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You're anxious all the time, experiencing panic attacks over and over, and maybe afraid to leave your house or to be left alone for even a few minutes.. You are avoiding simple things like driving, eating in restaurants, attending family functions, or going to the supermarket. You are terrified of the next wave of anxiety or the next panic attack. Your anxiety problems are ruining your relationships, your family life, and your career. Your anxiety problems have you afraid, confused, lost, and feeling hopeless. How did you get here? What went wrong? You've tried so many things, but nothing has cured your anxiety? What can you do now? The Anxious Truth is a step-by-step guide to understanding and overcoming the anxiety problems that have plagued you for so long. This book, written by a former anxiety sufferer, best-selling author of "An Anxiety Story", and host of the The Anxious Truth podcast will walk you through exactly how you got to where you are today, why you are not broken or ill, and what the true nature of your anxiety disorder is. Next, the book will walk you through what it takes to solve your anxiety problems, how to make an anxiety recovery plan, then how to correctly execute that plan. The Anxious Truth isn't always what you want to hear, but it's what you NEED to hear in order to solve this problem once and for all and move toward the life you so desperately want. Based firmly on the principles of cognitive behavioral therapies that have been shown over decades to be most effective in treating anxiety problems, the Anxious Truth will teach you how to move past your anxiety symptoms, past endless digging for hidden "root causes", and into an action oriented plan that will help your brain un-learn the bad reaction and fear habits that have gotten you into this predicament. The Anxious Truth will take the cognitive mechanism that got you into a corner, throw it in reverse, and use it to your advantage, backing you out of this jam and into a life free from irrational fear and needless avoidance. More than just a book, The Anxious Truth goes hand-in-hand with The Anxious Truth podcast ( and the growing and vibrant social media community surrounding it. Read the book, listen to five years worth of free podcasts chock full of helpful advice and information, and join a large online community of fellow anxiety sufferers that are done talking about this problem and ready to actually take action to solve it. Change is possible. No matter how long you've suffered with your anxiety issues, you can get better. The Anxious Truth will tell you what you need to hear and will arm you with the information, understanding, and skills you need to get the job done. Let's do this together!
Discover Your Truths & Fulfill Your Dreams If you have ever doubted yourself, your life’s path, beliefs, or questioned what is True, prepare to illuminate the path to Your Personal Truth. This is the best path. It is the one you are called for and that you must go on, or you will be left feeling unfulfilled, as if you missed out on something essential from life. We all have our unique journey to live, and nothing is more worthy than pursuing this path for yourself. The point of this book is not to impose any particular beliefs, ideas, philosophies, or Truths on you. Instead, the focus is on helping you find your truth in a way that allows you to achieve your dreams and goals. Can you think of something that you know to be True without any doubt? When you know something to be True, it becomes a deep part of your life, and you know it to be true with your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, experience, logic, and intuition, then you can get to a point where no one can take this Truth away from you. The only one who can release yourself from an old Truth that is no longer working and replace it with a new and more valid one is yourself. With Your Personal Truth, you can regain control of your life’s direction and take the power you have always had but perhaps never realized, which is the power to determine what is true for you and what is not. Ultimately, Truth is a journey, not a destination. When you choose to walk this path, you will unlock deeper parts of yourself, discover your highest ideals and values, find purpose, and live by your truth with every thought and action. Internationally bestselling author I. C. Robledo discovered that his path was to seek Truth at 16 years of age. Since then, he has been searching for truth, and now he wishes to teach you how to discover Your Personal Truth. This endeavor has led to meaning, a transcendent level of awareness and understanding, self-knowledge, and the ability to focus on worthy paths and avoid false ones. Inside, you will learn to: - Discover your truths, rather than waiting for someone to give them to you, which would be a mistake - Identify critical values that are worth living by (with a list of 100 values to consider) - Unlock the deepest parts of yourself by remembering, uncovering, recovering, discovering, and creating yourself - See that there are infinite truths in the universe, and we must choose the ones that work for us - Communicate with a version of yourself that is 20-30 years older (via an imaginative exercise) to help unlock your best life path - Perceive a scale of lies, and see that some lies are worse than others - Test your truths to see which ones are valid and which ones were just faulty assumptions - Move toward the paths that lead to confidence, awareness, happiness, and growth, and move away from the paths that lead to negativity, pain, and feelings of being lost. This book is a one-of-a-kind practical resource for better living. At the end of every chapter, you will find key questions and an activity to ensure that you benefit from the lessons. Learn to live by your Truth and become the best version of yourself with Your Personal Truth. Your Personal Truth will help you to discover the truth for yourself, to peel away the falseness and lies around you, and see the reality as it actually is. There is the false, then there is the real and whole truth, and we must learn to see it for ourselves. If you are attracted to what is truly true, real, genuine, actual, and the universe as it is, and accepting it and working with that rather than being in denial, then this book is for you. Only harm comes from denying the truth of this life, so that is to be avoided. We should avoid lying and liars, as this just moves us away from the reality as it is. Did you know that what you believe can affect your personal truth? Whether you are a believer in something or not can determine whether it will manifest and become the reality of your life. Truth is what the universe wants us to see. It is in love and in our everyday being, if we just open our eyes to it. Truth seekers are quite rare, but necessary in this world that has much nonsense, noise, and chaos (or perhaps even bullshit). Is finding truth in the cards for you? Was it ever something to be found, anyway? Explore such ideas here. Sometimes people can be brainwashed and not even know - it is vital then to pursue our own truth, to avoid this ever happening. This book is ideal for thoughtful, spiritual, and introspective (or possibly introverted) souls. It is also useful for those who have been searching for and seeking the truth but struggled to find it. Your Personal Truth will surely benefit life coaches, mental health counselors, advisors, therapists, psychologists, and other leaders as well as their clients. If you are pursuing or looking for truth, this book will help to open up a truthful Tao, way, or path for you. (If you are concerned, I do not claim to give you the truth, but just to open up a way for you to find it for yourself.) Understand that whether God, holiness, a deity or deities, or religion plays an important role in your life or not, this book makes no claims to contain the truth, but rather, will help you discover it or rediscover it for yourself. I do not hold the truth. You do. Arrive to your enlightenment, understanding, awakening, and greater insights. Similar authors you may have enjoyed include Mark Manson, Jordan B. Peterson, James Clear, Don Miguel Ruiz, Robert Greene, Charles Duhigg, Mitch Albom, Oprah Winfrey, Eckhart Tolle, Brené Brown, Napoleon Hill, Rhonda Byrne, Admiral William H. McRaven, Jonathan Haidt, Timothy (Tim) Ferriss, Ryan Holiday, Anthony (Tony) Robbins, Stephen R. Covey, and Shawn Achor. Similar genres of books you tend to read will be nonfiction, self-help, self-improvement, personal development, mind and brain improvement, philosophy, applied psychology, biographies and memoirs, education, learning, academic textbooks, health, mind & body, business and investing, new age, religion and spirituality, and Christian books. If you liked Telling Yourself the Truth: Find Your Way Out of Depression, Anxiety, Fear, Anger, and Other Common Problems by Applying the Principles of Misbelief Therapy by William Backus and Marie Chapian, The Honest Truth About Dishonesty: How We Lie to Everyone--Especially Ourselves by Dr. Dan Ariely, or My Experiments With Truth: An Autobiography by Mahatma Gandhi, Lying by Sam Harriss, Affirm Your Truth: The 12 Secrets to a Truly Amazing Life by Aaron Kennard, Logicomix: An epic search for truth by Apostolos Doxiadis and Christos Papadimitriou, or The Truth Taught by All the Buddhas by Bhikkhu Revata, then you won’t want to miss this book. Your Personal Truth is available as an eBook, as a paperback book, and as an audiobook. Pick up your copy today by scrolling to the top of the page and clicking BUY NOW. Editorial Review Issac's (I. C. Robledo's) latest book is a deep dive into the link between our thoughts and our behavior. For those that want to understand themselves (and thus others) better, this book is a can't miss. It gets straight into the hard facts of our daily incongruities that we grow used to - to our detriment. Your Personal Truth can and will help you live a more authentic life, and one that is filled with a metric ton of daily fulfillment. - Patrick King, Social Interaction Specialist, Bestselling Author
Where God confronts darkness: The Book of Outcomes is a blueprint for the survival of humanity and the battle between Light and dark. It contains key messages of The Golden Rule - treating others as you would wish to be treated. The Book of Outcomes integrates Eastern and Western philosophies and addresses all the required components, including leadership, socio-economics, the environment, technology and climate change. This is where God, The One, casts Light over darkness and helps every human being to become fulfilled in life and afterlife, helping every culture, belief, and human science, to learn and grow. The Book of Outcomes enables every faith system, community and science of the common good to unite and sustain, through shared values, as One.
This book is truly from my heart to yours. It is for those of you who deeply desire to feel authentically expressed, authentically joyful, and authentically at peace. It is simply a companion for you as you decide to confront the fears, shames, guilt, and indoctrination that has controlled your life and your decisions up until this point. I promise you, I do not have all of the answers. I am simply a pilgrim on this journey, alongside you. However, I am open to share my experience and what I have learned so far. Breaking away from a religious upbringing that taught it was the one and only True way of God, that taught that Hell was a possibility and that natural and good desires were sinful was not easy. It still has its residual effects on the psyche. Disappointing and letting down loved ones who feel I may be on the wrong path was also not easy. However - journeying into the unknown in order to follow the promptings of my heart was necessary. It is where I was being beckoned, and I listened. Are you being beckoned somewhere scary? Are you needing to confront something deep within yourself that you have been ignoring for quite a while? Please allow this book to accompany you along the process of healing why you have resistance to discovering your fullest self, and why you are scared of losing the love of others. And please, let me know how I can be of service to you.
A compilation of two best-sellers--Telling Yourself the Truth and Telling Each Other the Truth --explains how to replace wrong thoughts with true thoughts to overcome inner pain and strengthen interpersonal relationships.
Dive into a transformative journey towards authenticity with "How to Be Real in Life: Harnessing the Power of Truth." In a world veiled by illusions, this guidebook illuminates the path to living in alignment with our deepest truths. Discover the profound impact of honesty, overcome fear, and cultivate integrity in your relationships and communication. Through introspection and actionable steps, unlock the power within yourself to live a life of purpose, fulfillment, and genuine connection. Embrace authenticity and transform your life today.
Showing you how to embrace your truth, by cutting through the bullsh*t to get to your best life. In this powerfully insightful, no holds barred look at the internal obstacles holding us back from living our true potential, author Amy Goldberg shows readers how to identify, defeat, and deconstruct the inner barriers preventing us from taking decisive action. BE YOUR TRUTH is an inspirational, funny, well-aimed wake-up call guaranteed to galvanize anyone who thinks they are not good enough.
We all have a hidden truth. Be it a talent or wish, a fear or a trauma, it can prevent us from living a completely fulfilling life. Learn to dig deep into your psyche, embrace your true nature, and achieve your ultimate success by revealing your truth!Being true to yourself is the most important task you're given in life. It's not a new concept, but it's one that's remarkably difficult to embrace. Open your heart and mind to what Your Hidden Truth will share with you, and learn how your hidden truth could be the difference between complacency and a life of fulfillment.
The author, a computer science professor diagnosed with terminal cancer, explores his life, the lessons that he has learned, how he has worked to achieve his childhood dreams, and the effect of his diagnosis on him and his family.