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Three experiments are conducted to study the effect of the turbulent waves on the transport of fast ions and thermal plasmas. In the first experiment, strong drift wave turbulence with linear geometry is observed in the Large Plasma Device (LAPD) on density gradients produced by a plate limiter. Energetic lithium ions orbit through the turbulent region. Scans with a collimated ion analyzer and with Langmuir probes give detailed profiles of the fast ion spatial distribution and the fluctuating fields. The fast-ion transport decreases rapidly with increasing fast-ion gyroradius. Unlike the diffusive transport caused by Coulomb collisions, in this case the turbulent transport is super-diffusive. Analysis and simulation suggest that such super-diffusive transport is due to the interaction of the fast ions with the low-frequency two-dimensional electrostatic turbulence. The second experiment studies the dependence of the fast ion transport on the nature of the turbulent waves. Strong turbulent waves with cylindrical geometry are observed in the LAPD on density gradients produced by an annular obstacle. The characteristics of the fluctuations are modified by changing the plasma species from helium to neon, and by modifying the bias on the obstacle. Different spatial structure sizes and correlation lengths (Lcorr) of the wave potential fields alter the fast ion transport. The effects of electrostatic fluctuations are reduced due to gyro-averaging, which explains the difference in the fast-ion transport. A transition from super-diffusive to sub-diffusive transport is observed when the fast ion interacts with the waves for most of a wave period, which agrees with theoretical predictions. The transport of thermal plasmas under electrostatic waves is explored in the third experiment. Sheared azimuthal flow is driven at the edge of a magnetized plasma cylinder through edge biasing. Strong fluctuations of density and potential are observed at the plasma edge, accompanied by large density gradient. Edge turbulence and cross-field transport are modified by changing the bias voltage on the obstacle and the axial magnetic field strength. In cases with low V bias and large Bz, improved plasma confinement is observed, along with steeper edge density gradients. The radially sheared flow induced by E x B dramatically changes the cross-phase between density and potential fluctuations, which causes the wave-induced particle flux to reverse its direction across the shear layer and forms a transport barrier. In cases with higher bias voltage or smaller Bz large radial transport and rapid depletion of the central plasma density are observed. Two-dimensional cross-correlation measurement shows that a mode with azimuthal mode number m=1 and large radial correlation length dominates the outward transport in these cases. Linear analysis based on a two-fluid Braginskii model suggests that the fluctuations are driven by both density gradient and flow shear at the plasma edge.
For a few seconds with large machines, scientists and engineers have now created the fusion power of the stars in the laboratory and at the same time find the rich range of complex turbulent electromagnetic waves that transport the plasma confinement systems. The turbulent transport mechanisms created in the laboratory are explained in detail in the second edition of 'Turbulent Transport in Magnetized Plasmas' by Professor Horton.The principles and properties of the major plasma confinement machines are explored with basic physics to the extent currently understood. For the observational laws that are not understood — the empirical confinement laws — offering challenges to the next generation of plasma students and researchers — are explained in detail. An example, is the confinement regime — called the 'I-mode' — currently a hot topic — is explored.Numerous important problems and puzzles for the next generation of plasma scientists are explained. There is growing demand for new simulation codes utilizing the massively parallel computers with MPI and GPU methods. When the 20 billion dollar ITER machine is tested in the 2020ies, new theories and faster/smarter computer simulations running in near real-time control systems will be used to control the burning hydrogen plasmas.
This book revisits the long-standing puzzle of cross-scale energy transfer and dissipation in plasma turbulence and introduces new perspectives based on both magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) and Vlasov models. The classical energy cascade scenario is key in explaining the heating of corona and solar wind. By employing a high-resolution hybrid (compact finite difference & WENO) scheme, the book studies the features of compressible MHD cascade in detail, for example, in order to approximate a real plasma cascade as “Kolmogorov-like” and to understand features that go beyond the usual simplified theories based on incompressible models. When approaching kinetic scales where plasma effects must be considered, it uses an elementary analysis of the Vlasov–Maxwell equations to help identify the channels through which energy transfer must be dissipated. In addition, it shows that the pressure–strain interaction is of great significance in producing internal energy. This analysis, in contrast to many other recent studies, does not make assumptions about wave-modes, instability or other specific mechanisms responsible for the dynamics – the results are direct consequences of the Vlasov–Maxwell system of equations. This is an important step toward understanding dissipation in turbulent collisionless plasma in space and astrophysics.
For more than a decade, the study of microturbulence, driven by ion temperature gradient (ITG) drift instabilities in tokamak devices, has been an active area of research in magnetic fusion science for both experimentalists and theorists alike. One of the important impetus for this avenue of research was the discovery of the radial streamers associated the ITG modes in the early nineties using a Particle-In-Cell (PIC) code. Since then, ITG simulations based on the codes with increasing realism have become possible with the dramatic increase in computing power. The notable examples were the demonstration of the importance of nonlinearly generated zonal flows in regulating ion thermal transport and the transition from Bohm to GyroBoham scaling with increased device size. In this paper, we will describe another interesting nonlinear physical process associated with the parallel acceleration of the ions, that is found to play an important role for the steady state turbulent transport. Its discovery is again through the use of the modern massively parallel supercomputers.
Presents the papers from a conference, the purpose of which was to advance the understanding of the transport of heat across magnetic fields in high temperature plasmas by presenting the latest theoretical, computational and experimental results for ion temperature gradient driven transport.
For a few seconds with large machines, scientists and engineers have now created the fusion power of the stars in the laboratory and at the same time find the rich range of complex turbulent electromagnetic waves that transport the plasma confinement systems. The turbulent transport mechanisms created in the laboratory are explained in detail in the second edition of 'Turbulent Transport in Magnetized Plasmas' by Professor Horton.The principles and properties of the major plasma confinement machines are explored with basic physics to the extent currently understood. For the observational laws that are not understood -- the empirical confinement laws -- offering challenges to the next generation of plasma students and researchers -- are explained in detail. An example, is the confinement regime -- called the 'I-mode' -- currently a hot topic -- is explored.Numerous important problems and puzzles for the next generation of plasma scientists are explained. There is growing demand for new simulation codes utilizing the massively parallel computers with MPI and GPU methods. When the 20 billion dollar ITER machine is tested in the 2020ies, new theories and faster/smarter computer simulations running in near real-time control systems will be used to control the burning hydrogen plasmas.