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This is just a limited selection of some of the most impressive and interesting events from over 12,000 UFO Italian cases CUN has in its files and occurred in Italy during the 20th century. Apart from conventional UFO sightings and close encounters of the first kind, in particular CUN investigated at least 1,000 Italian close encounters of the second and third kind and abduction cases, showing the constant, intelligent and alien nature of UFO phenomena also in our Country. This first volume draws no conclusion about the specific nature and intent of the non-terrestrial entities controlling UFOs. We shall try to do this, as far as possible, at the end of the second volume of this book.
The second volume of UFO CONTACTS IN ITALY includes a complete round up of UFO sightings and events from 1979 to 2020.After the incredible 1978-1979 Italian UFO wave with more than 2,000 reports, the Italian Government decided to face the UFO phenomena officially, and since then the Italian Air Force was charged to take care of the subject, as shown by official military documents obtained by Centro Ufologico Nazionale (CUN), who had a public primary role in all this. In 1979 a UFO photographed by an Italian Air Force jet fighter pilot over Treviso and a gigantic USO observed in the Tyrrhenian Seawere the most important cases investigated by CUN.In the 1980's, after the author's requested UFO presentation in the House of Lords in London and the death of Italian UFO pioneer Consul Alberto Perego, several sightings, landings and close encounters were reported all over the peninsula. In this decade we also had a division in Centro Ufologico Nazionale with the creation of the skeptical Centro Italiano Studi Ufologici (CISU), and Pinotti's successful academic papers mentioning UFOs officially presented in Brighton (UK) and Bangalore (India), respectively during the International astronauitical Federation's congresses in 1987 and 1988.The 1990's started with an Alitalia near missover Kent and Soviet astronaut Gennady Strekhalov's admissions about his UFO space sighting during a congress in Italy, and then developed with landings, traces, near-crashes,flying humanoids,the Italian action of Tullio Regge in the European Parliament and the World UFO Symposium in San Marino, a frame in which events such as the Soviet KGB UFO dossier, the Santilli footage and Europe's first UFO postage stamp manifested themselves. In this decade we had also important genuine UFO photographs, secret UFO documents, UFOs monitoring NATO bases in Italy, a huge UFO encyclopaedia made in Italy, important statements from the Vatican and even an Intelligence attempt to destabilize CUN in order to stop its positive international action.The first ten years of the new millennium began with the official Italian Air Force UFO data and the unexpected Mussolini's Fascist UFO files, more sightings everywhere and the incredible endless saga with mysterious fires, UFOs and USOs at Caronia in Sicily, where at last authorities preferred to deny the evidence of the UFO presence behind these phenomena. Then we had a new Italian proposal about UFOs in the European Union Parliament and the University of Calabria's 1st International Symposium on Exobiology, Ufology and Exopolitics with speakers from all over the world co-ordinated by the author.The second decade of this century started with a new Italian call for an end to UFO secrecy in the European Parliament, CUN's requested lecture about UFOs and E.T. in the Vatican City, Italy represented by the author at the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure in Washington D.C. organized by political activist Steven Bassett, a new postage stamp issued to commemorate 20 years of the world UFO Symposium in San Marino and the sighting of an alien light probe. Besides this, we had Pope Francis 'speech about aliens, Pinotti's unexpected trip to Moscow and Gen. Savin's purported Russian ET contacts, the author's speeches in Brazil and at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Conference in Sofia, Luis Elizondo and Tom Delonge were welcome CUN's guests in Rome, the collapse of the Chinese United Nations initiative for UFO and alien disclosure from Chongqing to Moscow and CUN's UN perspective after the author's contacts in Hong Kong, Barcelona, Roswell and Russia again. Last but not least, in 2020 also a huge cylindrical "mothership" and a "daylight disc" hovering over the Etna volcano in Sicily and the 28th edition of CUN's World UFO Symposium from San Marino on the internet in spite of the international COVID 19 contagion.
In spite of of the fact that the international media did not mention since the end of WW2, Italy's contribution to world ufology was really important from both the qualitative and quantitative points of view. Unfortunately, Italian is not easily understood in today's English-speaking world. So, beyond this limiting language barrier, Dr. Roberto Pinotti, as the main and most representative Italian ufologist with his Centro Ufologico Nazionale (CUN) that he established in 1967, took care of presenting in English a vast and detailed selection of 120 years (1900-2020) of the best UFO cases occurred in his country in his two illustrated volumes UFO CONTACTS IN ITALY (volumes one & two). But this was not enough for him. For historical, geographical, cultural and religious reasons and as the center of the ancient world unified first by the Roman Empire and then by the Catholic Church, Rome and Italy inherited the ancient traditions of the Egyptian, Greek, Etruscan, Hebrew and Christian cultures and their synthesis, and since the Middle Ages defended all this from the Barbarians' and and others as well, playing a central role in the world's civilization. In fact, according to the 2019 UNESCO World Heritage Convention, Italy has a total of 55 inscribed properties, making it the state party with the most World Heritage Sites, along with China. So no wonder if Italy proved to be also a real historical and cultural crossroad also for ufology yesterday and today. From the case of the Egyptian so-called Tulli Papyrus to the "The Book of Prodigies" of the Roman historian Julius Obsequens and the Roman coins showing purported UFOs from Caesar to Pertinax ; from Italian Middle Ages chronicles to the Renaissance, with some of its protagonists involved in the subject with their works and personal witnesses as well; from pre-1947 sightings including the "Fascist UFO Files" indicating Italy as the first country whose government faced the UFO problem to Pinotti's privileged confidential link since the sixties with Soviet researchers, from A. P. Kazantsev to the 1994 disclosure of the KGB UFO dossier; from the surprising roles of contactees George Hunt Williamson and George Adamski in Italy to the intriguing "Amicizia" mass contact experience story; from Pinotti's studies about the BVM (Blessed Virgin Mary) UFO-like phenomena to the gradual disclosure-oriented approach of the Vatican since the Fifties, from Catholic theologians and Specola Vaticana astronomers to Roman Pontiffs up to Pope Francis; from US General MacArthur's unexpected statements in Naples in the Fifties about a possible future war with aliens to the President of the Republic of Italy's classified 1963 UFO case shared with the Pentagon; from Pinotti's role in Italian aerospace research and SETI to his surprising academic paper about Indo-Aryan UFO-like Vimanas presented in the International Astronautical Federation Congress in 1988; from CUN's involvement with France's GEPAN to Pinotti's House of Lords talk in 1980; fromProf. Thayaht's pioneer studies about the UFO "PSI effect" in the fifties to the attempts since the nineties of Italian members of the European Parliament Regge, Musumeci and Borghezio to obtain an EU UFO disclosure; and from CUN's meeting and co-operation with Luis Elizondo in 2018 to Pinotti's involvement with the San Marino Government-sponsored CUN UFO WORLD SYMPOSIUM with its 30 editions up to his personal role in the 2018-2019 Chinese UNO UFO initiative and in ICER's present United Nations disclosure project. All this shows Italy was really a sort of catalyzer for international ufology, and that the title TIMELESS UFO CONTACTS IN ITALY for Pinotti's book surely fits the situation.
Mass Contacts is an astounding story that says that Contact has begun from one who knows. A detailed report of contacts with human type aliens on the Adriatic coast, which answers many of our questions, this book is a milestone for ufologists wh study Contact. They were here and many look like us! It's time for disclosure. Paola Leopizzi Harris-Researcher and Author: Connecting the Dots; Making Sense of UFO Phenomena; Exopolitics: How Does One Speak to a Ball of Light? This book is a true milestone in the spreading of the reality of contacts between our humanity and extraterrestrials, both in the past and now; it gives rise to vital importants, hints in order to understand the epoch-making events that are waiting for us, and inteat with them in the best way. Tom Bosco-NEXUS Magazine-Edizione Italiana Eng. Stefani Breccia and I are friends, and have been responsible keepers of truths that not always were sharable with other people. Both of us have dedicated a significant part of our lives to UFO's, myself trying to spread this reality in the best way. Stefano trying to understand its roots, both being aware of how important the phenomenon is. And so I have acted as a midwife to the important result of Stefano's work, being convinced that reading this book is at the same time necessary and useful. Roberto Pinotti-Director, Centro Ufologico Nationale (CUN), Italy This book, based upon memories of experiences covering a period of many years, is charming above all for it concerns the contact, first, and then the coexistence of humans and aliens, working toward a single goal. Paolo Di Girolama-Professor and writer.
This book includes Italian cases only. People around the world have a pale clue of well-known events from the land of spaghetti, pizza & O' Sole Mio. There are many other unknown Italian incidents that the world doesn't begin to imagine. So what's this book about? UFOs Reinvestigation in Italy is a study on prewar and postwar files of ufology in Italy. For example, it's about some episodes of the XIX century, some unreleased cases and some Vatican files. You can see the pictures of the revisited sites as they are today, original sketches, photos of the witnesses, if available and all the detailed reconstruction and remake of the incidents. Foreword is penned by Doctor Roberto Pinotti, the most important Italian researcher. He founded C.U.N. (the National Ufological Center) and he is also the director of UFO International Magazine, the national and worldwide journal of Italian ufology.
SHOCKING FULL COLOR PHOTO ALBUM OF OVER 100 PAGES - SOME UFOLOGISTS BELIEVE THESE PICTURES TO BE MORE AUTHENTIC THAN THOSE OF BILLY MEIER! HERE IS SHOCKING PICTORIAL EVIDENCE OF UFOS ON EARTH AND ONGOING ENCOUNTERS WITH ET'S AS EXPERIENCED BY A HUMBLE MAN FROM RURAL NEW MEXICO. The UFO photos of one Paul Villa are in a category all of their own. They show solid hardware of what can only be "alien" craft originating from outside Earth's atmosphere. For a period of several years Paul Villa remained a rather mysterious figure, claiming contact with advanced beings from other worlds. What placed him in a category almost all by himself is the fact that he was able to produce - just about on command! - photographs of real-world, solid vehicles - not "supernatural manifestations" - which hovered and darted about near his desert mobile home. According to Villa, he would receive a telepathic message that his otherworldly friends were in the neighborhood and he should go outdoors. There in the sky would be silvery discs complete with "windows," looking like nothing manufactured on Earth. The ships Villa saw and photographed ranged in size from just a few feet across to well over 30 feet in diameter. WERE THEY FAKED? WAS HE SILENCED? As might be expected, the UFO skeptics began to attack Villa's photographic evidence. They claimed that his photos - over 50 of them - were faked, offering as proof supposed computer enhancements which are open to various interpretations. After a while, Villa became silent. There were rumors that he had been threatened and that his house had been burned to the ground. The late Lt. Col. Wendelle Stevens, who possessed the world's largest UFO photo collection, was impressed enough to want to meet Villa and bring his story to the world. Stevens looked high and low for the photographer and, after a lengthy search, found him "hiding out." Stevens got this amazing gentleman to open up completely and tell his story for the first time. The result is one of the few books with color photos of alien spacecraft ever presented to our world as proof of the existence of another race of beings who live among the stars but visit us on a regular basis. The photos in this book are simply astonishing . . . showing a UFO hovering over Villa's home as well as over his farm equipment, hovering above his work truck and just "hanging out" in the neighborhood. For the first time, we can see two or three different types of UFOs in photos, which add to the weight of evidence that the shots have not been staged. We see spinning tops standing by the larger ships as if to protect them. Villa also claims that the weeds in some of the photos were wilted due to the magnetic field which surrounded the craft as they came in low over the ground. And if the skeptic still wishes to be a nonbeliever, it should be pointed out that Villa never profited from any of the pictures he took, though he might have been able to sell them for hundreds of dollars. Instead he gave away stacks of copies free of charge to schools, prisons, libraries and government officials. But THE SECRET UFO CONTACTS OF PAUL VILLA goes beyond just the photographic evidence. It gets into his contact claims and his belief that aliens live and work among us and are here now getting us ready for that "great day" when we will be unshackled from our chains and redeemed from our present failed condition. It would seem that such a time is upon us right now! THIS IS A LARGE FORMAT 8x11 book with page after page of Paul Villa's impressive COLOR photos -- the best quality we could obtain. It is a coffee table book that will be a great enhancement to any collector's library. There has never been such a tantalizing collection of UFO pictures printed in color in America that has so defied the critics. This book also includes the UFO contacts of Italy's "Alien Friendship Case."
Should we be afraid of UFOs? In June 2021, NASA's boss admitted that "I’ve talked to those pilots, and they know they saw something, and their radars locked onto it, and then all of a sudden it was here, on the surface and then it’s there. And they don’t know what it is, and we don’t know what it is. We hope it’s not an adversary here on Earth that has that kind of technology." The fear? That the "unexplained phenomena" are a sign of an advancement, terrestrial or extraterrestrial, which is part of an aggressive project that is still in its infancy. In April 2022, a Pentagon report counted 57 effects suffered by people in contact with a UFO: abductions by extraterrestrials, brain lesions, paralysis, burns due to radiation, death. Egon Kragel, an outstanding researcher, has investigated dozens of cases where witnesses have not come out of encounters with UFOs unscathed. In a rigorous book, rich with episodes, the author reveals unpublished archives, probes the credibility of testimonies and questions the official thesis that UFOs represent a danger to humanity. No reader will come away unscathed from this new book that will rock the boat of official (un)certainties! Egon Kragel is one of the great specialists in ufology in France. His work is recognized throughout the world, notably by his friend Jacques Vallée who inspired the director Stephen Spielberg for the film E.T. He wrote his first book Ovnis, enquête sur un secret d'Etat. He participates in numerous conferences, appears regularly on television, and takes part in radio programs and podcasts.
The International UFO Library Magazine. Featuring Articles From Around The World. Page 8. Mars – Did We See Something by J.J Hurtak PhD Page 10. Russia – What’s Happening by Brian Grish. Page 15. USA – Ultraterrestials by Sean David Morton. Page 18. France – Complete Update by Jacques Drabier. Page 20. England – Mysticism of UFO’s by Richard Lawrence. Page 23. Israel – Apocalypse from Space by Marie-Helen Parent. Page 26. Peru – Extraterrestrial Abductions by Charles Silva. Page 29. Canada – The Insiders Report, Part 2 – by Bob Oechsler. Page 45. Divinity – by Loma Gopi Saravati. Page 48. Star Trek Comdr. Riker- Jonathan Frakes by M. Marks. Page 50. Universal – What’s It Like On Their Planet by Joseph J. Randazzo. Page 52. Puerto Rico – A UFO Base In Mona Passage by Scott Corrales. Page 56. Pleadians – History of the Pleadians by J. Randolph Winters. Page 58. Washington D.C – Protest by Elaine Douglass. Page 60. Mexico – The Great Flap Over Mexico by Britt and Lee Elders. The collectors information and articles in the International UFO Library Magazine published decades ago where the effort and prodigy of traveling to over twenty countries around the world with Emmy award winning film crews for over five years by Writer, Executive Producer, Joseph J Randazzo and Company. Hundreds of one on one interview where conducted to seek out and amass a library of information questioning the UFO / ET subject matter with a goal to question and then compare cases, notes and references from Researchers, Abductees and Contactees. The information collected was far ahead of its time and still shows a straightforward presentation to learn form. Let us learn from this information and grow into the absolute best we can become as a humanity. And always acknowledging and thankful for the endless work, effort and dedication for the UFO Library President, CoLee Viedelle – Smith, Product Support by David Ovelmeier. Editor, RT. WWII Fighter Pilot, Mr. Edward T Foster
Joseph J. Randazzo, Writer – Publisher - Executive Producer Presents The Historical Classic Collectors Issue Vol April / May 1994. 80 Pages. Full-Color. The International UFO Library Magazine. Featuring Articles From Around The World. Page 5. USA – The UFO Library President by Colee Viedelle – Smith. Page 6. Switzerland – A Search For Truth by J. Randolph Winters Page 10. England Circles Phenomenon Research by Colin Andrews Page 12. USA – UFO’s and Common Sense by Glen Steckling. Page 14. Italy – Landing In Verona by Roberto Pinotti. Page 15. Worldwide – Visitation Phenomena by Tom Goode. Page 16. USA – The Gulf Breeze Sightings by Bob Oechsler. Page 21. England – Caught In The Act – Crop Circles by Preston E. Dennett. Page 22. Germany – The Pictogram and the Plate by Michael Hesemann. Page 24. USA - Close Encounters of the Multiple -Abduction Kind by J.J Hurtak Ph.D. Page 26. Universal – Why Do The ET’s Pick Curtain Humans by Joseph J. Randazzo. Page 27. England – Out of the Darkness by Tony Dodd. Page 29. Worldwide – UFO Repetitions by George D. Fawcett. The collectors' information and articles in the International UFO Library Magazine published decades ago were the effort and prodigy of traveling to over twenty countries around the world with Emmy award-winning film crews for over five years by Writer, Executive Producer, Joseph J Randazzo and Company. Hundreds of one-on-one interview where conducted to seek out and amass a library of information questioning the UFO / ET subject matter with a goal to question and then compare cases, notes and references from Researchers, Abductees and Contactees. The information collected was far ahead of its time and still shows a straightforward presentation to learn form. Let us learn from this information and grow into the absolute best we can become as a humanity. And always acknowledging and thankful for the endless work, effort and dedication for the UFO Library President, Colee Viedelle – Smith, Product Support
The evidence in this book may not ultimately give you the “smoking gun” you are looking for on your journey, but I guarantee it will give you a box of bullets when you find it. In 1996, John Greenewald, Jr. began researching the secret inner workings of the U.S. Government at the age of fifteen. He targeted such agencies as the CIA, FBI, Pentagon, Air Force, Army, Navy, NSA, DIA, and countless others. Greenewald utilized the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to gain access to more than two million pages of documents. This archive includes information relating to UFOs, the JFK Assassination, chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons, and top secret aircraft. He took the millions of pages, and over the course of more than two decades, has built an archive known around the world, as The Black Vault. Inside The Black Vault: The Government’s UFO Secrets Revealed takes you on a journey within the secret world of unidentified aerial phenomenon that has plagued the military since at least the 1940s. Declassified records prove that the UFO topic is one of the most highly classified and most elusive subjects the U.S. Government has ever dealt with. Each chapter explores various agencies and their documents, and Greenewald breaks down the meaning of why some of the most important documents are relevant to proving a massive cover-up. Along with declassified documents, Greenewald outlines the struggle it took him to get them. No other topic has proven so difficult, in more than 8,000 FOIA requests that he has filed. He explores why that might be and meets skeptics and debunkers head on, outlining why some of their more prominent rebuttals for it all cannot be true.