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A "twin flame" refers to a twin soul that is seeking self-transformation along its personal path. This self-transformation-the understanding of "Key" life lessons-is essential to the joint mission of twin souls, for the twin flames are bound together in an agreement to help mature each other's karmic evolution. In Twin Flame Code Breaker, Dr. Harmony guides you in preparing for the arrival of your twin flame. Specifically, she guides you through the crucial work that you must do to first achieve a higher self-love that will unite you with the Creator. Your self-love will then send out vibrations that will bring your twin flame to you. She also sheds light on the common difficulties of the twin-flame reunion, for this journey is not a simple one. The purification of the karmic past can be intense and even frightening. Yet when the barriers are cleared, it is then that the twin flames can unite completely and make their way to true happiness. Giving you the tools to enlighten yourself as well as a way to harmonize with your twin soul, Twin Flame Code Breaker is essential for understanding this sacred relationship.
Your Twin Flame was designed for you as your Ultimate Lover, perfect partner, friend, and everything you desire. You know them by the feeling you have in your heart. You may have already met, or just know deep down they exist, somewhere. This book will show you how to bring them from "out there," into your life and what to do once you are united.
Find and Develop a Profound Relationship with the Other Half of Your Soul More than a soul mate, your twin flame is the only soul that has the same spiritual DNA as yours—the piece that is crucial to your soul's evolution. This book is key to not only identifying your twin flame, but also nurturing a partnership that is deeper than any other. While you can have many soul mates, only one soul can be your twin flame. Psychic medium Leslie Sampson walks you through the history of twin flames and the various methods for finding your divine partner, including numerology, astrology, divination, Akashic Records, and more. You'll also enjoy inspiring stories from Leslie's clients and personal life that show the extraordinarynature of twin flame relationships. With this book's guidance, you can find your twin and, together, evolve your soul to a higherlevel of consciousness and divine understanding.
If you are reading this right now you have been guided here by a higher power for a reason. Nothing in life is a coincidence. Now I must warn you, this is a love story told like no other. This a not just a love story to finding your soulmate or twin flame, but the path back to finding yourself and the love within. The truth is, if you can't love yourself, who can love you in the way that you deserve to be loved? This is my personal diary as to how my entire life changed with a thirty-second hug. Yes, a hug that triggered a kundalini spiritual awakening. As I hugged this person who I had not seen in over twenty years, I felt this fireball of energy ignite within my root chakra, and within seconds that fireball of energy shot out the top of my head like a firework. I felt a burning feeling through my entire body. As he walked away to get in the truck to go home, I thought, "Why are you leaving me here? Take me home with you. I love you." Weird thought to have, considering I was married and had been with the same person for fourteen years at that time. As this person I hugged drove out of sight, I felt as if my heart had been thrown out of my chest and stabbed to death. I went back inside my house. Nothing seemed right anymore. I became very sick and tired. I felt like a completely different person. The rose-coloured glasses came off and I saw my life for what it really was. This was the beginning of my journey into the dark night of the soul. Throughout this book I explain exactly what happened to me. Everything from the kundalini spiritual awakening, spirit, chakras, telepathic communication, different soul connections, dream-sharing, astral travel, past-life regression, different types of therapy, reprocessing trauma on a soul level, healing inner-child wounds, manifestation, how to control spiritual gifts, leaving an abuse cycle and so much more. If you are currently looking outside yourself for your soulmate or twin flame, I encourage you to read my book. If you have already found your twin flame, I hope my story can help you on your journey. If you are are seeking guidance for any spiritual awakening or looking to enhance your spiritual gifts, I have tips throughout the book as to what I did to embrace my gift instead of fear it. My story may sound crazy, and to be honest when I read it I can't believe all of this stuff is actually happening to me. I admit it can be unbelievable at times, as these things can be scary. I assure you this is all 100% true-this is real, this is me. This is my story . . .
You've probably heard of soul mates, but have you heard of Twin Flames? Think the concept of soul mates, but take it 1,000 steps further. The essence of a Twin Flame Journey is the concept of true, unconditional love. Just like Osiris and Isis, Aphrodite and Aries, Jesus and Mary Magdalene, there are many Twins walking their path to transcend 3-D limitations and obstacles in order to come together in Divine Union with their Twin, their Divine Counterpart. The goal is to create a new template for love, relationships, and connection in this Earthly realm. This guidebook is for anyone who thinks they may be on a Twin Flame Journey and it explores how to best navigate this challenging and thrilling path.In this guide, we'll help you: -Understand the concept of true, unconditional love-Learn the truth about "energetic chasing"-Discover more about mirroring and distortion energy-Learn about the tools you'll need for your Journey-Deal more effectively with Separation and learn more about Higher Realm communications-Learn how to forgive and surrender to the process-Better endure your Dark Night(s) of the Soul-Understand more about karma, past lives, and how they can impact your connection-Learn to accept and embrace karmic relationships as part of the process-Discover the meaning of the golden thread, and much more.
This workbook has been created to go alongside the book "Twin flames and the Event". Working with the exercises in this workbook will hugely affect your spiritual evolution and will assist you to very quickly become one with your higher self. In this workbook, you will find many exercises that will support you on a very deep level to transform from the third-dimensional caterpillar to a fifth-dimensional butterfly. Billions of books have been created in the world, and you were drawn to this book for a reason. Your higher self has brought you to this book, and that is because this book contains codes that are specifically connected to you and your evolutionary journey toward spiritual mastery, also known as Eternal Remembrance of your perpetual innocence as a child of God. Absolutely stunning a reflection of your utmost highest spirit and soul shinning though you are a truly remarkable lady who inspires the world to shine - Stella.
You weren't looking for romance, but a person appears in your life and turns your world upside down. Your heart beats uncontrollably, you have a deep sense of home, and you feel as if you could stare into their eyes forever. The person may not even be your type. In fact you may find that they are way older or younger than you. Upon knowing them you encounter huge obstacles such as religious, cultural, socio-economic, or martial status differences. Yet you both find something magical in this connection. Chances are you've met your twin flame. Twin flame romance is a crazy ride that can feel like insanity. Most have no idea of the relationship ride they're about to embark upon. Yet it's one that has been written in their heart since before they were born. Learn about what most twin flame couples encounter in this course of this love connection and the main purpose of the twin flame relationship. But most of all discover if you are, in fact, a twin flame and ways to reach twin flame reunion.
Welcome to the TRUTH... Your soul led you here. Your soul is orchestrating everything, and it wants nothing more than for you to be with your twin flame.Unfortunately, most of what you think you know about twin flames isn't true...and believing it is actually keeping you and your twin flame apart.In her debut book, TWIN FLAMES EXPOSED, author and twin flame facilitator, Elle Hari, reveals the most common myths and misinformation that are constantly being spewed by so-called experts regarding twin flames, and how these untruths are actually keeping you and your twin flame physically apart or stuck in the frustrating push/pull relating dynamic.The first book in a series, it also acts as a prelude to - and essential first step along - the process of magnetizing your twin flame (back) into your physical life for good. Forget about stages, clearing karma, healing or any of that other nonsense. You can be with your twin flame when YOU'RE ready to do so...even if you've NEVER met your twin flame, aren't sure if you've met your twin flame, aren't on speaking terms with your twin flame or your twin flame is seeing someone else.As you resonate with what's contained in this book, you'll release your limiting beliefs and open the door to the process of aligning with your self and your twin flame. YOU are in charge of being with your twin flame, and there's only one way to do that...through the soul. You will finally understand why there's so much confusion and turmoil regarding twin flames, and how to begin the process of relating with your twin flame in the way you truly desire.Although this book is written in a refreshing, straight up, down-to-earth and less "woo-woo" style than most books in this genre, make no mistake...this book holds the key to opening the ONLY door that could make a stable physical relationship with your twin flame possible in this lifetime.
Twin Flame telepathic communication is triggered at the beginning of the Kundalini Awakening process. At the beginning of the Ascension phase.When you energetically merge with a Twin Flame, are connected to the Source. Twin Flame merging happens through sexual encounters or through intense emotional interactions in the physical life or in dreams.When you merge energetically, your dormant Twin Flame connection is activated. Your psychic abilities are amplified. Even though you have never had psychic abilities before, Twin Flame Telepathic communication grows instantly, and rapidly overnight. When you energetically interact with your Twin Flame, your Souls are brought online. You feel connected to your higher consciousness.Namaste!