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USI of India in past has taken the lead in providing the platform for organising discourse and research in the field of UN peace operations to put across an Indian perspective on a few most crucial attributes of the current challenges that face reform of the UN peace operations. To this end, USI (https: // the oldest think tank of India, in collaboration with Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA) (https: // the premium think tank of India's Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India planned to conduct a series Webinars/Seminars on UN peace operations in 2021. Inaugural webinar on "India and UN Peace Operations: Principles of UN Peacekeeping and Mandate" was held on 27 Feb 2021, followed by "UN Peace Keeping Operations: Hostage taking of UN Peacekeepers" on 29 Jun 2021. This monograph is compilation of the talks delivered by eminent speakers during the webinar on 29 Jun 2021.
The deployment of a large number of soldiers, police officers and civilian personnel inevitably has various effects on the host society and economy, not all of which are in keeping with the peacekeeping mandate and intent or are easily discernible prior to the intervention. This book is one of the first attempts to improve our understanding of unintended consequences of peacekeeping operations, by bringing together field experiences and academic analysis. The aim of the book is not to discredit peace operations but rather to improve the way in which such operations are planned and managed.
One of the most vexing issues that has faced the international community since the end of the Cold War has been the use of force by the United Nations peacekeeping forces. UN intervention in civil wars, as in Somalia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Rwanda, has thrown into stark relief the difficulty of peacekeepers operating in situations where consent to their presence and activities is fragile or incomplete and where there is little peace to keep. Complex questions arise in these circumstances. When and how should peacekeepers use force to protect themselves, to protect their mission, or, most troublingly, to ensure compliance by recalcitrant parties with peace accords? Is a peace enforcement role for peacekeepers possible or is this simply war by another name? Is there a grey zone between peacekeeping and peace enforcement? Trevor Findlay reveals the history of the use of force by UN peacekeepers from Sinai in the 1950s to Haiti in the 1990s. He untangles the arguments about the use of force in peace operations and sets these within the broader context of military doctrine and practice. Drawing on these insights the author examines proposals for future conduct of UN operations, including the formulation of UN peacekeeping doctrine and the establishment of a UN rapid reaction force.
The Oxford Handbook on United Nations Peacekeeping Operations presents an innovative, authoritative, and accessible examination and critique of the United Nations peacekeeping operations. Since the late 1940s, but particularly since the end of the cold war, peacekeeping has been a central part of the core activities of the United Nations and a major process in global security governance and the management of international relations in general. The volume will present a chronological analysis, designed to provide a comprehensive perspective that highlights the evolution of UN peacekeeping and offers a detailed picture of how the decisions of UN bureaucrats and national governments on the set-up and design of particular UN missions were, and remain, influenced by the impact of preceding operations. The volume will bring together leading scholars and senior practitioners in order to provide overviews and analyses of all 65 peacekeeping operations that have been carried out by the United Nations since 1948. As with all Oxford Handbooks, the volume will be agenda-setting in importance, providing the authoritative point of reference for all those working throughout international relations and beyond.
USI of India in past has taken the lead in providing the platform for organising discourse and research in the field of UN peace operations in order to put across an Indian perspective on a few most crucial attributes of the current challenges that face reform of the UN peace operations. To this end, USI (https: //, the oldest think tank of India, in collaboration with Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA) (https: //, the premium think tank of India's Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, planned to conduct a series Webinars/Seminars on UN peace operations in 2021. The first of the series was held on 27 Feb 2021on India and UN Peace Operations: Principles of UN Peacekeeping and Mandate, followed by The Impact of Climate Change on UN Peacekeeping Operations on 20 Apr 2021 in collaboration with NUPI & SIPRI, UN Peace Operations: Hostage-taking of UN Peacekeepers on 29 June 2021, and Effectiveness of UN Peace Operations: Dynamics of Composition of Troops and Diversity on UN Peace Operations on 25 Aug 2021. This monograph is about the compilation of the talks delivered by eminent speakers during the webinar on UN Peace Operations: Protection of Civilians on 22 Oct 2021.
Reporting from war zones around the globe, acclaimed journalist William Shawcross gives us an unforgettable portrait of a dangerous world and of the brave men and women, ordinary and extraordinary, who risk their lives to make and keep the peace. The end of the Cold War was followed by a decade of regional and ethnic wars, massacres and forced exiles, and by constant calls for America to lead the international community as chief peace-keeper. The efforts of that community -- identified with the United Nations but often dominated by the world's wealthy nations -- have had mixed results. In Africa, the West is accused of indifference or too little, too late. In Cambodia, the UN presides over free elections, but the results are overridden. In Iraq, Saddam Hussein continues to defy the UN, and in Bosnia and Kosovo, the West acts hesitantly after terrible slaughter and ethnic cleansing. Shawcross, a veteran of many war zones, has had broad access to global policymakers, including UN secretary general Kofi Annan, high American diplomats, peacekeepers and humanitarian-aid professionals. He has traveled with them to some of the world's most horrifying killing fields. Deliver Us from Evil is his stark, on-the-ground report on the many crises faced by the international community and its servants as they struggle to respond around the world. He brings home the price many have paid attempting to restore peace and help alleviate terrible suffering. He illuminates the risks we face in a complex and dangerous world. Some critics have concluded that some interventions may prolong conflict and create further casualties. The lesson we learn from ruthless and vengeful warlords the world over is that goodwill without strength can make things worse. Shawcross argues that recent interventions -- in Kosovo and East Timor, for example -- provide reason for concern as well as hope. Still, the unmistakable message of the past decade is that we cannot intervene everywhere, that not every wrong can be righted merely because the international community desires it, or because we wish to remove images of suffering from our television screens. Nor can we necessarily rebuild failed states in our image. When we intervene, we must be certain of our objectives, sure of popular support and willing to expend the necessary resources -- even lives. If our interventions are to be effective and humane, they must last for more than the fifteen minutes of attention that the media accord to each succeeding crisis. That is a tall order. As Shawcross concludes, "In a more religious time it was only God whom we asked to deliver us from evil. Now we call upon our own man-made institutions for such deliverance. That is sometimes to ask for miracles."
USI of India in the past has taken the lead in providing the platform for organising discourse and research in the field of UN peace operations in order to put across an Indian perspective on a few most crucial attributes of the current challenges that face reform of the UN peace operations. To this end, USI (https: //, the oldest think tank of India, in collaboration with Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA) (https: //, the premium think tank of India's Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, planned to conduct a series Webinars/Seminars on UN peace operations in 2021. The first of the series was held on 27 Feb 2021 on India and UN Peace Operations: Principles of UN Peacekeeping and Mandate, followed by The Impact of Climate Change on UN Peacekeeping Operations on 20 Apr 2021 in collaboration with NUPI & SIPRI, UN Peace Operations: Hostage-taking of UN Peacekeepers on 29 June 2021, Effectiveness of UN Peace Operations: Dynamics of Composition of Troops and Diversity on UN Peace Operations on 25 Aug 2021 and UN Peace Operations: Protection of Civilians on 22 Oct 2021. This monograph is about the compilation of the talks delivered by eminent speakers during the webinar on UN Peace Operations: Women, Peace & Security on 09 Feb 2022.
Knowledge is power. In the hands of UN peacekeepers, it can be a power for peace. Lacking knowledge, peacekeepers often find themselves powerless in the field, unable to protect themselves and others. The United Nations owes it to the world and to its peacekeepers to utilize all available tools to make its monitoring and surveillance work more effective. "Keeping Watch" explains how technologies can increase the range, effectiveness, and accuracy of UN observation. Satellites, aircraft, and ground sensors enable wider coverage of many areas, over longer periods of time, while decreasing intrusiveness. These devices can transmit and record imagery for wider dissemination and further analysis, and as evidence in human rights cases and tribunals. They also allow observation at a safe distance from dangerous areas, especially in advance of UN patrols, humanitarian convoys, or robust forces. While sensor technologies have been increasing exponentially in performance while decreasing rapidly in price, however, the United Nations continues to use technologies from the 1980s. This book identifies potential problems and pitfalls with modern technologies and the challenges to incorporate them into the UN system. The few cases of technologies effectively harnessed in the field are examined, and creative recommendations are offered to overcome the institutional inertia and widespread misunderstandings about how technology can complement human initiative in the quest for peace in war-torn lands. ""Walter Dorn is one of the most thoughtful and knowledgeable analysts of peacekeeping and security policy, and this book makes an important contribution to a field that needs far more public discussion.""--The Hon. Bob Rae, MP for Toronto Centre and Liberal Foreign Affairs critic
USI of India in past has taken the lead in providing the platform for organising discourse and research in the field of UN peace operations in order to put across an Indian perspective on a few most crucial attributes of the current challenges that face reform of the UN peace operations. To this end, USI (https: //, the oldest think tank of India, in collaboration with Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA) (https: //, the premium think tank of India's Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, planned to conduct a series Webinars/Seminars on UN peace operations in 2021. The first of the series was held on 27 Feb 2021 on India and UN Peace Operations: Principles of UN Peacekeeping and Mandate, followed by The Impact of Climate Change on UN Peacekeeping Operations on 20 Apr 2021 in collaboration with NUPI & SIPRI, UN Peace Operations: Hostage-taking of UN Peacekeepers on 29 June 2021, Effectiveness of UN Peace Operations: Dynamics of Composition of Troops and Diversity on UN Peace Operations on 25 Aug 2021, UN Peace Operations: Protection of Civilians on 22 Oct 2021 and UN Peace Operations: Women, Peace & Security on 09 Feb 2022. This monograph is about the compilation of the talks delivered by eminent speakers during the webinar on UN Peace Operations: Challenges of Mission Leadership in UN Peace Operations in delivering the mandate on 21 April 2022.