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Seminar paper del año 2003 en eltema Política - Política internacional - Región: Europa Occidental, impresion en un solo lado, Nota: 1,7, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Facultad de Derecho), Materia: El Sistema Político de Espana, 19 Citas bibliográficas, Idioma: Español, Resumen: Este trabajo es un análisis y una comparación de dos sistemas de partidos en estados de la Union Europea: Alemania y España. Ambos países existen en un espacio político parecido es decir las instituciónes de la OTAN, la ONU y la UE. Alemania y España son democracias constitucionales con una historia autocrática y con organizaciónes federales. En este contexto el trabajo investiga los sistemas de partidos con cinco indicadores: el desarollo histórico, el sistema electoral, las estructuras de organización y analisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de la situación actual. Al final la conclusión encuentra como el punto en comun central la existencia de dos "partidos populares" (Katz/Maier 1995) y como la diferencia más grande la influencia de los partidos regionales en España.Die Arbeit analysiert und vergleicht die Parteiensysteme von Deutschland und Spanien nach der Bundestagswahl 2002. Der Reiz des Untersuchungsdesigns liegt darin, dass zwei Länder mit zahlreichen insitutionellen und politisch-kulturellen Ähnlichkeiten (Einbindung in supranationale Institutionen, autokratische Vergangenheit, konstitutionelle Demokratie) auf Unterschiede hin untersucht werden. Als zentraler Unterschied erweist sich die Bedeutung der regionalen Parteien in Spanien.
Comparing Media Systems Beyond the Western World offers a broad exploration of the conceptual foundations for comparative analysis of media and politics globally. It takes as its point of departure the widely used framework of Hallin and Mancini's Comparing Media Systems, exploring how the concepts and methods of their analysis do and do not prove useful when applied beyond the original focus of their 'most similar systems' design and the West European and North American cases it encompassed. It is intended both to use a wider range of cases to interrogate and clarify the conceptual framework of Comparing Media Systems and to propose new models, concepts and approaches that will be useful for dealing with non-Western media systems and with processes of political transition. Comparing Media Systems Beyond the Western World covers, among other cases, Brazil, China, Israel, Lebanon, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Thailand.
Failed argues that some of the most important economic developments of recent years, including prolonged economic failures and alternatives, are widely misunderstood. Topics include the Eurozone, growth in the developing world, Latin America's "second independence" in the 21st century, and the International Monetary Fund's policies and loss of influence.
¿Crisis del periodismo? Claro. Pero no es nueva. No hay que confundirla con los efectos de la crisis económica que se inicia a partir de 2007-2008. La crisis del periodismo está ahí, casi desde siempre, desde el momento en que los periodistas tropiezan con 6 “Pes”: - la P de Propiedad de los medios que proyectan la información, - la P de Publicidad, - la P de la influencia Política, - la P de Producción de la noticia sobre la base de redacciones pasivas a las que “se les olvida” salir a la calle a buscar noticias propias y transgresoras, - la P de Públicos que van buscando aquello que desean oír y no aquello que sucede, y - la P de Periodismo en forma de periodistas más cercanos a sus empresas y a lobbies de poder que al propio Periodismo. La crisis del periodismo es un reflejo fiel de la crisis del sistema de mercado, cau-sante de una sociedad angustiada e insolidaria. Si el sistema de mercado se siente inseguro en el laberinto que él mismo ha creado, pero a la vez es dueño del periodismo “de masas”, lo más habitual es que al receptor le llegue un periodismo “light” dominado por las pugnas políticas, el acoso y derribo al disidente, las catástrofes y sucesos, el entretenimiento (no inocente), el sensacionalismo, amarillismo el periodismo “rosa”, el deporte y la información meteorológica. El poder público sirve para centrar en él casi todas las “bofe-tadas” porque, ¿cómo morder la mano de tu señor? Sin embargo, el poder del mundo no es exactamente público sino privado. Como el periodismo se ha alejado de los ciudadanos, los ciudadanos bus-can su información en otros lugares alternativos, así ha ido creciendo la crisis del periodismo que se ha agravado con la crisis de un sistema que busca nuevos modelos de negocio en muchas ocasiones a costa del periodismo. Menos mal que, al mismo tiempo, aparecen iniciativas, aún por consolidarse, que aportan una esperanza para el desarrollo del conocimiento.
What is fascism in the twenty first century? What does Fascism mean at the beginning of the twenty-first century? When we pronounce this word, our memory goes back to the years between the two world wars and envisions a dark landscape of violence, dictatorships, and genocide. These images spontaneously surface in the face of the rise of radical right, racism, xenophobia, islamophobia and terrorism, the last of which is often depicted as a form of "Islamic fascism." Beyond some superficial analogies, however, all these contemporary tendencies reveal many differences from historical fascism, probably greater than their affinities. Paradoxically, the fear of terrorism nourishes the populist and racist rights, with Marine Le Pen in France or Donald Trump in the US claiming to be the most effective ramparts against "Jihadist fascism". But since fascism was a product of imperialism, can we define as fascist a terrorist movement whose main target is Western domination? Disentangling these contradictory threads, Enzo Traverso's historical gaze helps to decipher the enigmas of the present. He suggests the concept of post-fascism--a hybrid phenomenon, neither the reproduction of old fascism nor something completely different--to define a set of heterogeneous and transitional movements, suspended between an accomplished past still haunting our memories and an unknown future.
Presented here are four major theories behind the functioning of the world's presses: (1) the Authoritarian theory, which developed in the late Renaissance and was based on the idea that truth is the product of a few wise men; (2) the Libertarian theory, which arose from the works of men like Milton, Locke, Mill, and Jefferson and avowed that the search for truth is one of man's natural rights; (3) the Social Responsibility theory of the modern day: equal radio and television time for political candidates, the obligations of the newspaper in a one-paper town, etc.; (4) the Soviet Communist theory, an expanded and more positive version of the old Authoritarian theory.
The North American Mosaic has four overarching features. First, it is, to the extent feasible, based on comparable information on the status and trends of major indicators of the state of the environment in Canada,Mexico, and the United States. Second, the report confirms that these three countries together make up an incredibly complex, dynamic, and interconnected ecosystem in which humans play a dominant and decisive role. Third, the report raises important and sometimes disquieting questions concerning the sustainability of some current trends. Finally, the report is a reminder that our economic, social, and physical well-being are utterly dependent on the life-sustaining services provided by nature. This report emphasizes the importance of developing mutually compatible economic, social, and environmental goals and policies across the three-country region.
While many professional translators believe the ability to translate is a gift that one either has or does not have, Allison Beeby Lonsdale questions this view. In her innovative book, Beeby Lonsdale demonstrates how teachers can guide their students by showing them how insights from communication theory, discourse analysis, pragmatics, and semiotics can illuminate the translation process. Using Spanish to English translation as her example, she presents the basic principles of translation through 29 teaching units, which are prefaced by objectives, tasks, and commentaries for the teacher, and through 48 task sheets, which show how to present the material to students. Published in English.