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Examining the nature of UFO "evidence", the authors present a primer for scholars, skeptics, and others uneasy about investigating the field of UFOs. The volume also brings together three bestselling authors--David M. Jacobs, Budd Hopkins, and Pulitzer Prize winner John Mack--widely known for their writings on the controversial "alien abduction" phenomenon.
Some say they have been abducted and subjected to terrifying physical examinations. Others claim that young children have been kidnapped and returned only after the removal of flesh samples. Still others allege that women have been kidnapped and impregnated, the unborn children later removed for a vast cross-breeding experiment. These crimes against humanity are not perpetuated by an international terrorist organization. The "abductees" assert that they have been kidnapped by extraterrestrial beings. UFO abduction claims have spawned a veritable cottage industry, providing the fodder for an explosion of magazine articles, television interviews, newspaper features, bestselling books, and movies. Somewhere beyond all the tumult lies the truth. Dedicated to "those who will needlessly bear mental scars because of the foolish fantasies of a few," UFO Abductions lifts the shroud of mystery from the invisible epidemic of UFO abduction claims. Philip J. Klass, an internationally recognized skeptical authority on the subject of UFO reports, traces the history of these claims, from the celebrated Betty and Barney Hill case in 1966 to the extraordinary tales which are surfacing today. His response to these claims and the answers he provides are both absorbing and factual - a fascinating glimpse into an American subculture obsessed with visitors from outer space.
Revealing and unsettling interviews with over sixty real-life individuals who claim they were abducted by aliens from the author of The UFO Controversy in America. In Secret Life, retired professor David M. Jacobs takes us into the private world of those abducted by aliens, letting them describe in their own words what it is like to be abducted. Based on interviews with sixty individuals and more than 300 independently corroborated accounts, Secret Life presents the most complete and accurate picture of alien abductions ever compiled. Dr. Jacobs takes the reader on a minute-by-minute journey through a typical abduction experience and describes in detail the bizarre physical, mental and reproductive procedures that abductees claim have been administered by small alien beings. Jacobs draws from these interviews a profoundly unsettling reason behind the abductions: aliens are conducting a complex reproductive experiment involving the conception, gestation. or incubation of human and alien hybrid beings.
In Intruders, Hopkins focused worldwide attention on a series of alien encounters. Now, for the first time in history, an abduction has been sighted by independent third-party witnesses--including a major world leader! This book reveals this unprecedented and amazingly complex case in its entirety. Includes 16-page photo insert.
Psychologist and researcher Don Donderi examines the evidence and research from the past several decades on the changing nature of UFOs. He looks at why the scientific establishment takes a dim view of UFOs and abduction evidence and examines how the US government has collected and suppressed UFO evidence. UFOs, ETs, and Alien Abductions is a wide-ranging examination of all things off-planet that falls into 3 sections. 1. UFOs: evidence and belief between 1947 through 1965 and Cold War mysteries 2. The changing nature of UFO phenomenon from 1965 to the present, which makes the case for the existence of humanoid crew members seen in and around landed UFOs. This section also examines six well-documented abduction cases, and includes the author detailing his own research involvement with the evidence. He refutes the belief that all abductees are mentally disturbed and that a psychological disturbance explains the experience. 3. The third section is devoted to a very meaty and controversial analysis of science, politics, and UFOs.
A Harvard psychiatrist, the author of A Prince of Our Disorder, presents accounts of alien abduction taken from the more than sixty cases he has investigated and examines the implications for our identity as a species. These mesmerizing and thought-provoking stories of alien encounters from a Harvard professor take you through actual case studies of people from all walks of life and ages who have had challenging, sometimes disturbing, and in every case, life changing experiences of alien abduction. “John Mack explores evidence of nonhuman intelligence like an attorney preparing for the ‘trial of the century’—interviewing witnesses, examining physical evidence, consulting with experts in related fields, constantly questioning his own assumptions…As a story of one man’s determination to bear witness to cosmic mysteries with extraordinary implications for the human future, Abduction is bound to become a modern classic” (Keith Thompson, author of Angels and Aliens)
They are tiny. They are tall. They are gray. They are green. They survey our world with enormous glowing eyes. To conduct their shocking experiments, they creep in at night to carry humans off to their spaceships. Yet there is no evidence that they exist at all. So how could anyone believe he or she was abducted by aliens? Or want to believe it? To answer these questions, psychologist Susan Clancy interviewed and evaluated "abductees"--old and young, male and female, religious and agnostic. She listened closely to their stories--how they struggled to explain something strange in their remembered experience, how abduction seemed plausible, and how, having suspected abduction, they began to recollect it, aided by suggestion and hypnosis. Clancy argues that abductees are sane and intelligent people who have unwittingly created vivid false memories from a toxic mix of nightmares, culturally available texts (abduction reports began only after stories of extraterrestrials appeared in films and on TV), and a powerful drive for meaning that science is unable to satisfy. For them, otherworldly terror can become a transforming, even inspiring experience. "Being abducted," writes Clancy, "may be a baptism in the new religion of this millennium." This book is not only a subtle exploration of the workings of memory, but a sensitive inquiry into the nature of belief.
Based on almost 25 years of investigation and research, science writer Chris Rutkowski looks critically at abduction stories.
"Alien Abductions" draws a parallel to the way societal myths are made. Actual accounts--often collected while the "victims" are under stress--are often greatly enhanced by popular "nonfiction" authors who exploit these stories for their own profit. Illustrations.
Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind: cases in which personal contact between an individual or individuals is initiated by the “occupants” of the spacecraft. Such contact may involve the transportation of the individual from his or her terrestrial surroundings into the spacecraft, where the individual is communicated with and/or subjected to an examination before being returned. One might expect that a “scientific conference” devoted to people who have reported being kidnapped by “little green men” would be dismissed out of hand. But C.D.B. Bryan, the greatly admired journalist and author of Friendly Fire, did not dismiss it: the conference was to be held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and would have as its chairmen a Pulitzer Prize-winning Harvard psychiatry professor and a professor of physics from M.I.T. Bryan attended the conference throughout its five days. He approached the subject with no prior stand, no agenda, and an open (if slightly skeptical) mind. As the conference progressed, he was astonished by the quality of the stories told by the hundreds of men and women who came forward hesitantly and reluctantly with their utterly amazing—and utterly convincing—accounts of having been abducted and then examined aboard extraterrestrial spacecraft by spindly limbed, telepathic gray creatures with outsized foreheads dominated by huge, compelling, tear-shaped black eyes. What most astonished Bryan were the similarities found again and again in these accounts and the consistency of their details. It is here that the heart of the mystery lies: as the Harvard professor John E. Mack asked at the conference, “If what the abductees are saying isn’t happening to them, then what is?” This question—and the possible answers—are at the center of this richly explicit, serious, and riveting book. Bryan recreates the conference. He interviews ufology’s most prominent psychiatrists, psychologists, hypnotherapists, researchers, physicists, physicians, and folklorists. He interweaves throughout the testimony of the abductees themselves, who tell us their stories in chilling detail. He presents, in depth, the Close Encounter experiences of two women whose stories he tells on the basis of both their spontaneous recollections of the events and their memories that were retrieved through sessions of hypnosis of which Bryan himself was a witness. Finally, Bryan examines the current theories—psychological, psychiatric, medical, parapsychological—that have been put forward by the unconvinced to explain the abduction phenomenon. Are the abductees suffering from some sort of false memory syndrome? . . . a multiple or dissociative personality disorder? . . . Are they fantasy-prone? Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind is a detailed, objective exploration—the most concrete to date—of one of the enduring and amazing mysteries of our time. It is a book that will equally fascinate believers and nonbelievers.