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This book includes Italian cases only. People around the world have a pale clue of well-known events from the land of spaghetti, pizza & O' Sole Mio. There are many other unknown Italian incidents that the world doesn't begin to imagine. So what's this book about? UFOs Reinvestigation in Italy is a study on prewar and postwar files of ufology in Italy. For example, it's about some episodes of the XIX century, some unreleased cases and some Vatican files. You can see the pictures of the revisited sites as they are today, original sketches, photos of the witnesses, if available and all the detailed reconstruction and remake of the incidents. Foreword is penned by Doctor Roberto Pinotti, the most important Italian researcher. He founded C.U.N. (the National Ufological Center) and he is also the director of UFO International Magazine, the national and worldwide journal of Italian ufology.
The first monographic publication focused on the Florentine UFO group (1968-1978), that conducts a historical analysis of its work, reveals its close relationship with the contemporary artistic, literary and architectural avant-garde and, finally, investigates its legacy for the contemporary project. The contemporary context is defined by a unique conjuncture. On one hand, we witness the revival of the Radical Architecture that from the avant-garde experiments of the origins recovers creative processes and iconographic fragments while nullifying the original ideological and political values. On the other hand, we see social protests in defense of fundamental rights of democracy, as in 1968. With these premises, Architecture is now reinvestigating those ephemeral experiments that have endured half a century as new “stone monuments” capable of indicating new perspectives for both research and design. Placing UFO group, one of the authors of those still poorly known “monuments”, at the core of the contemporary debate means investigating their formal and seductive aspects, but also the ideological, political and social values with which objects, installations and happenings have been innervated, transforming them into devices of an architecture nourished by literature, art and political commitment for the foundation of an eloquent and activist project even more radical than the well-known Superstudio and Archizoom. The collaboration between Beatrice Lampariello, an architecture historian specialized in the 1960s and 1970s, and False Mirror Office, a group of historians and designers engaged in the rediscovery of UFO group, lead to a monograph focused on the UFO’s work and an evaluation of their legacy relative to contemporary architecture. This monograph is composed of three sections: 1) History, a first-ever study of UFO by False Mirror Office via analysis of all archival and bibliographic sources, as well as a series of interviews with UFO members and a collection of its writings (published and unpublished), for the first time translated into English; 2) Context, composed of essays by historians and architectural theorists (Beatrice Lampariello, Simon Sadler, Anna Rosellini, Giovanni Galli, Jacopo Galimberti) intended to place UFO’s work in the context of the avant-garde that influenced its work, from the experience of Florentine Radical Architecture to Umberto Eco’s theories on semiotics and the American experiences between Pop Art, Video Art and Happening; 3) Legacy, articulated through graphic contribution and essays by young designers, as False Mirror Office, Parasite 2.0, Point Supreme, Jimenez Lai, Andrew Kovacs, Adam Nathaniel Furman, Traumnovelle, (ab)Normal and Peter Behrbohm, to investigate UFO’s legacy relative to the contemporary revival of the most distinguishing creative processes and obsessions that shaped the so-called Radical Architecture. Contributions by: Beatrice Lampariello, Boris Hamzeian and Andrea Anselmo (False Mirror Office), Gloria Castellini (False Mirror Office), Simon Sadler, Anna Rosellini, Giovanni Galli, Jacopo Galimberti, Filippo Fanciotti and Giovanni Glorialanza (False Mirror Office), Parasite 2.0, Point Supreme, Jimenez Lai (Bureau Spectacular), Andrew Kovacs, Adam Nathaniel Furman, Traumnovelle, (ab)Normal, Peter Behrbohm
Unidentified Flying Objects are said to have been photographed and filmed in every country in the world, and witnessed by people from many different backgrounds. Yet governments are generally unwilling even to acknowledge the possibility of UFOs and extraterrestrials, and it is civilian organizations that have taken the lead in investigating them. Over a thousand organizations and publications dedicated to investigating alleged UFOs and extraterrestrials are listed in this directory. It focuses on those groups that conduct field research or review investigations (locally, nationally, or internationally), such as the Archives for UFO Research, founded in 1973 and based in Sweden, the British UFO Research Association, founded in 1962 and based in England, Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas de Discos Voadores, founded in 1983 and based in Brazil, Flying Saucer Review, first published in 1955 and based in England, and the National UFO Reporting Center, founded in 1974 and based in Washington State, to name just a few. The entries provide contact information, including the organization or publication's address and telephone number, and in many instances, the organization or publication's fax number, website and email address.
Nazi UFOs tells the strange tale of how, following the first alleged flying saucer sightings made in the USA in 1947, a series of fantasists and neo-fascists came forward to create a media myth that the Nazis may have invented these incredible craft as a means for winning the Second World War, a plan which was tantalisingly close to completion before the Allies conquered Berlin in 1945. Today, the fantasy of Nazi UFOs has grown into an entire mythology in books, on TV and online. Did Germany back-engineer anti-gravity craft, and even a full-blown time-machine, by stripping technology from a crashed alien saucer? Did the SS secretly invent ‘Green’ technology for use in their star ship engines, and was this planet-saving discovery later suppressed at the behest of a sinister Big Oil conspiracy? Did Himmler try to develop ‘lightning weapons’ for use in aerial combat? By contrasting the fake military-industrial pseudo-histories of Nazi UFO theorists with details of real-life Nazi aerospace achievements, the author demonstrates both how this modern-day mythology came about and how it cannot possibly be more than fractionally true. For the first time, this fake ‘alternative military history’ is laid out in full. This book features an appealing cast of con-men and spies, complete madmen, real-life Nazis and completely made-up ones, operating right across the globe from South America to wartime Europe and Japan. A good example may be the ‘mad professor’, Viktor Schauberger, who actually genuinely did manage to gain a personal audience with Adolf Hitler in order to try and convince him that he had discovered and then exploited some amazing new source of natural ‘free energy’ which could make objects (such as saucers, in the opinion of some) float. Hitler dismissed his plan, but it does nonetheless show how close some bizarre schemes came to being implemented in Nazi Germany.
In English for the first time, a guide to the true secret structure of the Illuminati and their invisible network made of various power structures, author Leo Lyon Zagami uses their internal documents and reveals confidential and top-secret events. His book contends that the presence of numerous Illuminati brotherhoods and secret societies—just as those inside the most prestigious U.S. universities such as Yale or Harvard—have always been guides to the occult. From the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO)'s infiltration of Freemasonry to the real Priory of Sion, this book exposes not only the hidden structure of the New World Order and the occult practices but also their connections to the intelligence community and the infamous Ur-Lodges.
Il tema della vita su altri pianeti è un argomento che affascina l’uomo da secoli; la possibilità di non essere soli nell’universo ha sempre raccolto opinioni discordanti, coinvolgendo in dibattiti sia semplici appassionati che famosi studiosi. Ogni tanto arrivano alla stampa notizie che alimentano le speranze di chi crede nell’esistenza di creature aliene, ma che la scienza cerca di spiegare in modo razionale.
Mass Contacts is an astounding story that says that Contact has begun from one who knows. A detailed report of contacts with human type aliens on the Adriatic coast, which answers many of our questions, this book is a milestone for ufologists wh study Contact. They were here and many look like us! It's time for disclosure. Paola Leopizzi Harris-Researcher and Author: Connecting the Dots; Making Sense of UFO Phenomena; Exopolitics: How Does One Speak to a Ball of Light? This book is a true milestone in the spreading of the reality of contacts between our humanity and extraterrestrials, both in the past and now; it gives rise to vital importants, hints in order to understand the epoch-making events that are waiting for us, and inteat with them in the best way. Tom Bosco-NEXUS Magazine-Edizione Italiana Eng. Stefani Breccia and I are friends, and have been responsible keepers of truths that not always were sharable with other people. Both of us have dedicated a significant part of our lives to UFO's, myself trying to spread this reality in the best way. Stefano trying to understand its roots, both being aware of how important the phenomenon is. And so I have acted as a midwife to the important result of Stefano's work, being convinced that reading this book is at the same time necessary and useful. Roberto Pinotti-Director, Centro Ufologico Nationale (CUN), Italy This book, based upon memories of experiences covering a period of many years, is charming above all for it concerns the contact, first, and then the coexistence of humans and aliens, working toward a single goal. Paolo Di Girolama-Professor and writer.
VOL.1. MARIA ORSIC, THE WOMAN WHO ORIGINATED AND CREATED EARTH'S FIRST UFOS Published by Art, UFOs & Supernatural Magazine. New York. Maria Orsic, the most important personality in ufology's history. Everything began with Maria Orsic's metaphysical (Occult, channeling and mediumship) movement. The UFO phenomenon and saga, the first contacts with aliens from extraordinarily advanced civilizations beyond our solar system, and extraterrestrials' messages, all started with an occult-metaphysical-mysticism-psychical movement created by Maria Orsic, a medium and founder of the Vrilerinnen ( The Vril Society), and based upon messages she claimed she received from extraterrestrials from Aldebaran (Alpha Tauri), which contained technical data and precise instructions on how to build a super "Out of this World" flying machine (UFO). Author's website:
Whether you are planning a romantic Italian getaway, packing a knapsack for your junior year abroad, or just want to engage your Italian business associate in everyday conversation, Italian Made Simple is the perfect book for any self-learner. Void of all the non-essentials and refreshingly easy to understand, Italian Made Simple includes: * basics of grammar * vocabulary building exercises * pronunciation aids * common expressions * word puzzles and language games * contemporary reading selections * Italian culture and history * economic information * Italian-English and English-Italian dictionaries Complete with drills, exercises, and answer keys for ample practice opportunities, Italian Made Simple will soon have you speaking Italian like a native.