The Purpose Driven Life provides a daily meditation and practical steps to help you uncover and live out your purpose, starting with exploring three essential questions: The Question of Existence: Why am I alive? The Question of Significance: Does my life matter? The Question of Purpose: What on earth am I here for? Each copy of The Purpose Driven Life also includes thoughtful discussion questions, audio Bible studies that go along with every chapter, and access to a supportive online community, giving you the opportunity to dive even deeper into each life-changing lesson.
Builder of People, Innovator, Encourager, Author and Entrepreneur who is purposeful and passionate about helping businesses, communities, churches and individuals become better equipped to succeed. Lawrence earned a (B.A.) degree in Sociology from Purchase College at SUNY and a Masters in Business Administration (M.B.A.) at Long Island University. She is working towards doctoral studies and certifi cation in several areas, but mainly she is taking the time to listen to God about how to pour back into others what God has poured into her.
Este libro de devocionales ayudará y motivará al lector a enfocar su lectura diaria en Dios y Su Palabra. Un año con Dios presenta un devocional para cada día del año. Cada uno de estos devocionales busca que el lector profundice en su relación con Dios y aplique el conocimiento, los valores y la sabiduría que se encuentran en la Biblia a la vida diaria. Cuenta con muchas ilustraciones, gran colorido con toque femenino y contenido inspiracional en cada uno de los 365 devocionales diarios y lecturas bíblicas. A Year With God This book of devotions will help and motivate readers to focus their devotional time on God and His Word. One Year With God, presents a devotion for each day of the year, and each one seeks to deepen the reader’s relationship with God by applying the knowledge, values, and wisdom found in the Bible to daily life. Highly illustrated, colorful cover with feminine appeal, and inspirational devotional content in 365 daily devotionals and scripture readings.
Este Devocional en un año--De día y de noche utiliza 365 reflexiones sustentadas por la convicción que meditar en las Verdades de Dios es un ejercicio fundamental para el crecimiento espiritual. Invita al lector a detenerse cada día, frente al texto de la Palabra, para identificar los principios eternos que pueden enriquecer nuestro peregrinaje en Cristo. El proceso invariablemente busca que el lector responda a la reflexión de manera práctica y concreta. Solamente cuando existe el esfuerzo por vivir conforme a los principios del Reino de los Cielos se puede producir esa profunda transformación que claramente proclama la presencia de Dios en nuestra vida. Los temas y los textos que aborda este devocional son tan variados como la vida misma, porque fueron elaborados conforme a los temas, las cargas y las ocupaciones que acompañan la vocación de servir en los asuntos del Rey. El hilo que une cada devocional es el anhelo, profundo y permanente, de vivir una vida que agrada a Dios en todo momento y lugar. Devocional en un año--De día y de noche [The One Year Day and Night Devotional] uses 365 reflections rooted in the conviction that meditating in God's truths is a fundamental exercise for genuine spiritual growth. This devotional invites readers every day to enter into the Word of God and identify the eternal principles that can help them enrich their earthly pilgrimage in Christ. Through this unique process, readers will be able to respond to a practical and concrete meditation. It is only when there's a true desire to live according to the principles established in the Kingdom of Heaven that it is possible to experience a profound transformation that reveals the presence of God in our lives. The topics and content of this devotional are as diverse as life itself, because they were prepared in accordance with topics, burdens, and worries that are associated with serving in the King's affairs. Every daily devotional expresses the yearning, depth, and eternal hope to live a life that is pleasing to God at all times and in all places.