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I don't know what I'm doing but I feel like I have to do it. A sentence that matches a lot of moments of my life. And also this book by the way. I just couldn't keep all of these thoughts to myself anymore because my head feels like it's gonna explode. Like on a daily basis. And who knows, maybe some of you think while reading this book (if someone's ever gonna read it...) "#OMG I can relate!"
This is for anyone who has ever felt lost in life, and thought they were the only one. The only one not knowing what to do. The only one struggling to choose a path. The only one behind in life. Because I have lost count of the many times I have felt this way in my 20s, only to find that the people around me were feeling the same. Over the past decade, I have lived in seven cities across three continents and changed careers from politics to tech and journalism. Farewell to my 20s is a collection of intimate stories and conversations with friends that offer a window into the different lives I have lived, and what I have learnt along the way: from leaving home to choosing a path and finding the courage to change when your present no longer fulfils you. I hope this book will remind you that being yourself is the most inspiring thing you can do, and that it is never too late to pursue the things you truly want to. Because it always seems impossible, until it's done.
Being in your twenties is weird. Things change and life happens. Growing up, failing and lots of first-times-feelings. It is about heartbreak, failing and loosing yourself but also getting up again, growing and learning to appreciate. This book is what you want it to be for yourself.
not fully an adult but not a teenager either more lost than found but fully ready to live and to give between here & there my 20s led me everywhere: from love, loss, heartbreak, doubt, uncertainty, to developing a sense of identity and self-love, to lots (and lots) of mistakes, getting back up and trying again, more heartbreak, some adventure, traveling alone, idealism and finding my way to feminism, unemployment, internship over internship, finding a deeper meaning to life while simultaneously surviving the day-to-day pains, and ultimately to finding myself who I am and where I want to go
Ab wann fängt die Zeit an, so plötzlich schnell zu vergehen? Und wieso genau bringt sie dann auch noch so viele Veränderungen mit sich? Wann ist der richtige Zeitpunkt um das Leben zu beginnen? Und was genau bedeutet das eigentlich? Diese Fragen stellt man sich wohl am allermeisten in den Zwanzigern. Diese Jahre können toll, kompliziert, schrecklich, wunderschön und alles zugleich sein. Und genau darum soll es gehen - wie geht man eigentlich mit dem Gefühlschaos um, das das Älterwerden mit sich bringt? "'Cause no one told me life would be messy It's all so scary in your 20s" - Bow Anderson
Plato believed that love is the motivation that leads one to try to know and contemplate beauty in itself. This happens through a gradual process that begins with an appreciation of the appearance of physical beauty and then moves on to an appreciation of spiritual beauty. Have you ever been in love? How would you describe it? What if we all have the wrong impression about what love really is? This is a book about searching for love and the meaning of life.
In a room suspended between worlds, a man drifts through the fragmented remnants of his mind. Isolated from the pulse of society, he becomes ensnared in a labyrinth of shifting realities. Through his window, he glimpses the world beyond, but each glance reveals a different truth, drawing him deeper into a vortex where time stands still, and meaning dissolves. Obsessed with figments of his disordered mind, unaware of the hours slipping by, he loses himself in the corridors of his thoughts, never noticing as the years silently accumulate. His life becomes a series of illusions, each more vivid and deceptive than the last, until the final moment of clarity reveals the truth: he has aged a lifetime in a single day. In this surrealistic tale, the boundaries of reality dissolve, and the very fabric of existence is questioned. Is the world outside the window more real than the one inside your mind?
Reading someone else's lines made me understand mine, so: Can we lay in bed and read poetry like nothing else is there just me, you and the sentences between us? Die Schönheit der Wunden: depressed, lost, queer and full of lovely and drowning occurrences Wann hört es auf, wann fang ich endlich an?
Embark on a journey through the beauty of life's imperfections. From "Bleeding to Healing" explores the many facets of growing up. It captures the tumult of youth, the complexities of friendships, the highs and lows of love and loss, and the first steps into adulthood with its accompanying fears of the unknown. Divided into distinct phases, bleeding, bargaining, dreaming, growing, and healing, this evocative collection reflects the path from who we were to who we are becoming. Through personal experiences and imaginative stories, these pages invite you to reflect on and enjoy life's messy and wonderful ups and downs.