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De las 47 variantes del quechua, lengua amerindia viva con el mayor número de hablantes, 17 pertenecen al gran grupo norteño "Quechua I". Éste integra los seis dialectos del quechua ancashino, que constituyen la materia del presente diccionario. En una labor de varias décadas el lingüista peruano y hablante nativo Francisco Carranza ha recopilado este volumen que abarca unas 8.000 entradas cuya gran mayoría está complementada por ejemplos que ilustran los usos y contextos de cada vocablo. De esta forma llega a ser, además de un compendio de fraseología, un manual de etnografía, botánica, zoología, agricultura, y medicina popular, indispensable para todos los que se dedican al estudio de las culturas andinas e indígenas americanas.
This is a comprehensive, nonformal description of a Quechua language of central Peru, incorporating both structural and functional insights. Topics include: the demographic situation, an introduction to the syntax, word and suffix classes, morphology, case relations, passives, substantive phrases, relative clauses, complements, adverbial clauses, reduplication, question formation, negation, conjunction, evidential suffixes, the topic marker, idioms and formulaic expressions, phonology, and loan processes.
This glossary has been prepared in order to leave a record of the Quechua spoken by the people of Huarás and surrounding areas in the mid-20th century. Huarás, capital of the Region (Department) of Ancash, Peru, has a distinct form of Quechua. That dialect was endangered due to a massive earthquake on May 31, 1970. Tens of thousands of people died, and the city was destroyed. Many of the survivors left the area. Once rebuilt, Huarás was repopulated with people new to the area who use Spanish or a different dialect to communicate. Since then, technological influences such as the Internet also reinforce the use of Spanish, to the detriment of the local Quechua. Born in Huarás, I was raised in a bilingual environment, Spanish and Quechua. Although I left the area to attend the university, I could always feel at home upon returning, until that earthquake. Since then it seems strange to return to an unfamiliar city, due to people, language and environment. I hope this glossary will help the newer generations better understand, not only their grandparents and ancestors, but the culture from which they come. Language and culture are intimately tied, and much more than words is lost when a language dies. The Inca Empire (Tahuantinsuyo) was invaded by Spain in 1532. At that time Quechua was spoken, never written, throughout the Inca civilization, with many dialects. Since then, the Spanish language has been imposed, but in Huarás never did it replace Quechua to the extent that it did in 1970. This glossary contains words, several verb forms, and phrases. It is written with the expectation that it may help to preserve the inherited Quechua, so that Huarás may remain bilingual. It is written for huarasinos, the people of Huarás. If others find it useful, better yet. The glossary is in Quechua. To facilitate access to the Quechua, indices in Spanish and in English are included. M. Mosquera
This book presents a synchronic grammar of the southern dialects of Yauyos, an extremely endangered Quechuan language spoken in the Peruvian Andes. As the language is highly synthetic, the grammar focuses principally on morphology; a longer section is dedicated to the language's unusual evidential system. The grammar's 1400 examples are drawn from a 24-hour corpus of transcribed recordings collected in the course of the documentation of the language.
Lexical acculturation refers to the accommodation of languages to new objects and concepts encountered as the result of culture contact. This unique study analyzes a survey of words for 77 items of European culture (e.g. chicken, horse, apple, rice, scissors, soap, and Saturday) in the vocabularies of 292 Amerindian languages and dialects spoken from the Arctic Circle to Tierra del Fuego. The first book ever to undertake such a large and systematic cross-language investigation, Brown's work provides fresh insights into general processes of lexical change and development, including those involving language universals and diffusion.