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Tirso de Molina's Marta the Divine (c. 1614-15) is a spirited comedy about an ingenious young woman who fakes religious piety in order to avoid an arranged marriage imposed upon her by her father. Marta's false religiosity becomes a cover for sneaking her boyfriend into her house and, to all intents and purposes, having a sexual relationship with him without her credulous father suspecting a thing. The stakes involved in this risky gambit are particularly high because her boyfriend, Felipe, is also the man who has killed her brother. In this fast-moving play that celebrates the victory of youth over age, of love over revenge, little is held sacred, as circumstances spiral to the point of outrageousness. Not surprisingly, Marta has been a controversial play over the years, condemned for immorality and salaciousness by some, championed as an anticlerical tract by others. Readers and audience members over the years have puzzled as to what Tirso wants us to make of the title character and her behaviour. Is she a cautionary example, a sly hypocrite, whom we are to hold at a critical distance? Or she is a sympathetic comic heroine, even a proto-feminist, whose cause we are to embrace? No matter one's perspective, Marta is memorable because of the audaciousness and resourcefulness of the title character. Marta is a great stage creation, and the plot Tirso builds around this trickster has the feel of the archetypal, transcending the time and place of its creation. At the same time, Marta is a surprisingly comprehensive satire of the Spanish empire of its day. Through a variety of subtle touches, Tirso paints a picture of an imperial capital plagued by avarice and hypocrisy. The play has some puzzling elements or 'problems' from a technical point of view, but the irresistible force of its comic energy has appealed to readers and audiences for nearly 400 years. This edition presents the play for the first time ever in English translation. The translation is accompanied by the Spanish text, translators' note and a substantial introduction.
Spanish-English-latin completed
Cuaderno de la Oración Viviente es uno de los recursos más completos y prácticos que existen sobre la disciplina de la oración. Esta guía de estudio, de seis semanas de duración, provee a lector o a grupos pequeños: Información pertinente sobre la naturaleza, el significado y las ilimitadas posibilidades de la oración Oportunidades para la reflexión personal Sugerencias para hacer de su peregrinaje personal de la oración una vida de amistad y compañerismo con Dios
Into the Mainstream: Essays on Spanish American and Latino Literature and Culture is a direct outgrowth of Jorge Febles’s involvement with the annual conference of the American Culture Association and the Popular Culture Association. In that sense, the compilation expands on a project initiated in 1993 by Helen Ryan-Ransom with her book Imagination, Emblems and Expressions: Essays on Latin American, Caribbean, and Continental Culture and Identity (Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 1993). David William Foster, who penned a lengthy preface to that collection, justified its intent by underscoring: “The very fact that our approach to culture is dominated by categories based on high, academic, institutionalized phenomena poses from the very outset the question of how to deal with all those other cultural manifestations that do not comfortably assimilate to the accepted canon” (Ryan-Ransom 3). The past fourteen years, however, have witnessed a radical transformation of that so-called canon due to the widespread acceptance of ideas espoused by cultural theorists like García Canclini, Homi Bhabba, Said, Stuart Hall, Benhabib, Bourdieu and countless others. Therefore, the ambivalence regarding what constitutes culture identified by Foster is inoperative nowadays to a substantial degree. In fact, a fundamental component of the postmodern outlook resides in the ability to blend comfortably the high and the low, the elitist and the popular realms of production in a multiplicity of textual artifacts, creative as well as critical in nature. Hence, the essays that conform Into the Mainstream do not question barriers anymore, nor do they expound on the need to assign a discursive intellectual space to matters pertaining to popular culture. Thus, this collection espouses an inclusive approach in which a variety of analytical approaches coalesce to reflect on an equally kaleidoscopic textuality. Pursuant to its comprehensive nature, Into the Mainstream airs established as well as developing critical voices so as to reflect both ideological continuity and evolving viewpoints. Scholars who have compiled strong academic records like Hortensia Morell, Raquel Rivas Rojas, Elsa Gilmore, David Petreman and Benjamín Torres Caballero share a venue with younger critics like Corey Shouse Tourino, Roberto Vela Córdova, Stacy Hoult, Eduardo del Río, Bruce Campbell, Laura Redruello, Dinora Cardoso and April Marshall, as well as with two graduate students about to complete their academic preparation: Nuria Ibáñez Quintana and María Teresa Vera Rojas. The result is an eclectic compilation meant to elicit discussion on the basis of its variety. Into the Mainstream’s primordial objective is to place these provocative essays—which are expanded versions of papers presented during the annual gathering of the American Culture Association and the Popular Culture Association in the period 2002-2005—along with the numerous subjects they treat in the academic mainstream where they rightfully belong.