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Equipment was built where critical-flow data above 100 psia were obtained and a theory developed that predicts the experimental values satisfactorily. Theoretical expressions for the specific volume, void fraction, and slip ratio for critical steam-water mixtures have been derived. Therefore, the first complete analytical solution was made possible for estimating the critical two-phase flow rate, including slip between the two phases. The pressure profiles for runs at critical flow were all characterized by extremely steep pressure gradients near the throat; however, the pressure gradients are definitely finite and approach absolute maximum values, these depending only upon critical flow rate and quality. Sonic velocities are not achieved in critical two-phase flow of steam-water mixtures.
Mehrphasige Strömungen spielen in etlichen Industriezweigen, besonders der Luft- und Raumfahrt und der Energieerzeugung, eine zentrale Rolle. Derart komplexe Strömungsvorgänge sind extrem schwer vorauszuberechnen, zu analysieren und zu testen. Wertvolle Hilfestellungen, die für reale technische Situationen gedacht sind, gibt dieser Band, der auch Quelltexte einschlägiger Computerprogramme enthält. (07/99)
It is shown that the critical flow rates for liquid-metal systems calculated from the best model describing steam-water data are considerably higher in the low-quality region than predicted from a so-called ''homogeneous flow model.'' This is explained by the large slippage between the liquid and the vapor phases, because the ratio of the densities of the liquid state to the vapor state is usually large for metallic fluids.