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Readers of the New Testament can find its treatment of tradition confusing. Many of the customs in its pages are Jewish, and therefore foreign to non-Jewish believers. Yeshua (Jesus) sometimes corrected those observing religious customs, yet at other times he said they SHOULD have observed them. Paul appears to do the same in his letters, for twice he instructs non-Jewish believers to keep the Jewish customs he passed on to them. Is there some way to determine which customs are "good" and which are "bad"? The methods used by the prophets of the Older Testament (TANAKH) as well as the writers of the Newer Testament did leave readers guidelines to divide seeds of truth from tradition, and then to separate a tradition grown from truth from a "taredition" grown from a different seed. The most important consideration in the prophets', Yeshua's, and the apostles' instructions is the sincere heart that holds justice, mercy, and faithfulness as the weightier matters of any religious custom.
Casting cultural controversies in a whole new light, an eminent philosopher presents bold, new theories that take into account scientific advances in physics, evolutionary biology, economics, and cognitive neurosience.
"Peter, do you love me?"This question and Yeshua's response to Peter are a key to unlocking the mystery of the Gentiles and Chanukkah, a holiday that most non-Jews believe is unique to Judaism. The prophesied Messiah was to restore the kingdom to Israel; that is, he was to regather the lost sheep of Israel who disappeared in various deportations by conquering empires. Yeshua, however, had earlier hinted that there were other sheep to gather, sheep that were not of the fold of First Century Judaisms. Although the Jews of the First Century anticipated the return of all Israel, they did not strongly associate Messiah's work with a gathering of sheep from among the nations who were not "native-born," but born strangers to the Covenant. The many conquests of Israel and Judah by idolatrous Assyria, Babylon, Greece, and Rome had not left many Jews concerned with the spiritual plight of the Gentiles. Yeshua, however, declined to deal only with Rome to demonstrate that he was indeed the Messiah and King of the Jews. The prophecy and plan was much bigger.Messiah must also be the King of Kings of all nations, the great Shepherd sent of the Father from Heaven to restore flocks of men to the one fold of Israel as foretold in the Prophets. Had Yeshua acted at that time, the "leaven" of the Holy Spirit could not work among the dough of the nations. Yeshua tells his disciples that they are a vital part of Messiah's extended work, a work intended to result in the "fullness of the Gentiles" who would hear his voice. These sheep would be found in the remotest parts of the Earth, and they would be reconciled to the Holy One of Israel through a shepherd-king.The Bible has been surrounded by witnesses as it traveled through time. Unless we go back to the witnesses, the people that it was written about, the history, and the culture in which it was written, readers come away with a less accurate picture of what the Bible is communicating. The Bible requires readers to appreciate those inside stories, to understand the authors and their audience as though we were there. Without that context, parts of Bible become one of those 'family things' that only those who are part of the family will understand. The Seven Shepherds relates the family stories so that many centuries later, readers can comprehend hidden meanings that were never really hidden. This book opens up nuances that family would have known and connected, but an outsider would have missed, such as the special dates, the family traditions, the stories of uncles and aunts in times past, or the bad neighbors. The Seven Shepherds of Hanukkah invite readers of Scripture into The Family of Israel and its dynamics.The Seven Shepherds takes the reader on a prophetic journey from the beginning pages of Genesis all the way to Revelation and the eventual release of the Adversary at the conclusion of the Seventh Millennium.
Love Letters from Golok chronicles the courtship between two Buddhist tantric masters, Tāre Lhamo (1938–2002) and Namtrul Rinpoche (1944–2011), and their passion for reinvigorating Buddhism in eastern Tibet during the post-Mao era. In fifty-six letters exchanged from 1978 to 1980, Tāre Lhamo and Namtrul Rinpoche envisioned a shared destiny to "heal the damage" done to Buddhism during the years leading up to and including the Cultural Revolution. Holly Gayley retrieves the personal and prophetic dimensions of their courtship and its consummation in a twenty-year religious career that informs issues of gender and agency in Buddhism, cultural preservation among Tibetan communities, and alternative histories for minorities in China. The correspondence between Tare Lhamo and Namtrul Rinpoche is the first collection of "love letters" to come to light in Tibetan literature. Blending tantric imagery with poetic and folk song styles, their letters have a fresh vernacular tone comparable to the love songs of the Sixth Dalai Lama, but with an eastern Tibetan flavor. Gayley reads these letters against hagiographic writings about the couple, supplemented by field research, to illuminate representational strategies that serve to narrate cultural trauma in a redemptive key, quite unlike Chinese scar literature or the testimonials of exile Tibetans. With special attention to Tare Lhamo's role as a tantric heroine and her hagiographic fusion with Namtrul Rinpoche, Gayley vividly shows how Buddhist masters have adapted Tibetan literary genres to share private intimacies and address contemporary social concerns.
Many are called but, few are chosen for a prophetic anointing: prophetic relate to a prophet or prophetess power of discernment to predict a future: anointed one in consecration {set apart} holy sacred one these are venerator worshipers they express their profound respect toward God, in hell storm these are venerator worshiper, they dont stop to cry or have a pity party venerators is highly respect of God whether it reunion, or family union, gathering of pleasure, fun, activities or weekend visits holidays gathering or special occasion, you will know the venerator they have a prophetic anointing that alert them; other word they are fully conscious of the silent sins around them. venerator have power with God; to see within the body exposing the very act of sin venerator will guard his /her anointing they will cease companying with such people which interfere with their sacred worship: venerator is peculiar, like treasure of gold their destiny is durable; everlasting, for it kingdom destiny.