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A variety of nonlinear effects occur in a plasma. First, there are the wave steepening effects which can occur in any fluid in which the propagation speed depends upon the wave-amplitude. In a dispersive medium this can lead to classes of nonlinear waves which may have stationary solutions like solitons and shocks. Because the plasma also acts like an inherently nonlinear dielectric resonant interactions among waves lead to exchange of energy among them. Further, an electromagnetic wave interacting with a plasma may parametrically excite other waves in the plasma. A large-amplitude Langmuir wave undergoes a modulational instability which arises through local depressions in plasma density and the corresponding increases in the energy density of the wave electric field. Whereas a field collapse occurs in two and three dimensions, in a one-dimensional case, spatially localized stationary field structures called Langmuir solitons can result. Many other plasma waves like upper-hybrid waves, lower-hybrid waves etc. can also undergo a modulational instability and produce localized field structures. A new type of nonlinear effect comes into play when an electromagnetic wave propagating through a plasma is strong enough to drive the electrons to relativistic speeds. This leads to a propagation of an electromagnetic wave in a normally overdense plasma, and the coupling of the electromagnetic wave to a Langmuir wave in the plasma. The relativistic mass variation of the electrons moving in an intense electromagnetic wave can also lead to a modulational instability of the latter.
The text presented here is an extended english version of a report by the authors which appeared in April 1983 at the Institute of Cosmical Research of the Academy of Sciences of the GDR in German. It covers several selected topics on nonlinear wave-plasma interactio,ll in a treatment based on a hydrodynamic plasma description. Thus, no attempt has been made to give a comprehensive view on all aspects of the interaction of strong electromagnetic waves with plasmas. The text is partly introductory and presents partly current results. The authors hope that it will be of interest to students and scientists not only in the field of plasma physics. The authors thank Akademie-Verlag, Berlin and Birkhiiuser-Verlag, Basel for their encouragement to prepare the English manuscript and Mrs. Ch. Geier for carefully typing the final off-set version. Klaus Baumgiirtel Konrad Sauer Berlin, in April 1986 Contents Preface 5 Introduction 9 General References 13 Part I Basic equations 15 1 Hydrodynamic plasma description 15 2 Basic equations for high-frequency processes 19 3 Basic equations for low-frequency processes 25 References 28 Part n Elements of linear wave propagation 31 4 Linear wave propagation in plasmas 31 4. 1 Linear wave equation 4. 2 Penetration of a plasma by an electromagnetic wave 34 4. 3 Resonance absorption 38 References 43 5 Structure resonances 45 5. 1 Resonances at s-polarization 46 56 5. 2 Sl'l'face wave resonances 5.
Plasma Waves discusses the basic development and equations for the many aspects of plasma waves. The book is organized into two major parts, examining both linear and nonlinear plasma waves in the eight chapters it encompasses. After briefly discussing the properties and applications of plasma wave, the book goes on examining the wave types in a cold, magnetized plasma and the general forms of the dispersion relation that characterize the waves and label the various types of solutions. Chapters 3 and 4 analyze the acoustic phenomena through the fluid model of plasma and the kinetic effects. These chapters also describe the averaging process for the fluid element motion using expanded Boltzmann equation for each species in a velocity moment expansion, truncating the expansion at some suitable level, depending on the particular problem. The remaining four chapters discuss the effects of adding sharp boundaries, slowly varying inhomogeneities, nonlinearities at several levels, and turbulent plasmas. Supplementary texts on complex variables and the special functions in plasma physics are provided in the concluding section of this text. The book is an advanced text for graduate students who have had an introductory plasma course at some level.
Dynamical systems and Nonlinear Waves in Plasmas is written in a clear and comprehensible style to serve as a compact volume for advanced postgraduate students and researchers working in the areas of Applied Physics, Applied Mathematics, Dynamical Systems, Nonlinear waves in Plasmas or other nonlinear media. It provides an introduction to the background of dynamical systems, waves, oscillations and plasmas. Basic concepts of dynamical systems and phase plane analysis for the study of dynamical properties of nonlinear waves in plasmas are presented. Different kinds of waves in plasmas are introduced. Reductive perturbative technique and its applications to derive different kinds of nonlinear evolution equations in plasmas are discussed. Analytical wave solutions of these nonlinear evolution equations are presented using the concept of bifurcation theory of planar dynamical systems in a very simple way. Bifurcations of both small and arbitrary amplitudes of various nonlinear acoustic waves in plasmas are presented using phase plots and time-series plots. Super nonlinear waves and its bifurcation behaviour are discussed for various plasma systems. Multiperiodic, quasiperiodic and chaotic motions of nonlinear plasma waves are discussed in presence of external periodic force. Multistability of plasma waves is investigated. Stable oscillation of plasma waves is also presented in dissipative plasmas. The book is meant for undergraduate and postgraduate students studying plasma physics. It will also serve a reference to the researchers, scientists and faculties to pursue the dynamics of nonlinear waves and its properties in plasmas. It describes the concept of dynamical systems and is useful in understanding exciting features, such as solitary wave, periodic wave, supernonlinear wave, chaotic, quasiperiodic and coexisting structures of nonlinear waves in plasmas. The concepts and approaches, discussed in the book, will also help the students and professionals to study such features in other nonlinear media.
The work is a theoretical and experimental study of two particular cases of nonlinear wave interaction in a plasma column. The frequencies of the waves are of the order of magnitude of the electron plasma frequency. Ion motions are neglected. In the first part of the report, the nonlinear coupling of slow waves on a plasma column is studied by means of cold plasma theory. The quasistatic approximation is used to simplify the analysis. The case of a plasma column surrounded by an infinite dielectric in the absence of a magnetic field is also examined. The linear properties of slow waves are reivewed, and solutions are obtained for use in the nonlinear theory. The second part of the report is devoted to nonlinear scattering from a plasma column in an electromagnetic field having its magnetic field parallel to the axis of the column. In the linear regime, the plasma column exhibits series of multipole resonances. A warm plasma analysis using a scalar electron pressure and a nonuniform electron density profile is presented. (Author).
Although the mathematical theory of nonlinear waves and solitons has made great progress, its applications to concrete physical problems are rather poor, especially when compared with the classical theory of linear dispersive waves and nonlinear fluid motion. The Whitham method, which describes the combining action of the dispersive and nonlinear effects as modulations of periodic waves, is not widely used by applied mathematicians and physicists, though it provides a direct and natural way to treat various problems in nonlinear wave theory. Therefore it is topical to describe recent developments of the Whitham theory in a clear and simple form suitable for applications in various branches of physics.This book develops the techniques of the theory of nonlinear periodic waves at elementary level and in great pedagogical detail. It provides an introduction to a Whitham's theory of modulation in a form suitable for applications. The exposition is based on a thorough analysis of representative examples taken from fluid mechanics, nonlinear optics and plasma physics rather than on the formulation and study of a mathematical theory. Much attention is paid to physical motivations of the mathematical methods developed in the book. The main applications considered include the theory of collisionless shock waves in dispersive systems and the nonlinear theory of soliton formation in modulationally unstable systems. Exercises are provided to amplify the discussion of important topics such as singular perturbation theory, Riemann invariants, the finite gap integration method, and Whitham equations and their solutions.
Now in an accessible paperback edition, this classic work is just as relevant as when it first appeared in 1974, due to the increased use of nonlinear waves. It covers the behavior of waves in two parts, with the first part addressing hyperbolic waves and the second addressing dispersive waves. The mathematical principles are presented along with examples of specific cases in communications and specific physical fields, including flood waves in rivers, waves in glaciers, traffic flow, sonic booms, blast waves, and ocean waves from storms.
"Blurb & Contents" Culled from the thousands of papers published in American Institute of Physics Soviet Translation journals during 1987 and 1988, this reprint collection presents 91 of the Russia's finest papers on semiconductor physics and technology. In their selections, the editors were advised and assisted by leading experts in the field from both Russia and the United States, resulting in a collection objectively representing only the most important and enduring Russian contributions to semiconductor physics and technology.
The outcome of a conference held in East Carolina University in June 1982, this book provides an account of developments in the theory and application of nonlinear waves in both fluids and plasmas. Twenty-two contributors from eight countries here cover all the main fields of research, including nonlinear water waves, K-dV equations, solitions and inverse scattering transforms, stability of solitary waves, resonant wave interactions, nonlinear evolution equations, nonlinear wave phenomena in plasmas, recurrence phenomena in nonlinear wave systems, and the structure and dynamics of envelope solitions in plasmas.