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Young hopes to secure Malone's services, following Carl Ahrendt's recommendation. On letterhead reading "James Young, tragedian" with a list of Young's repertoire, including several Shakespeare plays: Hamlet, Richard III, Merchant of Venice, and Taming of the shrew.
Possibly written to John Malone. Asks Malone if he is open to an offer from him for next season and lists various parts that are available, including Iago and Claudius.
Regarding payment for two tickets.
The enclosure (no longer with letter) was cut from the Kansas City Times. The statements made within cheapen and depreciate Malone's work.
Letters concerning Malone's Shakespeare revival and lecture. Correspondents include: W.[T.?] Blood, C.C. Buel, George M. Ciprico, Judge Daly, Mrs. William F. Daly, Joe Evans, Jewett Hallowell, Peter Cooper Hewitt, Reginale Fry, Henry K. Gilman, Henry Gilsey, Frank L. Goodwin, Francis Hathrop, Leroy B. Hoff, S. Isham, John M. Kiely, Mrs. Archibald Mercer, John Miley, Sarah Cowell Moyne, Henry L. Nelson, J.H. Olin, William F. Owen, J.H. Platt, [A.T.?] Pomroy, E.M. Raymond, Russell H. Robbins, Benajmin F. Roeder, Fred Ross, James N. Ru[gg?]les, R.K. Sheldon, John Sabine Smith, J.G. Santley, [Jno.?] Geimer Speed, J.D. Trenholm, [J.F.?] Vickers, Bertha Welby. (61-62) two visiting cards of James F. Ruggles and Cav. Flavio Ando.
Malone offers explanations as to why he has remained financially indebted to the Players for so long. Also includes a copy of a court transcript in the hand of Malone for a case involving Edward E. Rice, twenty-four receipts to Malone from the Players club, three notices of money still unpaid from the Players' House Committee to Malone, and two receipts from Charles Hawthorne, designer and maker of theatrical costumes, to Malone.
Written by the secretary of Mr. and Mrs. Stedman, explaining that they will not be able to attend Malone's Shakespeare lecture on Wednesday.
Camp has received the tickets for May 17 and is glad to avail himself of an opportunity to hear Malone's lecture.
Has heard that Malone will be with them that evening. Suggests that he had best take up Angelo in Measure for Measure, Jaques and Macduff, Burleigh in Mary Stuart and the part in Magda.